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Broadlands Hospital

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by joy, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    I have. You might want to recheck yours.

    How about the FACT that Broadlands Blvd is a COLLECTOR Road designed to service MILLIONS OF SQUARE FEET of commercial property?

    One of many possible expansions of the site. And a tertiary hospital would be a good thing. Last week a friend and Broadlands resident had to be flown from Loudoun Hospital to a tertiary care facility in DC.

    It's also a FACT that this helipad will be next to an interstate next to a 6 line highway, behind a 5 story building.

    How about the FACT that both HCA AND Inova been on the record stating that a hospital would not be needed on Rte 50 for 10-15 years. Is that timetable now even longer with the CPAM's being turned down? I see this as a technique to get folks on Rte 50 to not support BRMC. They are being fed the false hope that they will get a hospital sooner.

    How about the FACT that BRMC would bring over 600 additional highpaying jobs as well as millions in property taxes to the county?

    That's great!! What does this have to do with anything?

    Maybe because they've given hundreds of thousands to other organizations like nursing programs, Loudoun County Youth Initiative, Purcellville Teen Center, etc.

    Yeah....the plan submitted by Loudoun Hospital when they had their sycophant members on the Board. And it only gives a preference to location....it does not require it.

    Examples, please.

    Oh, so we should just put our healthcare needs into Inova's hands and just trust them. How many of the additional services at Inova Loudoun are a direct result of what BRMC proposed? Are you implying that another hospital will do nothing to bring in additional services/doctors?

    I agree. The points you presented here are not fearmongering, but points that can be debated with differing viewpoints.

    The threatening of incinerators, medical debris laying around that was photographed in trash cans, sending letters to residents that nightclubs will be built there.....those would be fearmongering.
  2. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    From what I saw at the BOS meeting last night this topic is going to be quite an explosion fixing to happen. This topic was just touched on and one of the speakers that lives close to this hospital did not want it at all. York shut it down as he only wanted to discuss the rt fifty hospital.

    Miller was very impressive last night. I liked how the proposed gas station at 50 and 15 Miller wanted to have it studied a bit more especially about traffic concerns. If he puts in so much concern in to that little project I am positive about the extensive research he will do for this hospital and he will be his own man in his final decision.

    The more I have looked into this hospital behind the scenes the pro hospital downplay the serious negatives or ignore them totally. Many of Cliffs arguments just don't hold water and he downplays the serious negatives.
    Perhaps Cliff you have gotten too close to this to see things objectively anymore and what is really in the best interest of your neighbors.
    No doubt another hospital will be needed but when an site has this much negative contoversy it is time to move on.

    I also heard a rumor that there is talk of york being on the hca board one day and he is too close to the HCA to make an objective decision although I don't know how he voted the last time. Does anyone know how much truth their is to this rumor. It came from a very good source.

    Lee j
  3. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Interesting comment from one who has yet to do any research on the issue, refuses to acknowledge factual arguments that refute his opinions, and refuses to answer simple, direct questions.

    I continue to look at this objectively. Unlike you, who has come out immediately against it and will listen to nothing else. I also give the facts and rationale to support my opinion. I am close to it (.6 miles).

    What "HCA Board?" I think they are a privately owned national company. They are much bigger than just northern Virginia.
    He voted in favor of it last time.
    First I've heard this rumor. I imagine it is just that....now being spread by you.
  4. Mr Rogers

    Mr Rogers Active Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    Almost all enterprises (private, public, municipal) have a board of directors. This is usually a mix of investors, allied industry people with skills and "pull" and any other people that would be supportive of the enterprise.

    You don't think that this project is important to HCA? Even if HCA is bigger than NOVA, they only deal in large projects, and I would assume that EVERY project is extremely important to them. It would stand to reason that they have invested a lot of time, energy and money into this project, and will stick with it until they succeed. I am certain that we have not seen all of the "tricks up their sleeves".

    The machinations that we, residents of the Broadlands and LoCo, are privy to are the proverbial "tip of the iceberg". I am certain that they have a full list of attorneys, PR, Marketing, and other assorted corporate henchmen putting a lot of time and effort into pushing this project through. It is intrinsic to corporate/government relationships, that there is a lot of "watch this wiggling hand, while the other hand is actually doing the 'magic'".

    (Note: I don't automatically accept Lee's statement that a politician is slated to join this board, but stranger things have happened).

    As to your objectivity, I have not seen any suggestion from you that there might be a superior, equal, or slightly less desirable location for the hospital. Your posts are STRONGLY slanted toward going forward with the project.
  5. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    HCA is privately owned now but I don't think it was
    when the bos last voted. Companies go private and public all the time anyway.

