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Traffic Calming Measure - Proposed Speed Humps

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by The Broadlands Community, Oct 25, 2022.

  1. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Now that the speed indicator sign is gone from Ridgeway Drive, I am seeing a resurgence of folks speeding to and from up the hill near Stone Hollow Road. Since there are no speed humps going to be installed on this section of the road between stone hollow and Heritage Oak, they will continue to speed there unabated.

    Deputies aren’t worth calling because I’ve done that in the past and they stayed a total of 10 mins before leaving.

    Enforcement is a joke and I say this because the speed sign indicator that was left on Ridgeway the past two weeks had the “Strictly enforced” text flashing intermittently along with the speed limit shown (if any when a car is close by)????? Who was doing the enforcing during that time? There was no one from LCSO waiting to bust speeders at that time and if they do come (at another time with a marked car no less) — the most they will stay is no more than 10 mins as they get bored and leave. *scoffs*.

    If they use a unmarked car and stay much much longer, they will, without a doubt, be able to issue tons of tickets! Now, that’s effective.

    So much for tax $$$ at work.

    BDLNDLVR Active Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    The number that voted was really low because the residents were told that if they did NOT want speed bumps in Broadlands they did not have to vote. Only residents who wanted speed bumps needed to vote. My neighbors and I were flooded with “reminders” to vote yes if we wanted speed bumps both online and with flyers placed in our mailboxes for at least a week during the election. Clearly most Broadlands residents did not want speed bumps in their neighborhood so they did not vote.
  3. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    Why don't we just think about moving forward? Clearly there is no community solution so can the HOA set up another Town Hall with Supervisor Glass or Sheriff Chapman?

    The people whom we elect should be accountable.
  4. CapsFan2015

    CapsFan2015 Member

    Jun 16, 2015
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    Not sure why they would stop the road survey short of stone hollow. Did they do the study and determine that speed humps couldn’t fit there because of the hill? I remember seeing that speed humps can’t go on/near hills. If this section of ridgeway wasn’t in the study, then I’m sure we can convince them to do a study on this part before 5 years.

    Hopefully the speed humps further up Ridgeway would slow down drivers enough by the time they get to stone hollow to make a difference. Wouldn’t speed humps on some of ridgeway be better than no speed humps at all?
  5. CapsFan2015

    CapsFan2015 Member

    Jun 16, 2015
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    It was stated at the speed hump community meeting that the residences of each community would be most responsible for getting the word out and helping their neighbors vote, etc. Clearly with the tiny postcard mailers, all together missing mailers, and posting the wrong email address to get your voter ID if you didn’t get a mailer, whoever was responsible for making sure the community members can properly vote didn’t do such a good job. So clearly, if communities wanted speed humps then it was up to individuals to spread the word. I suspect this is why Broadlands-4 passed while other didn’t. Those flyers and people going door-to-door clearly helped.

    And what kind of voting system is it where people who don’t vote counts as “No”?? That’s not how county budgeting or any other ballot measure work. People who don’t vote shouldn’t get a vote. What about the people who missed their mailers, or are out of town, or emailed to get their voter ID and got a “wrong email address” message, etc? It was meant to be an uphill battle for the Yes votes, which makes it even more impressive that Broadlands-4 passed. Clearly, Broadlands-4 residences want speed humps.
  6. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    The “rules” are created by VDOT.
    In my opinion, VDOT doesn’t really want to be installing speed humps, so they set the bar high to get them approved.
  7. CapsFan2015

    CapsFan2015 Member

    Jun 16, 2015
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    Couldn’t agree more. The deck was certainly stacked against speed humps. Which is why Broadlands-4 actually passing the vote was a big deal. Which is why I thanked everyone for voting…which was criticized on an earlier post….oh well, the most important thing is our roads should be safer in the near future.
    Mike likes this.
  8. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    To respond:

    Why put speed bumps closer to the school and not considering the area near Heritage Oak and Laurier Drive? That area is so flat and not a hill-

    Cars and truck and van coming down from the hill before Stone Hollow aren’t going to slow down at all because there is no incentive nor speed bump to do so. VDOT, in my opinion, did a flawed study not thinking about the “other side” of the neighborhood. Putting only two speed bumps closer to the Mill Run Elementary is asinine to me because only the houses near the bumps are going to benefit from the increased safety….not the other homes nearer Stone Hollow?

    I understand a speed bump cannot be installed right before a hill — but not in the sweet spot between Heritage Oak and Laurier?? Gimme a break….people fly down the hill and don’t really slow down that much going past Heritage Oak towards Laurier.

    In short, homes around this section got shafted safety-wise. I am so sure VDOT will demur if asked why they ignored this area of the neighborhood.

  9. CapsFan2015

    CapsFan2015 Member

    Jun 16, 2015
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    I’m with you, Capricorn. If it were up to me, I’d put speed bumps all up and down ridgeway. I’m happy we got what we got but I definitely recognize it falls short or meeting everyone’s needs. Should another vote arise, and I get a vote, I will happily vote for more speed humps further up ridgeway.

    My only guess as to why they would focus on putting speed humps closer to the school is because that is where the majority of people (mainly kids) are consistently crossing the street.

