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Can't lift a finger for fellow drivers

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by kholbert, May 11, 2009.

  1. kholbert

    kholbert Member

    Nov 27, 2002
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    Well actually some of us can. We have all seen a driver (perhaps us) lift their finger or honk at after some traffic altercation. Perhaps due to a misunderstanding over a lane change, turn or pass. Some times these altercations escalate into incidents of aggressive driving. In my 6 or so years in Broadlands I've seen area traffic go from bad to worst and driver ettiqutte evaporate. I've read numerous posts on this forum about speeders, distracted and inconsiderate drivers.

    We all have our driving pet peeves. We usually notice when some other driver chooses not to observe a traffic law that we try to abide. Be it speeding, slopping (slowing down not stopping for stop signs), crossing the solid line, weaving, cutting in line, or not signaling (subject of this rant). I think a lot of driver’s aggravation comes from not knowing the intentions of the other drivers. Using our turn signals is the only polite way of communicating our intentions to other drivers. However it seems that due to cell phone use, "no one else does it", or just laziness, turn signals are now rarely used.

    Is it really so inconvenient to simply lift a finger to broadcast your intention to change lanes or turn? “Why did that driver behind me blow their horn when I slowed down to turn into my road?” “Why is this guy slowing down for no reason? Oh I see he’s turning with no signal. Had I known I would have changed lanes so not to impede my progress.” “Gosh darn, I could have pulled out sooner had that car approaching the intersection had on her turning signal.” We’ve all been in these situations. Either the driver of the non signaling car feels like they don’t need to indicate, their left hand is occupied by a phone or device, or they don’t care.

    We have a choice to be more considerate of our fellow drivers. Signaling is courteous and minimizes misunderstandings which may lead to altercations. It makes a good example for our teen drivers who tend to magnify the worst of our bad driving habits. In out “bigger and faster is better” society it is not “submissive” or “slower” to be CIVIL. We feel good when others are polite to us and so we should strive do the same. Get a $20 hands free device for your cell and lift a finger to be polite, not rude.

    Please Use Turn Signals

    VA state seeks traffic fine revenue from non-signalers
  2. Ozgood

    Ozgood Not a space alien

    Sep 27, 2008
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    I love those bumper stickers that read:

    Forget world peace, envision using your turn signals.
  3. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I'd prefer people not drive stupid over signaling. Priorities :)

    I was sitting in the Wal-Mart parking lot on Sunday morning.. a car was backing out of their parking spot in front of me. So I stopped, and put on my blinker to go into their spot. The idiot behind me wasn't tolerant of that, so he decided he had to pull around me on the left (remember, I have my left turn signal on here). Of course to his suprise... DUH.. there is a car backing out of the spot. So of course he can't go anywhere... and now he's blocking that side of the road too.

    Way to go genius. Wait 30 seconds, and maybe it would have been more obvious to you.

    Goes right up with the idiot (in a beautiful Z06 btw) who decided he had to pass me on the left in front of Wegmans AT A CROSS WALK while I was stopped for someone in the crosswalk. To their suprise.. DOH.. they had to stop too when he got around me.
  4. kholbert

    kholbert Member

    Nov 27, 2002
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  5. Ozgood

    Ozgood Not a space alien

    Sep 27, 2008
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    To look at this from another view point, has this ever happened to you?

    You are driving along and wish to change lanes. There is ample space in the lane next to you.

    You put on your turn signal to indicate your intention to change lanes.

    The person behind you, in the lane you wish to merge into, suddenly speeds up to block you from getting into "her" lane.

    This has happened to me more than a few times. I-495 is the worst.

    Even though I try to use my turn signals all the time, in these cases, I can't help thinking to myself: If I had not used my turn signals I could have merged. Which is a really messed up way to think. :)

    Has anyone else been lane-blocked because someone speeded up after seeing your turn signals?
  6. tyger31

    tyger31 Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Yes - it's happened several times to me. But because people NOT using their turn signals really annoy me - I still use them no matter what!!
  7. Pluto

    Pluto New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    It has happened to me several times too.....Worst part is when I want to take the coming exit.....