    As a matter of fact they were not sure they could financially pull off the private buyout, as they eventually did.

    First I have nothing against this hospital or inova who has given us excellent care as well as the hca reston hospital the very few times we have needed them. So I have only positive feelings about the care from both unlike several here.

    My concern is always been the location location location. And Cliff you certainly have not given me or any of us any current documentation or new studies etc. Do I believe in the non written opinions of your appraisers or relator's well we have a housing crisis in part caused by bad or overly optimistic appraisals. Sometimes it is very difficult to get an objective appraisal if the appraiser was hired by the hospital or anyone that is pro hospital and it would be the other way. A true non involved third party appraisal is what is needed..

    Now Cliff you have gone from a sleepy suburban hospital to an potentially full blown quote from you "One of many possible expansions of the site. And a tertiary hospital would be a good thing." hmmmm Another quote from you "It's also a FACT that this helipad will be next to an interstate next to a 6 line highway, behind a 5 story building" well cliff right across this toll road are a bunch of homes in the farms closer to the hospital and helipad then in the broadlands, so those home owners don't count??? Helicopters are far far louder then any toll road traffic can ever be.. And I could be wrong but the hospital is taller then 5 stories and there are 100 foot high limits which is more like an 9 story building. The school building actually put a roof on it's building not mostly flat like the hospital which will visually and in facr make this hospital appear much taller with people in the upper floors with windows unlike the school building. So privacy is lessened much more to the surrounding homes. then what you get from the school building. I am not sure the school building is at the full 100 foot height limit either which the hospital could go up to.

    But the main fact this is more of the usual special interest that tell us in this county what is good for us and not giving all the facts and down playing the very serious negatives. THis is more out of place development that will not be a good neighor to the adjoining neighbors. The inova rt 50 site is an much larger site almost double in size surrounded at the moment by farmland.

    Lee j
  6. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    I am all for progressing forward. IMO, if we treat this hospital like we treat our roads (build them years after they are needed, if at all!) then Loudoun WILL have a hospital crisis in the near future.

    Maybe we do not need a hospital TODAY but we will need another very soon. HCA is primed and ready to start building. If HCA does not attempt to change locations (which would add additional years to one being built) or simply sells the land, then when will Loudoun get the additional health care it needs? 10, 15, 20 years down the road?
  7. technosapien

    technosapien New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    Possibly because that discussion is a red herring -- HCA owns THIS plot of land, the debate/discussion is around whether or not they build a hospital on it. Discussions of other locations HCA could or should build a hospital are distractions from the central issue.

    Possibly. I could be wrong.
  8. Genco

    Genco Active Member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Marilyn B. Tavenner, Secretary of Health and Human Resources
    Marilyn Tavenner was appointed Secretary of Health and Human Resources in January of 2006, by Governor Tim Kaine. She began her career as a nurse, working in critical care and emergency department settings.

    Most of Marilyn’s career was spent with the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA). She started as a Staff Nurse and then became CEO of both Johnston-Willis and Chippenham hospitals, finishing her service to HCA as Group President of Outpatient Services in Nashville, Tennessee. She also served as Chairman of the Virginia Hospital Association and was a member of the Board of Trustees of the American Hospital Association.

    Marilyn’s community interests include the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the March of Dimes. A long time native of Virginia, she received both her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Masters in Health Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University. She is also a Fellow with the American College of Healthcare Executives.
  9. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Mr York also worked for an developer which he finally quit during the last election. SO york is no saint only he ran against somebody that that would be far far worse for this county if elected. Yorks employment by an developer was very controversial during the election as much as Steven Snows, but this last election was more about everyone wanted change from the last bos, and York would of never been elected if soomeone like Miller ran against him. and many voted just for the change not because they liked the candidate. As some die hard republicans said on another blog they would of voted for anyone other then Steven Snow. I was impressed with Miller at last nights performance at the bos. :) I also told him I would not bother him during his term, other then present my facts about anything I feel strong about thru the proper venues and not call him on the phone or bug him personally about county business.

    So far he is doing an excellent job.

    Lee j
  10. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Any company that will push and bully there way onto a piece of land that has this much controversy does not rate high with me. Look at the firestorm they have created one of the largest I have seen in this county other then the out of place residential developments.

    Wonderful people how they will bully their way to build on this site, no matter what.

    Lee j

  11. Mazinger

    Mazinger New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    What exactly is the history of this land?

    When was it bought by HCA?
  12. technosapien

    technosapien New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    I thought the Board of Supervisors asked HCA to build a hospital in the location specified.

