In addition to common area maintenance, Heritage Landscape Services (HLS) also provides limited turf maintenance for certain properties paying a special monthly assessment in the following sections:
- Overland Park courtyard homes
- Southern Walk courtyard homes
- Park Glenn villas
- Demott & Silver townhomes
- Hillside single family homes

Landscaped Property List / Assessment Costs / Scope of Services & Management:
If your property is in a section that receives landscaping services, you will be part of the following landscape list and your monthly assessment will automatically include fees for these services. D&S condos are included but not listed individually on this list:
Limited turf maintenance services include mowing/trimming, turf applications, aeration/overseeding, mulching and leaf management. On-site watering is not included in these landscape services. Residents are responsible to water their own property. Damages due to improper water management fall on the owner. Residents who desire additional services outside the scope of what is outlined may do so with another contractor at their own expense. Please review the following Scope of Services and submit your name, email(s) and address to to receive notices when seasonal services occur.
During mowing, HLS will trim along shrub beds, foundations, A/C units, fencing, deck posts, steps, vinyl siding, egresses, mailbox posts, or other areas. As such, owners are required to establish a 3″-6″ weed-free zone around these areas. This is to ensure that they remain in good condition and do not get damaged by the string trimmers. To address these challenges, please review the HLS Landscape Management link below.
Section Notes, click to read>>
The HOA assessments paid by Courtyard, Overland Park, Park Glenn & Demott & Silver townhouse homeowners include limited turf maintenance services, provided by Heritage Landscape Services (HLS).
Notes by Section:
- Park Glen Villas: lawns will be treated only in the front and side yards.
- Courtyard Homes (Overland Park and Southern Walk): entire lawns will be serviced, including fenced areas as long as they are kept unlocked. Access must be available.
- Demott & Silver Townhomes: only beds installed by builder will be mulched and serviced.
- Hillside Single Family Homes: entire lawns will be serviced, including fenced areas as long as they are kept unlocked. Only beds installed by the builder will be mulched and serviced.
Gates that are locked, in disrepair, or difficult to open will not have the backyards/courtyards serviced until access is available. HLS is not responsible for fencing, siding, air condition units/platforms, or structural elements of homes. HLS is not responsible for perennials, plantings and annuals installed by the homeowner. This service does not include bed weeding or dead plant removal or other items not described within the scope of services. HLS is not responsible for irrigation, lighting, invisible fencing or any other personal utilities that are not clearly marked. Chemical Use: If you experience any adverse health effects after the application of any treatment, such as headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting or skin rash or allergic reaction by inhalation or dermal contact, please contact poison control or seek medical attention.
How am I notified of seasonal landscape services?
If you have signed up, the HOA sends emails to notify you of landscaping treatments that occur throughout the year, notifies residents of changes to the treatment dates in case of inclement weather, and alerts you of concerns related to landscape services. To sign up, please send all emails that you would like included in our landscape notifications to: (Please be sure to include your name and address).
2024 Schedule: Seasonal Treatments & Mowing Services
Requests to opt-out of any service must be made to by the deadline noted in the landscape email notice. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact the main HOA office at 703-729-9704.
- Spring Edging (typically Feb-Mar): Week of TBD – residents are responsible to weed beds.
- Spring Mulching (typically Mar): Week of TBD– residents are to remove non-HOA mulch not previously placed by HLS if they wish beds to be serviced with new mulch.
- Mowing (typically Mar-Apr): Begins in Week of TBD, weather dependent. *See weekly mowing schedule section below for details.
- Turf Applications (time frames listed are weather dependent):
- (Feb-Apr) – Week of TBD, weather dependent. All turf areas will receive a fertilizer, pre-emergent crabgrass control and broadleaf weed control.
- (Apr-Jun) – Week of TBD, weather dependent. All turf areas will receive a fertilizer, pre-emergent crabgrass control and broadleaf weed control.
