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Home on Ridgeway drive a MESS!!!

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by JERSEY-MOM, May 23, 2009.

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  1. mdcrim

    mdcrim Member

    Nov 4, 2003
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    This thread is worthless without pictures!
  2. Chsalas

    Chsalas Active Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    This thread is a joke. It's apparent that someone has an axe to grind with neighbors and has nothing better to do.

    GET A GRIP Jersey! It's not that bad.

    JERSEY-MOM New Member

    May 23, 2009
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    chsalas there is no axe to grind with the neighbors and I have plenty better to do!! You must be the one with nothing better to do- if this thread is such a joke and you keep coming back to check it out! All you keep saying is it nots that bad. The bottom line IT SHOULDN'T BE BAD AT ALL!
  4. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    I stopped by this evening and 2 gentlemen were hard at work mulching, edging and other stuff. The back yard is very "busy" with lots of landscaping and acceptable yard fillers (wooden kids house, big umbrella). I did not go into the actual yard.

    My opinion, as I give out on occassion ;) is that the yard is not to my personal liking with so much "activity", but I did not see anything to get upset about either. People leave or forget things in their yards all the time. Of course, this was only one visit and the 2 guys may have cleaned up alot. And remember, The HOA cannot regulate aesthetics.

    As for what they store under their deck, I think that is pretty much up to them and there is not much any HOA could do.

    JERSEY-MOM New Member

    May 23, 2009
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    T8erman those two guys work every-weekend adding more and more to the yard. It is not a matter of forgeting things in the yard it is a matter of storing them there for years! Anyhow you can't see from the cul-de-sac view you need to look along his fence line and on the side of the house that does not border the cul-de-sac. Then tell me what you think! We could careless that the yard looks like a carnival just keep it tidy and maintain it.
  6. sharse

    sharse TeamDonzi rocks!!

    May 28, 2005
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    I run past this house several times a week and while I can tell they're working on it, I think the front yard is coming along nicely. I've never run down Mapleton so I haven't taken a close up of the back yard, but at first I wasn't sure what house you were complaining about because from Ridgeway they look fine to me. And I know Brassy lives right there and can see their back yard from her back yard, so I trust her opinion as well.
  7. PowerPlay

    PowerPlay Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    As I read this thread it is quite obvious to me that everyone doesn't think it is that big a deal, but it is to you because 1) you have to look at it everyday 2) you've been dealing with it a long time and 3) what is unacceptable to you does not necessarily make it unacceptable to everyone else.

    That being said, I have dealt w/ the same lack of neatness from my neighbors and truthfully, aside from their grass being too tall, or anything that can be seen from the front, there is nothing the HOA can do. What they store under their deck or on their property in the back is up to them and while I understand your concern that the shovels and things might be easily accessible to kids and vandals, going on their property to retrieve such items would be trespassing and infringing on your neighbor's rights.

    If it has bothered you so much and for so long, perhaps you SHOULD talk to the neighbor again and together show them how they can "neaten" up the yard a bit, maybe even doing it yourself. Yes, not your responsibility but if you don't want to do anything about it, then from what I'm reading here, there simply isn't anything that can be done at this point.

    JERSEY-MOM New Member

    May 23, 2009
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    Thanks PowerPlay! We appreciate all that you have to say. Unfortunetly we have spoken to them and explained our concerns and asked if things could be put away and weeds could be pulled and they will respond a little but then we go right back to square one. We know that the HOA cannot make someone do something. We do not care for the decore of the yard and we are not asking HOA to change that. All we want is for them to clean up the fence line! Also the front of the house has dead shrubs and flats of dead shrubs and flowers that have never been planted - we ask HOA to send a letter and say throw them out. That we know can be done and we don't know why its not. Also you are correct everyone can come and look and say its not bad, but the bottom line is we look at it everyday and can't take it anymore. As far as whats under the deck there are some fire hazards and I know other neighbors have called the fire dept on them to report it. There is also a mice problem there. We know that rotted shrubs and plants are a breeding ground for them. Again decorate the way you like just respect the neighbors around you and clean up and keep it neat. We all live in this neighborhood keeping a house like this brings down the value of the homes around it!
  9. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Jersey - maybe after all these cycles you might click that YOUR expectations of what you want your neighbors to be is not what they are REQUIRED to be and maybe that is why you aren't getting the resolution you want.

