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Loudoun Times:News - Broadlands residents: Board doesn't speak for us

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by NewzBot, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Actually, Clyde's required a Special Exception and what you see is an "improved" buffer. You can now figure what you will get with a by-right buffer!!
  2. RobVT3

    RobVT3 New Member

    Jun 20, 2007
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    I'm not bothered by the buffer at Clydes one bit. I assume only the anal retentive Broadlands residents who have nothing better to do with their lives really are. I don't know where you people find the time to worry about this stuff.
  3. broken skull

    broken skull New Member

    Mar 3, 2007
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    Why build a hospital? It's much more fun to leave the land undeveloped and continue complaining about the economy and all the restaurants and stores closing. /snark.
  4. spaceguy1

    spaceguy1 New Member

    Sep 21, 2008
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    I am pretty well versed in county zoning ordinance and by-rights development. What HCA has shown as a possible by-rights usage in their presentations to the Planning Commission and BOS is not consistent with the zoning ordinance requirements for setback, buffering, or undeveloped area. It also represents approximately twice the square footage of office space delineated in the concept plan for Broadlands (1.2 Million SF vs less than 700K Sf in the original Concept Plan). The renderings on your Residents for BRMC web site are a feeble attempt to show why you, who live far enough away from the proposed hospital not to feel any nadverse impact, think this is a beter use of the land. In actuality, the proposed hospital will more than double the square footage and quadraple the traffic than the propsed office complex defined in the concept plan in place when we bought our homes in Broadlands.
  5. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    spaceguy.. hrm.. so you put all your weight into a 'concept plan' shown by the developer. Yeah.. they are DEFINITELY going to be giving you the fairest view of what is possible :pofl: The developer is trying to SELL YOU THE PROPERTY of course its going to be all roses. The developer showed you a CONCEPT - not what was to be built. What is to be built is up to the owner who develops the property. That is not Terrabrooke or Van Metre anymore.. so any concepts shown by them ARE IRRELEVANT.

    And your comments before about the requirements being comparable for by right vs what is proposed is comical.
  6. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Along with your other less than accurate facts that I'm tired of rehashing, I have absolutely nothing to do with the Broadlands Residents for BRMC site.
    And don't presume to know what I think because, again, you are wrong. I would prefer the hospital over a by-right Office Park on that site regardless of where I live.
  7. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    I call your bluff. Please present ACTUAL facts to back up these statements. I also want the facts to be from reliable sources and not 'marketing' from either Inova, CCB, or other organizations having a vested financial interest in the project. I want to see precisely where it is stated that traffic will increase 4X and the hospital will have more than 2X the square footage of the potential maximum size of an office complex on that site. Please also state what you are comparing the increases to; are you talking a 4X increase in traffic from what there is today, or what there would be if an office complex built out to its maximum capacity were to be built on that site.

    While you're at it, please tell me how you envision the impact on traffic on Belmont Ridge road over the next 5-10 years if that road is not widened, as it would be if the hospital were built.

    Lastly, I would like to comment on the following statement you made:

    I am assuming that you consider yourself much more knowledgeable in regards to zoning ordinances than most of the Planning Commission and BoS, since you seem to be indicating that they don't realize the irregularities, mis-representations, and inconsistencies with what HCA has presented to them. Might I suggest that you contact the Planning Commission and BoS immediately Monday morning and make them aware of your findings if you feel so strongly that you are right and that HCA is presenting false information to them. Once you have contacted them, please let us know the outcome of your discussions here in this thread. I would be very interested in hearing what their response back to you is.

  8. Skins fan

    Skins fan Tequila fan (100% agave)

    Mar 18, 2004
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    You don't seem to be too well versed in by-right development or zoning.

    First and foremost, a developer CONCEPT plan is nothing more than an artists rendering of how it MIGHT look, not a guarantee of how it will be developed. Current zoning for that property shows that other things can be built there by-right or by special exception. A hospital is listed on the permitted uses for that property by special exception. Inova Loudoun was also built on property which required a special exception.

    It is a fact that this property is zoned to allow up to 1,192,000 SF of office by-right. Again, the CONCEPT plan does not limit the developer of the property in any way. Once the property is sold, the owner gets to decide how they will develop it within the zoning limitations. BRMC is 382,000 SF and there are two medical office buildings which are in the plan that are 200,000 SF each. That is a total of 782,000 SF. Not sure where you went to school, but 782,000 SF is certainly not double the 700,000 SF you claim was in the CONCEPT plan.

    Your claims on the traffic are based on skewed studies commissioned by Inova. Traffic is higher for medical office buildings but those can be built on that property now by-right. BRMC does not need a special exception for the medical office buildings. The claims by the lame Inova consultant that no medical office buildings are built here except for next to the hospital are completely false. He obviously has never visited a doctor at the corner of Ashburn Farm Parkway and Claiborne.

  9. Liz Miller

    Liz Miller New Member

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Or the doctor's offices at Truro Parrish and Chicacoan.

    Or the doctor's offices in Ashburn Village.

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