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New Lawn Rules

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by Mr Rogers, Feb 29, 2008.

  1. KTdid

    KTdid Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    Funny, my neighbor has mowed the lawn about 5 times. The wood trim hasn't been painted in 7 years and the wood rot has been obvious for the last 3 years. The one year they received a letter about their back yard (they didn't own a mower), my husband had to take a machete to the grass - it was over 14 inches when you held a strand of weedy grass at the tip. He used his large foot to measure! :scaredeyes:
  2. L0stS0ul

    L0stS0ul hmmmm

    Nov 3, 2003
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    We've actually had the county get involved. They came out and saw the problem and within a week VM was out working with the 3 homes that were having the problem. The thing is they actually did a pretty decent job with the grade as it is but then when the new homes were built this new unnatural runoff was created that's now causing the problem. I have no clue how a set of air conditioners can create so much moisture but it's a constant drain from that french drain. The sod that VM laid down 2 years ago, while incredibly green, has not attached to the ground and you can still walk over there and pick it right up. I need to do something but at this point I don't know what to do.

    This problem is a royal pain. It basically renders half of our backyard unusable during the summer months. In winter I think they have a whole house humidifier as the drainage has continued lol. My dog actually got to go run around the yard once the water froze.

    The only solution is to move the french drain so that it goes all the way to the sewer but I don't think at this point VM would do it. They would have to dig up 3 peoples yards to bury it.
  3. a4guy

    a4guy New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    Does this mean that our HOA and VM will take care of common area lawns better? I've taken pictures for the past two summers of the total lack of care for some of the common areas in our division.

    And to make things worse, they finally hooked up the lights along Village and to do so, some of the lawns near them were totally torn up. Four weeks have passed and there are still piles of dirt, rocks and pipes sticking out of the ground at some.

    So if HOA can hold us to rules, do we get to hold them to something similar?
  4. mamatothree

    mamatothree New Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    Please send the photos and the location of the common area in question to me at mburns@broadlandshoa.com. I will let you know if they are maintained by the HOA or by Van Metre. As you know many areas suffered because of the drought this summer. It would be unwise to reseed areas that will not grow because of watering restrictions. Many areas which suffered last summer are scheduled to see work this spring.

    Regarding the lights - The HOA has nothing to do with the installation of these lights. This is handled by the developer and their subcontractors. Once the lights are installed and operational the HOA will be responsible for their maintenance. If you have a complaint about the property not being returned to its original condition you can contact Van Metre at 703-723-2800.
  5. a4guy

    a4guy New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    I've sent the HOA and VN pictures of the areas I mentioned many times. The last time I was informed about the water problem, I understand that.

    We'll see what happens in the spring and how the areas are maintained.

    The lights are on. My issue is that why do I as a homeowner have to waste my time to call Van Meter to come and clean up their work. Shouldn't our HOA, whom we pay a monthly fee to. Whom will walk around the community giving people warnings for high lawns. Shouldn't they (HOA) be able to call Van Meter for Us, the Home Owners, and say 'Please come pick up your mess'?

    Shouldn't the HOA be aware of these areas and help uphold the appearance of our areas, regardless of the area in question being a personal property or one owned by Van Meter?

  6. Mazinger

    Mazinger New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    The thing is they actually did a pretty decent job with the grade as it is but then when the new homes were built this new unnatural runoff was created that's now causing the problem.


    Isn't that still the builder's responsibility?
  7. L0stS0ul

    L0stS0ul hmmmm

    Nov 3, 2003
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    I wish it was. As far as VM is conserned they have done more then what they should have to fix the "issues" that were created by the new homes.
  8. Mazinger

    Mazinger New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    That's odd that the condensate and humidifier drain to the outside of the house instead of a drain inside. Is that normal with the houses around you?
  9. L0stS0ul

    L0stS0ul hmmmm

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Most of the drainage from humidifiers and ac units go out thru the sump pump (at least thats how mine are exiting my home). I'm assuming that the water is being drained from the sump pump into the french drain but I really don't know where it's coming from as it's all under ground. I do not know what else could possibly cause so much drainage. All I know for sure is that there is a constant flow coming from that french drain which is causing a lot of the problem. That area of my yard just never dries out. It's really effecting 4 lots not just mine.
  10. fidothedog

    fidothedog Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    Do we really know who drives around the community noting violations?

