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Broadlands Hospital

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by joy, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Another thing to consider is how likely local businesses will do better with an influx of a few hundred hospital employees.

    Sure, an office park would do the same but I doubt an office park will have as many employees as the hospital would.
  2. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Children's will be setting up the Pediatric Emergency Room and Services, as well as helping staff it. They will also be sharing many of their specialists between this facility and the one downtown. I got this information directly from them.
    Hope that answers some of your questions.
  3. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    The state requires that property have water and sewer services already available before they will grant a COPN.
    BRMC was looking for approximately 60 acres to build on.
    At the time, this was one of the few parcels of land that fit that criteria. It was also the farthest parcel to the west along the Greenway which, like it or not, offers the fastest transportation through the county.
    Also remember that when Inova asked the county about where to build a hospital in the county, the county staff's answer was loud and clear....as far west on the Greenway as you can build it. This property is it.
    Inova chose not to build one, but went into a failed partnership with Loudoun Hospital. As we all know, they eventually acquired Loudoun Hospital.
  4. Mr Rogers

    Mr Rogers Active Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    Hmmm? Do we need another hospital? Or could the existing one be expanded to accomodate demand?

    It seems that since we are building one only 5 miles (4 as the crow flies), additional beds at Loudoun Inova could take care of the blossoming population for the next 5-10 years.

    Just my .02.
  5. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Ok, but it still would leave us with just 1 hospital. I am all for the competition and a company that will also pay taxes.
  6. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    Redon, just to add to this. I have a child who has been getting services from Children's Hospital since birth. Initially, we had to travel to DC multiple times to meet with specialists, tests, etc. Eventually, we were able to schedule our regular visits with his specialists at Children's Fairfax annex, near Route 50 and the Beltway, which made the drive a LOT more acceptable.

    Now, with the BRMC/Children's Hospital partnership, my child will be able to have access to specialists and to testing facilities less than 5 minutes away. For our family, this is a Godsend. Having access to these specialists, as well as the level of care offered by Children's Hospital facilities, will enable my child to get the best care he needs, quickly and conviniently. Also, if God forbid there's a need for emergency care, the BRMC facility would have access to my child's FULL medical record. Children's Hospital is incredibly state of the art when it comes to 'records'. For example, if we go in for a 'scan', a specialist reviews the scan on the spot, and if there's a need for another type of doctor to look at something that doesn't seem right, they can discuss it on the spot, both doctors looking at the same digital record at the same time, even from remote locations. For us, this is huge; there's very little wait between tests, etc. As a technology guy, I can tell you that from what I was shown at Children's Hospital, the way they can optimize treatment is incredible. And it's a huge timesaver for the families. Sure, INova could probably offer some of the same services, but I trust Children's Hospital with my child's health WAY more than with Inova. They deal with children, and all their staff is geared towards dealing with kids. And they have much better pediatric specialists on their staff than Inova will ever have.

    Finally, I have seen my fair share of doctors, etc. I can tell you that anyone affiliated with Children's Hospital, that we have come across, have been incredible, both in field knowledge, as well as 'personal' skills. It's a very professionally run organization, and it's DEDICATED to children. From the equipment to the people, everything is geared towards children.

    As a Children's Hospital family, having BRMC and it's partnership next door to us is/will be a blessing.
  7. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Mr. Linux, this is precisely what needs to be said if there are meetings held by the BoS to get the REAL pulse of the community on how we feel about BMRC. Someone like ME has NO CLUE how special Children's Hospital is until someone like YOU shares a story.

    how could anyone deny a community that kind of treatment, especially when other benefits are coming along with it- the road improvements, taxes paid, etc? worth a little extra traffic, imho.

    and if HCA doesn't pay their taxes or build the roads, i know some boiz in Joisey that will go after their kneecaps... ;)
  8. Silence Dogood99

    Silence Dogood99 New Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    This is why I have wondered aloud if the partnership with Children's can actually help property values overall--my gut tells me that many families with younger children will find this a huge benefit.
  9. Baywatch68

    Baywatch68 New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    Guess y'all can start pulling your funds out of the fund Lee set up.:clap:
  10. woopity

    woopity cdubs ya know!