    Of course I would have liked them to extend the study for more of Ridgeway and would gladly support this if a study is done.
  10. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Cap and Caps-
    As I recall the briefing, the locations are not set in stone and can be moved around a bit.
    Suggest you work with the HOA who can then work with County and VDOT in determining a final location for them.
  11. The Broadlands Community

    The Broadlands Community Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2014
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    The results of the study was posted in the original documentation earlier this year. You may review again in the attached.

    Attached Files:

  12. CapsFan2015

    CapsFan2015 Member

    Jun 16, 2015
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    Now that the dust is settling from the Holiday season, does anyone know what the next steps for the Speed Humps installation? Do we know any dates when installation will begin? I'm probably looking for an answer from the HOA as I assume community members may not know - but if you do know and want to respond, great!
  13. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    On Tuesday AM- I saw a BMW making a right onto Ridgeway from the Village of Waxpool neighborhood and it was going at a VERY HIGH rate of speed (prolly around 40-45 MPH - tried to get license plate but it was going so fast and couldn’t read the plate- it slammed on brakes momentarily before swerving left onto Stone Hollow Road- must have been in a hurry to go to work-

    SLOW the EFF down! Ridgeway is NOT Daytona 500, ok??? You aren’t impressing any of us with your “racing” BMW.

    Geeez- wish a cop could throw speed spikes on front of him to pop his tires to slow him down! Pretty reckless driving if you ask me !
  14. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Not on the HOA, but I think I know the process. The ball is now in the HOA’s court. The HOA needs to decide if they want to move forward with the speed humps. If the answer is yes, then the Board of Supervisors will vote on it. It is unlikely they will vote differently than the HOA. The county will then install them to VDOT’s specifications. Not sure what their timeline would be.
  15. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Discussion is planned for the January 10 meeting. I suggest all those that have an opinion attend and let your voice be heard.
  16. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    Probably best we give up our dream of traffic enforcement.

    Montgomery County, MD sounds like they are ready to give up


    I called and spoke with a Deputy in the LCSO, he sounded defeated when I asked about more enforcement.

  17. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    Keep in mind that our LCSO Sheriff is an Elected Official. If you're not happy with how LCSO is being run/managed, let your voice be heard and VOTE. I've given up on Sheriff Chapman years ago - his only concern these days seems to be photo ops and furthering is political career/ambitions.
    Capricorn1964 and jblnd like this.
  18. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    I agree with you on the current LCSO -- Its just came out in the news that he's running for his 4th (!!!) term (4-year term) as the LCSO Chief.

    I am NOT too thrilled to hear that he's running for his 4th term....He says that we have a low crime rate? Makes me laugh.

    We have RISING crimes in our community and it will get worse later as Metro has opened up and more and more people moving into the area. We have more people being robbed of their FedEx, UPS, Amazon packages from their homes and the sherriff's offices are not really doing very much about it...not even doing any stings of any kind. More robberies are happening lately--cars being stolen, catalytic converters and tires being stolen (A vehicle on my street was propped up on bricks and all 4 tires were stolen!), and more. How can the heck he say the crime rate is LOW?? By whose standards? His own?

    Secondly, I agree with you that his concern is just photo ops and furthering his own POLITICAL career and ambitions.

    Most, if not all, deputies tend to have the same political philosophies as their boss has. If you disagree with his politics, you may find yourself out of a job. Next, if he's elected for 4 years, there is NO way you can remove him from office (unless there is a recall but you have to have a huge voter turnout to make that happen) whereas if you are a police chief —like in Fairfax County— you can be fired by the board of supervisors if you don't meet their standards and performance goals. I am of the belief that the LCSO police probably tells his staff to go "easy" on drivers in the area to appease them so he can stay elected in office for so long. We need someone that is TOUGH on traffic scofflaws in this area....Just read Exelsior's comments that the deputies seem defeated! They really aren't helping the county much because less tickets = less fines for the county. We have a LOT of speeders in this county and we need deputies who have the "b*lls" to pull them over and give them tickets in our neighborhood streets and even on major streets such as Belmont Ridge Road and Claiborne Parkway....too many people speed on those roads these days knowing rarely are any deputy patrolling those roads.

    Ive seen people speed up to 80-85 MPH on Belmont Ridge and even on Claiborne Parkway....its ridiculous that this is happening.

    I think its time for someone else who really wants to crack down on the growing crime and speeding issues in this county and the LCSO Chief isn't doing us any favors but for himself (the longer he stays in office, the fatter his pension is going to be at OUR expense!!)

    To me, he’s not a law enforcement official- just a politician giving orders to his minions. Nothing more.

    Last edited: Jan 10, 2023
    Excelsior likes this.
  19. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    Great post!

    My big list of complaints:

    1) Speeding/racing around Broadlands, to include the HOA streets, Claiborne, Waxpool

    1) Noise pollution from cars with illegal/modified exhaust systems.

    2) Non-attentive drivers who don't know what a 4-way stop is and blow through them

    Note, I have two number 1's!

    The Deputy I spoke with about my two number 1's said some things just seem un-enforceable and the optics of traffic stops for those things lead to worse things for officers and the community, aka, defeated.
  20. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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