“Our Neck of the Woods” is the official newsletter of the Broadlands community, which has been enjoyed by our residents for over 20 years. The newsletter serves as the primary communication channel to share HOA news and updates, human interest articles, upcoming events, local news, and more with our residents. It is printed in full color and mailed to residents’ homes before the start of each month, so they can stay updated on events and programs throughout the month.

Our newsletter is an excellent resource for advertising as it serves as our official way of communicating with our residents. We provide a high-quality, full-color magazine that is printed and mailed every month to approximately 3,800 homes in Broadlands. Our advertisers have expressed great satisfaction with the recognition and business they have received by placing their ads within our newsletter. Additionally, we offer website advertising under the Community Advertisers section as another way to promote your business. Please refer below to learn how to get your ad placed.
Contact Jeff Walter, Graphic Communications Group at jwalter@e-gcg.com, 703-818-2700.
Submission of the following items is required by the 1st of the month to ensure placement in the next month’s issue. (i.e. for inclusion in January’s issue, deadline is December 1st):
- CONTRACT: Please contact Jeff Walter at jwalter@e-gcg.com to request a contract.
- EMAIL AD: jwalter@e-gcg.com
- PAY: Enter your full amount due below, select Buy and follow payment instructions:
Checks are accepted by the deadline date. Make payable to Broadlands Association, Inc. 21907 Claiborne Parkway, Broadlands, VA 20148.
For questions, please contact Stassa Collins, Broadlands Association, stassacollins@broadlandshoa.com or 703-729-9714.
Submission of the following items is required by the 5th of the month to ensure inclusion in the next month’s issue. (i.e. for inclusion in January’s issue, deadline is December 5th):
- PAY: Enter your full amount due below, select Buy and follow payment instructions
- $15/month for residents
- $25/month for non-residents
- 40 words maximum
For questions, please contact Stassa Collins, Broadlands Association, stassacollins@broadlandshoa.com or 703-729-9714.
Submission of the following items is required by the 20th of the month to be added beginning the 1st of the following month. (i.e. to start advertising in January, deadline is December 20th):
- PAY: Enter your full amount due below, select Buy and follow payment instructions:
2. WEBSITE Insertion Order Form Click form to see pricing; 150 x 80 pixel limit
Broadlands Our Neck of the Woods monthly newsletter appreciates resident submissions of creative writing pieces, ideas for new columns, interest articles, accomplishments, milestones and photos. Article submissions should be about 300 words and in word format. Photos should be submitted in high quality resolution (min 300dpi). Articles are edited and published at the discretion of the association and are subject to space availability. Submission does not guarantee publication.
Email your suggestions, articles and photos to Newsletter@broadlandshoa.com and include a description in the subject line. Submission deadlines for editorials are by the 10th of each month for inclusion in the next month’s issue, (i.e. Due Jan 10 for Feb issue).
Go Paperless and Opt Out of hard copies of this monthly newsletter. If you would like to receive electronic copies only of this newsletter, please email OptOut@ broadlandshoa.com and be sure to include your property address. You will no longer be mailed a hard copy, but will be emailed a link to the online version. This option saves money and valuable natural resources such as trees. We encourage all residents to enroll in paperless newsletters.
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