    Aug 30, 2006
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    This whole thing is out of control. My mailbox is now receiving letters addressed from the "Concerned Citizens of Broadlands" with regards to this hospital. I'm all for people having a cause....and standing up for what the believe in. What i don't like is when they decide that i need to know about it. Then..after they decide that i need to know about it...they ask me to give them money to fight it. How is my donation of $50 going to help the "Concerned Citizens of Broadlands"? They didn't tell me what my money would be for...just that i should be concerned....join them in their concern...and give them money. I might send them an envelope requesting money...see what kind of response i get.
  11. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    Since this is their first attempt at fund raising my guess is your $50 would go to past expenses for their lawyer fees or other expenses. That lawyer has been on the payroll for months now.

    Here's a little math...

    Most corporate lawyers charge at least $250 an hour and chances are a lot more than that. Let's take the $20,000 they got from Inova. $20000/$250 = 80 hours. This lawyer has sat through countless County meetings, and countless Board of Supervisor meetings listening, writing speeches, and speaking. That 80 hours is chewed up, gone. I am not even considering expenses or law firm administrative fees.

    Let's add in the cost of the CCoB phone calls everyone has been getting. How much is that costing.

    The CCoB also hired a PR director, no telling how much that is.

    This thing is really fishy. There must be another source of income, or a lot more cash is being pushed under the table, away from the public's eye.

    If anyone was considering giving them anything I'd certainly ask some tough questions before writing a check. Or I'd tell them to keep getting their money from Inova. They've got deep pockets.

    BTW, has anyone heard from Donna about how they resolved the whole opt in/opt out controversy?
  12. Winston

    Winston Junior Mint

    Nov 7, 2006
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    We received the letter requesting donations from Concerned Citizens of Broadlands. Sadly, we are neither concerned, nor citizens of Broadlands. Wasted postage.

    *whenever I hear Concerned Citizens of Broadlands, I picture a roomful of women who look just like the original Gladys Kravitz (not the more pleasant looking 2.0 version)
  13. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    LOL - we got the same letter as well and the BRMC mailer.

    Bad enough CCB has used our emails for Spam - now we are getting it in the snail mail, both sides call our house (usually when I am putting the little pea down .:devil2: ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

    makes me think CCB did a "mail blitz" and didn't bother to drill down - regardless it is annoying to have other peoples agenda invade the privacy of one's home (phone calls at dinner or bath time etc).
  14. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    We get NADA. No calls, no mail.

  15. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    dang - teach me the T8er magic...pretty please...is there a DO NOT MAIL list?
  16. rich351854

    rich351854 New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    I have twin 3 year olds that we now take to kennedy krieger and DC Childrens.... the experts we need are not at Landsdowne... but would be at BRMC - not only those that work in the hospital but likely those extra services that parents like me rely greatly on and currently struggle to find in locally.

    I can not wait for this hospital to be build - to all of those that are trying to block this remember a hospital is being built for the community and there are many that need it
  17. Mr Rogers

    Mr Rogers Active Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    You are privy to the list of doctors and specific services that will be available at BRMC? I hope that you don't have the impression that they are building a copy of Children's Hospital out here. To me it appears to be a licensing agreement. I hate to be a killjoy, but you probably with still find the services and doctors that you want are downtown.

    We have traveled to Gaithersburg and Baltimore for my daughter who has mild scoliosis, and to Fairfax for a neurologist for my other daughter's nervous system disorder.
    We will continue to travel to these places, unless the doctors that we currently see happen to move to BRMC. Just because they have a neurologist at Loudoun Inova or the planned BRMC doesn't mean that I will take my youngest. I think that many parents behave the same way.
  18. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    won't this hospital take years to be operational? even if they break ground in 2009, how long before patients are actually being seen- 5, 8 years? I'm asking- not guessing. :)
  19. msflynn

    msflynn New Member

    Jul 15, 2002
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    It is suppose to take 18 months from the time the project is approved until the doors can open.

  20. technosapien

    technosapien New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    They have said that there will be actual Children's doctors available but so far the only service specifically named is pediatric emergency services (however with plans for a pediatric and adolescent psychiatry unit I wouldn't be surprised if they invite CNMC specialists on-board for that).

    I can poll a few contacts I have regarding the availability of certain CNMC services/doctors at BRMC, but that information may not yet be ready for public consumption... so I won't be too optimistic about my ability to get it right now. If I hear more, I'll let you all know.

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