    You act like everyone is ignoring you. They aren't. You simply aren't getting the resolution YOU WANT.

    The HOA has guidelines, but the property is still that of the owners and as long as they stay within the guidelines and the laws - they are free to do as they see fit.

    It's obvious your expectations are beyond what they are required to do. So either learn to accept the fact you have neighbors, or move somewhere you do not. You do not get to dictate what your neighbors do.
  10. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Jersey-mom, I would respectively suggest you consider a row of evergreen bushes or similar on your side of the fence. I know this would not address your issues but it would provide relief for your clutter-weary eyes.
  11. KTdid

    KTdid Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    Unfortunately, we cannot pick our neighbors. One of our neighbors never mows the front lawn - the neighbors pitch in and mow it just for aestetics. The only time they hired someone to mow it is when they applied for a helic and had to have the house appraised. Just feel fortunate you do not live in a townhouse. Your situation could be worse.

    JERSEY-MOM New Member

    May 23, 2009
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    Its not a matter of high expectations and having my neighbor live the way I want them to. I thought the HOA had rules about leaving trach in your front yard. They have trash there now -yesterday and always. There are empty mulch bags tucked in the dead bushes as well as flats of dead flowers and bushes never planted. Our fence is getting destroyed because of their unkeep yard. I don't think anyone has taken a close look at the fence line you would be surprized! As far as living with neighbors we have no problems with any other neighbors yards they are basically kepy and CLEAN!! Again all the trash and dead stuff on thier property is a breeeding ground for mice, ants, spiders all kinds of stuff!

    JERSEY-MOM New Member

    May 23, 2009
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    Ktdid be happy you live where you do because the last place anyone wants to live is here next to this neighbor! They have cost us a lot of money due to the fact that they refuse to maintain their home. Wish we were you!
  14. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    I'm mostly staying out of this , but I do want to say one thing. I do know the neighbor JERSEY-MOM is upset with, and I have always found him to be a fine, pleasant fellow that has always been involved with his community and others.
    He is a well respected member of his profession.
    Remember that JERSEY-MOM's opinion is her own and, so far, shared by no one else.
  15. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Obviously it is because your interpretation matches no one else's. The HOA hasn't ignored you, they simply haven't agreed with your interpretation and carried through with what they in their role felt was necessary.

    What you want the property to be, and what they are required to be - are not the same.

    JERSEY-MOM New Member

    May 23, 2009
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    Flynnibus if the HOA requires the property to be weeds and black landscaping paper used as a shed! Then I guess your right our expectations are too high!!

    JERSEY-MOM New Member

    May 23, 2009
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    Vacliff no one is saying otherwise all were saying is CLEAN UP THE MESS!!! Come wqlk the property and then say our opinion is wrong!!!

    JERSEY-MOM New Member

    May 23, 2009
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    I know many of you have not agreed with the thread thus far, but we have lived with it everyday for several years and many of you pass by and glance.The bugs, mice, and piles of dirt and dead plants do not begin to give you an idea of what it has been like for us along our fence line. I should have done a better job of documenting the fence line via photos (but I assumed he would eventually be done), but all I can do is post photos of what it looks like to us today (as a member asked) and this is not a particularly bad day either. The best one was when the entire deck railings were covered entirely by dead vines and vegetables for several weeks during the past year. He just recently had a huge pile of dirt and debris taken out a couple of weeks ago. Please don't tell us that he will get it cleaned up in the morning or soon...it never happens.

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  19. krmckee

    krmckee Member

    Feb 9, 2006
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    Jersey mom, it looks like you live next to a trailer park and not our beautiful Broadlands! I feel for you, I would not want to see that everyday. Looks like the worst of it is hiding behind bushes, not so clear for everyone else to see. The problem is that if they are ignoring the notices and fines, what else can be done??? Maybe if I were you I would show up at the next board meeting. Good luck!

    JERSEY-MOM New Member

    May 23, 2009
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    Here is a better long view of the fence line between the two homes just before today's rain... Ask yourselves if this would be okay for you for months on end?

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