    Why would anyone want to block the car thats changing lane from left to right lanes? Don't they think probably the other drive is going to take next exit and give him a brake?
  8. kholbert

    kholbert Member

    Nov 27, 2002
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    I've been lane blocked for using my signal just as many times as considerate drivers have "let me in" because I did signal. My VW (and Audis) has a nice feature which will automatically signal 3 times with just a single touch of the turn signal. Doesn't get any easier to lane change signal than that. I understand that some drivers feel that they are "giving away their tactical advantage" by literally signaling their intentions. But we are on public roads not a race track. Today's cars now have turn signals not only on the corners but on the side view mirrors or fenders behind front wheel. A good safety feature since now cars in your blind spot will know you intend to change into their lane. They can then honk at you warn you of their presence. I've avoided several accidents with blind squatters due to this signal feature.
  9. tyger31

    tyger31 Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    I also tend to be more generous in letting people in when they DO signal. I can't understand why drivers are so obnoxious when it comes to common courtesty.
  10. bird

    bird New Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    I find myself using my turn signal even in the dead of morning, when there is not a soul in sight, sometimes even when exiting my own cul-de-sac!! It's just habit to signal. Why didn't other drivers learn this? It's really not optional, is it, it's the rules of the road?!

    However, my pet peeve lately is the distracted, careless, oblivious-to-others driving that occurs all the time because the driver is on the phone!! Get off the phone people! Can't we manage for a short time without conversation? The vast majority of the time when there is a car doing something stupid, I look over and the driver has the cell phone in hand. Why isn't this against the law?
  11. sharse

    sharse TeamDonzi rocks!!

    May 28, 2005
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    Yes... on my BIKE on Claiborne! I looked behind me and had a good distance so I signaled that I was going to move to the left lane. Started to move and this guy sped up. :angryfire: Maybe he's not familiar with the good old fashioned hand signals. I swerve back right, and he passes... so I try again. The car behind me very obviously (and courteously) slowed down and signaled me over. I move left, he moves right and he passed me. I thanked him, he nodded his understanding, and I turned left thankful to not have been hit by that first car.
  12. KTdid

    KTdid Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    I'm with you tyger. It is common curtesy and when drivers fail to signal it makes me wonder what they're like in person. Do they say "please" and "thank you"? Do they cut in lines at the movie theater?

    And, correct me if I'm wrong - can a driver be cited for failure to signal?
  13. kholbert

    kholbert Member

    Nov 27, 2002
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    Yes, you can get a big moving violation ticket for not signaling:

    Failing to give proper signals - A person shall be guilty of reckless driving who fails to give adequate and timely signals of intention to turn, partly turn, slow down, or stop, as required by Article 6 (§ 46.2-848 et seq.) of this chapter.

    I take this to read that if you turn without signaling properly, you’re guilty of reckless driving, which as of July 1st, 2007, carries a civil fee of $350 per year for three years, or $1,050.
  14. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    I believe all those excessive fines were rescinded.
  15. tyger31

    tyger31 Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    I do the same thing! It's a habit and I always use my signals, even at 5:30 am. I agree about drivers using their phones, but I've also noticed people out walking chatting on the phone. Maybe I'm weird, but when I walk - I like the peaceful sounds of nature and don't feel the need to talk on my cell. I see parents out with their kids and usually one of them is on their cell...give it a rest people!
  16. Ozgood

    Ozgood Not a space alien

    Sep 27, 2008
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    It is amazing how human civilization ever survived without cell phones. LoL

    I foresee in the future that whenever someone is involved in a car accident, that the police will pull the driver's cell phone activity log. Just like testing for ETOH is becoming common in accident investigation, so will cell phone useage I predict.

    And, honestly, I don't see anything wrong with the police doing that.
  17. tyger31

    tyger31 Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    I totally agree. I love having a cell, but really don't use it that much....It's a security blanket for me in case of emergencies.......guess I'm old! :)
  18. Brassy

    Brassy Hiyah

    May 25, 2004
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    We believe we drive stealth cars...nobody seems to know we're ther very often. Getting ready to MAD MAX our car! What really gets my goat is if you don't have a car that has hands free tech (I don't) then buy a damn earbud for pete's sake. Get the stupid phone out of your hand!
  19. tyger31

    tyger31 Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Even if they pass a law in VA requiring hands free phones, dit oesn't necessarily mean people will use them. I'm from NYS and it's a law there that drivers needs hands free phones, but I see people ALL the time driving with a cell phone in their hand.
  20. gb10

    gb10 General Lurker

    Dec 21, 2005
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    I'm taking this in another direction, I know, but the same thing happens with ipods. I'm out riding my bike (and I generally have a trailer for my 2-year-old in tow) and someone is walking right down the middle of the trail in front of me. I say "excuse me" and they can't hear me. I end up having to practically yell at them and then I get the nasty look.

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