    Yes, yes, yes, they later asked HCA to move to a different location, but if I read my notes right, HCA already owned the land by then and had developed plans to build, and gotten a COPN and were just awaiting the exception approval... and the BOS was new, having been turned over by a recent election.
  13. Silence Dogood99

    Silence Dogood99 New Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    It's not like they own the land, invested in having plans drawn and getting approvals.
  14. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    I have heard this argument too many times when they made a bad decision and now want to craM IT DOWN OUR THROATS.

    If you saw the BOS meeting last night there is a volcano about to erupt and this hospital and it was not on the agenda but it was brought up passionately as a negative until HCA supporter york shut it down before it got out of control

    This is an volcano about to erupt and about to divide this community has nothing before. You all are just seeing the tip of the iceberg on this thread. When a project is located correctly you don't get this kind of huge reaction.

    Lee j

    Lee j
  15. Silence Dogood99

    Silence Dogood99 New Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    All things considered, I'd prefer to see the hospital built somewhere else. But I find some of these arguments laughable and disingenuous (and some highly credible, like the recent post from Donna).

    For the last time, please accept that BOTH SIDES have credible, substantive arguments. No side owns "the truth" because there is no absolute right answer to this question. It just depends on your particular viewpoint.

    But to characterize this hospital group as evil, with "henchmen" who want to cram a hospital down the community's throat? And iNOVA is a model corporate citizen who cares so much about us that they actively lobby against competitors? Just doesn't wash to me.

    I am sure spreading rumors helps ignite that volcano, too :)
  16. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    I am not spreading rumors and I do watch the BOS meetings when I can.

    Typical problem a company gets itself into when they don't do their homework and that includes underestimating the passionate responses from an extremely vocal and large amount of people that have come out on this issue of against this site.

    The argument that they spent all this money on an decision they made when they underestimated the negative response does not hunt. It is a small site for this kind of hospital especially for a brand new location that has a lot of single family residential all ready built around it. Now Cliff is saying it could expand into an a larger operation then he was saying before.
    The pro hospital people spin this also and they have a very slick machine behind them. As far as fear mongering they are just as guilty.

    What it comes down to me is this hospital is not being represented by the pro hospital people correctly. When I saw the actual plans it made me to lean to the no hospital people. My first red flag is there is land set aside that could be used to build way beyond Cliffs final build out. The buffer was new and very thin across from those homes. I really don't believe most of those people realize how intrusive this hospital will actually be.

    At last nights board meeting the communications poles for western Loudoun were discussed and at least they were honest in showing some what how those poles would actually look from the surrounding properties this hospital is doing nothing of a kind because it would open up a Pandora's box they will not be able to close. The hospital does not want to do videos of the proposed hospital on how it will look from the surrounding residential because that would show how really intrusive these buildings really are. We do concept videos all the time now and they are fairly easy to do with todays technology.

    We are already starting to hear this hospital can potentially grow beyond their final build out even Cliff in an round about way is admitting that.

    Lee j

  17. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    And just how have the bullied anyone? The land was available and they bought it. the controversy didn't start until Loudoun Hospital weighed in. ;)
  18. Silence Dogood99

    Silence Dogood99 New Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    Shouldn't the blame be put on the supposed "idiots" who sold the hospital this land knowing that it would be built around residential homes and those who approved the site for the hospital?

    Shouldn't the safeguards have taken place then before the hospital made the purchase and invested in site plans, etc?
  19. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Simple they need an special exemption and they underestimated the firestorm this has created, so now that they have spent a ton of money and time they will use their well oiled and polished machine to bully their way to build and then bully to expand far beyond anyones comprehension at this moment. Office buildings could never have the power of an hospital to expand beyond the original vision. I doubt an office complex would ever decide to expand beyond the final build out. But hospitals have an notorious record of expansion. And grow way beyond the intial vision. When an normal business wants to expand they usually don't fight city hall they just look for another site for expansion not so with hospitals.

    Lee j

    Lee j
  20. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    One of those safeguards is they need an special exemption to build. Otherwise this hospital most likely would be in operation right now. The time lag is actually starting to hurt this hospital as people are now having more time to analyze and are aware of it. Many of those homes would of not been built as of yet if this hospital would of kept on it's old time schedule. I personally did not pay much attention to it back then and because of the much wider use of the internet today we also see far many more people aware of things before they are built then ever before. That is a good thing because you can get a much better debate going and far more opinions can weigh in. I love these times of almost instant communication these days in a large part due to the internet. Wonderful times these are these days and yes they are :clap::clap::clap:

    Lee j

    Lee j

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