- (Jun-Sep) – Week of TBD, weather dependent. All turf will receive spot treatment of broadleaf weed control for summertime weeds.
- (Oct-Dec) – Week of TBD. All turf areas will receive a slow-release granular fertilizer.
- Aerating & overseeding: Week of TBD (no mowing this week, seed placed only where needed; must mark personal utilities)
- Final Mowing: Nov (your normal mow day may be altered due to Turf App services this week)
- Leaf Management: Nov/Dec, depending on conditions.
*Mowing typically runs April-November, but is weather dependent. Please note that HLS does not bag grass clippings. They mow over clippings to incorporate back into the lawn. If weather conditions prevent or would cause damage to the turf, then the schedule may be pushed until conditions improve. If you wish to opt out of mowing for the week or for a period of time, please inform the HOA directly no later than 12:00pm on the day before your scheduled to be mowed by sending an email to or calling us at 703-729-9704. All requests and communication should go through the HOA, not HLS:
- Hillside Single Family Homes – Thursdays
- Demott & Silver Townhouses – Mondays
- Overland Park Courtyards – Tuesdays and Wednesdays
- Southern Walk Courtyards – Thursdays
- Southern Walk Courtyards along Ridgeway area – Fridays
- Park Glen Villas – Fridays
- Hillside Single Family Homes – Thursday
- Demott & Silver Townhouses – Monday
- Overland Park Courtyards – Monday and Tuesday
- Southern Walk Courtyards and Ridgeway Area – Wednesday
- Park Glen Villas & Ridgeway Area Cont. – Thursday
HLS – Common Area Services:
March Services:
- Spring Cleanup
- Bed edging
- Mulch
- Weekly trash cans and dog stations pick up on going
- Snow stacks removal
- The end of the plow season turf damage and winter debris pick up
April Services:
- Maintenance visits, including: mowing, weeding beds, and trash pickup
- Weekly trash cans and dog stations pick up on going
- IMP monitoring of insect activity as need, will spray as needed
- Continue dead animal pick up and remove from the common areas as need
May Services:
- Maintenance visits, including: mowing, weeding beds, and trash pickup
- First turf application
- Prune shrubs and trees as needed
- Continue IPM inspection of insects as needed and spray any issues as needed
- Installation of approved annuals
- Continue weekly trash cans and dog stations pick up
- Weekly T&M watering of newly installed summer flowers, last fall installed plants, and any trees trees as needed
- Monitor for storm damage and debris and report to HOA
- Homeowner lawn mowing services when requested by the HOA due to covenant violation
- Continue dead animal pick up and remove from the common areas as need
June Services:
- Maintenance visits, including: mowing, weeding beds, and trash pickup
- Continue pruning shrubs and trees as needed
- The second turf application will occur in early June timeframe depending on weather
- Continue IPM inspection of insects as needed and spray any issues as needed
- Continue weekly trash cans and dog stations pick up
- Continue weekly T&M watering of newly installed summer flowers, last fall installed plants, and any trees trees as needed
- Continue monitoring for storm damage and debris and report to HOA
- Continue Homeowner lawn mowing services when requested by the HOA due to covenant violation
- Continue dead animal pick up and remove from the common areas as need
There are several products that HLS uses on the common area for fertilizer and pre and post weed control. All products are mixed with water and applied to the turf only. All of our technicians are certified by the state of Virginia Dep of Agriculture (VADCS) and follow all regulations that are enforced by the state and federal governments. It takes about two hours to dry after the product is applied to the turf and is safe then to walk on the turf. Once it’s dry, it is absorbs into the plant so there is no residual chemical on the leaves. It is a safe way to apply because the chemical is added to water and it’s a very small amount of chemical. The amount is 90% water to 10% chemical. This is a very environmentally friendly and safe procedure. HLS posts a notice near the property prior to the application along with notifying the HOA a week prior and post a noticed after application, once the products have been sprayed on the turf.
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