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FIOS Changes

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by timmerjw, Dec 10, 2024.

  1. timmerjw

    timmerjw New Member

    Dec 10, 2024
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    Hello community,

    I did not see any recent posts from members about the recent FIOS change proposal. I noted that in order to maintain the status quo we MUST fill out the form. Strange but true. I tried to get a sense of the cost for individual accounts and found that the current 1GB rate is upwards of $85.00 / month. Is this for real? It seems we should keep the current bulk membership account. Any input from others about this? Apparently we need 800+ letters to be sent or mailed to the office in order to MAINTAIN our bulk rate and package. There's nothing like betting that 800 plus residents are going to actually respond to a sweeping contract change! Currently I am also on hold for one hour plus just to talk to a Verizon specialist about fees. Do I really want to deal with this when I have a billing problem my internet has an issue?
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2024
  2. Zeratul

    Zeratul Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2006
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    Not sure if you moved here recently, but this issue only applies to the "Southern Walk" portion of Broadlands. You should have received letters in the mail as well as multiple e-mail communications. Yes, when looking at cost, we will get a much better deal as a community. Plus, it is the only way, currently, to get wired internet service. You can also sign the notice, take a picture and e-mail the HOA... might be easier and today is the last day.
  3. timmerjw

    timmerjw New Member

    Dec 10, 2024
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    I agree with you, Dave. But what are the odds that 75% of residents will actually mail in a form to keep the status quo? Even if it's financially beneficial to residents? Very low indeed. This initiative has been poorly planned and executed to the detriment of the community. By the way, whoever said it was a good idea to begin this move that will cost the majority of residents more dollars? Discounts for Verizon wireless customers benefits only Verizon, who wants only to keep subscribers on their books.
  4. cogs

    cogs Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    Comments like that makes me feel like a politician. :)

    BTW, timmerjw, attend the meeting to ask the questions.
  5. timmerjw

    timmerjw New Member

    Dec 10, 2024
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    Not constructive. What are the odds that 75% of residents will actually mail in a form to keep the status quo? I guess we'll see...Even if it's financially beneficial to residents? Very low indeed. Every word you type is paid for by the residents. Among 1300 residents, I am one of those who is unable to attend the evening meetings.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2024
  6. cogs

    cogs Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    I guess you are unaware how HOAs function. All the board members are volunteers. It's an unpaid thankless job.

    I can understand you not able to attend the meetings. But the board expects the members to read the communications and seek clarifications, if any, using the proper channels.
  7. L0stS0ul

    L0stS0ul hmmmm

    Nov 3, 2003
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    I think the point being made is that unless someone goes door to door soliciting feedback and making people aware, there is 0 chance 75% of the community will even know about this change. Honestly, it should have been the other way around with 75% yes to change the status quo
  8. Zeratul

    Zeratul Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2006
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    You and I tend to think alike... and this is exactly what I brought up at the annual meeting in November. Unfortunately, it does not matter that the Board sent several letters and e-mail messages. Not enough homeowners will "get" the message. I think the Board puts too much faith in people actually caring. For us old timers, we have seen this "show" before. Perhaps I will be shocked with the response rate but past experience tells me otherwise. I attended the meetings, I asked my questions, I voiced my concerns about going door to door... and I even volunteered. I managed to get 4 responses on my street. And please stop saying that we should attend meetings and step up and volunteer. YOU chose to run for office, YOU chose to volunteer. Thank you for your efforts, but if you don't like the criticism, just quit.
    PDILLM likes this.
  9. cogs

    cogs Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    It is absolutely possible, if the community takes up the cause and does door-to-door. And the community takes action if the vast majority of the community is in favor of the proposed motion. We will cross that bridge in the coming months. The continuation of BBA not an issue which the vast majority of the community passionately supports, IMO.

    In my interaction with the community members, these are the two opinions I often heard:
    1. Give me whatever is cheapest.
    2. If we have an option for retail services, why is HOA still in business.

    Our mailer explicitly stated that members who do not favor continuation of Bulk Billing Agreement need not send in the consent forms. IOW, they need not take any action.
    So, we cannot assume ALL homeowners who did not respond because no one knocked on their door.

    Board did not make choice.
    You can blame the developer for provisions incorporated in the CC&R.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2024
  10. cogs

    cogs Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    Relax buddy! Lets hook up for an happy hour after the 1st of the year.
  11. L0stS0ul

    L0stS0ul hmmmm

    Nov 3, 2003
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    This basically guaranteed the community won't get the cheapest option which was your #1 opinion. The answer to number 2 is number 1. Assuming a non vote is for what the board wants is a self fulfilling prophecy right there. Congratulations, I know many have been trying to get this bulk arrangement destroyed for 20 years and this board did it. Everyone get ready to pay more since we have no choice but to go with Verizon standard rates as the other options suck.
    BDLNDLVR likes this.
  12. Weasel

    Weasel Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    So, did it pass? I’m assuming no?

    How many responses were actually received?
  13. cogs

    cogs Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    834 consents are required to pass. We received 368 consents. Waiting for late mailers to come in. Shall have a final count on Friday.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2024
  14. cogs

    cogs Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    Developer obligated the SWHOA to manage the OpenBand Telecommunications contract. Once the BBA was terminated with OpenBand, there is no obligation for SWHOA to continue managing the telecommunications contracts.

    After nearly 2 years exploring all options and numbers of legal consultations, the board decided let the community decide future of BBA.

    BTW, are you a SW resident?
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2024
  15. L0stS0ul

    L0stS0ul hmmmm

    Nov 3, 2003
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  16. Zeratul

    Zeratul Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2006
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    So if my math is right, we got around a 29% response from the community, even slightly less than what I expected. Well, at least now we can get moving on the push to dissolve the SWHOA.
    cogs likes this.
  17. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    I think that also would require a supermajority vote in the affirmative to happen.
    No easy task to get.
  18. cogs

    cogs Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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  19. Weasel

    Weasel Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    So can the ballot be setup so the default (no response) vote count as a vote to dissolve?
    sri_n and BDLNDLVR like this.
  20. Mike

    Mike Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    verizon spent the capital to bring fiber to each of our houses in the SWHOA and we have a decent rate for internet. Now, since they are the ONLY fiber to our houses they can jack up the price because we have no choice. laying fiber is an extremely intensive project so in order for us to get pricing competition from other providers, they will need to make a significant capital investment in out neighborhood.

    what exactly is the benefit for getting out of the bulk agreement? in addition, we had a special support line to call. now, we are roped it with everyone.

    well, if this is the reason for the SWHOA is to manage the bulk contract from verzion, i guess there is no need for them anymore. perhaps we should send out a letter to all the residents having them fill out a form if we want to keep the SWHOA.

    i think this decision is short sighted and they way it was handled could have looked at differently.

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