    Someone had noted that the due process of the HOA gets to "fair" position.

    I doubt our HOA all gets together into a minivan for a "violations roadtrip" around Broadlands.

    From what I have seen, it is one/two people in a minivan or SUV driving around looking at houses for violations.

    I would expect that they then report in violations (as well as individual homeowners) for the HOA board to consider.

    So the real power rests with the minivan/SUV folks not the HOA.

    Note to self.... find out who the minivan/SUV folks are and make them my friend ;)
  11. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Please ask if you are unsure how the process works before making assumptions and claims.
  12. Mr Rogers

    Mr Rogers Active Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    I know how it really works. Steve drives around the neighborhood at ~125 mph. Anything glaringly wrong at that speed is a violation.
  13. sharse

    sharse TeamDonzi rocks!!

    May 28, 2005
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    We had the same problem. VM was not as generous with us, however, and never did come re-lay sod. Our next door neighbor has a drain on his property which is rather close to our line, so we ripped up the grass, had a landscaper grade it a little and add river rock so that it literally did become a river, running toward that drain in our neighbor's yard. I figured what the heck... my kids can't play out there in that swamp anyway... may as well rip up the grass and do something else.
  14. marielaveau

    marielaveau Voodoo Queen

    Apr 6, 2004
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    my front "lawn" (cough-patch-cough) has always sucked. No matter what I do (resod, reseed, chemicals, voodoo dance .... whathaveyou) ... it still is a patch of that nasty crabgrass that has suckers that sprout up everywhere. I have all but given up. I have a decent back yard and love the garden, but the front .... hopeless. I keep it trimmed, along with my bushes, but I will never have a lush front "lawn". Please don't fine me, its out of my control. :scaredhide:
  15. fidothedog

    fidothedog Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    Steve -

    Not sure how much rocket science goes into this formula but I have seen the folks in the minivan/SUV driving around taking notes on lots as well as putting notices on cars, etc. It always seems to be the same people in the same process. If it isn't someone from the HOA (or associated with the HOA) that gets out of their car and puts notices on cars stating that the car is in violation of HOA rules then I guess there is a bigger issue here (i.e. we have a band of wandering HOA gypsies in our neighborhood causing trouble).

    This being said, I really don't care about how it happens and I am glad that it does happen.

    All it takes is one drive to old Sterling to see what happens without an HOA and to truly appreciate what we have here.
  16. BLSFmly

    BLSFmly New Member

    Aug 26, 2005
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    Apart from who determines the standard, my main concern is trespassing. As ECTA mentioned, the rights of the homeowners association to enter my property without being found guilty of tresspass.
    I believe, this is definitely in violation of fundamental right. How can somebody walk into my lawn without my permission?

    Now, how do we petition this? Lets look into that. Can we all get a petition ready with all our signatures?
  17. Pats_fan

    Pats_fan Former Resident

    Jan 7, 2004
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    It's not trespassing if you have already granted permission (through easements and/or covenants that run with your property) to the HOA to enter your land to conduct inspections/etc.

    I'm not sure if there are any such easements/covenants, but you might want to check before accusing the HOA of illegal activity.
  18. christinaandrob

    christinaandrob New Member

    May 7, 2004
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    Same here!!! We have full sun, all day. Keeping the front lawn green has been such a challenge - even with the sprinkler systems, the seeding, dethatching (?), etc. We invested a lot into new landscaping in the front last year and it will be a shame if it all dies with the drought too. I have a feeling we'll definitely have a front yard that will be fined! :-(

  19. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Well you might want to look up the by laws or rules governing your HOA and your neighborhood.

    I know in a previous HOA I lived in one of the HOA so called inspectors entered a neighbors property and the neighbor a secret service agent wared the Hoa person he needed to give a warning and the reason before entering the property. Well this arrogant HOA person entered the property again without warning. So the property owner sued the HOA and the person entering his property and won. This is when I lived in Texas. My current HOA can not enter anyones property without written warning and why they are entering the property. Of course when I filed a lawsuit against my HOA they settled with me before it got to court. Actually they settled within 30 mintutes of being served. The HOA and their lawyers tried to play hardball and were in complete shock when we filed the suit and they could see they were completely in the wrong. That law firm never represented them again. Of course it helps that my brother is a lawyer and many relatives are lawyers and many of my friends are lawyers. :) It is a shame that at times one must go to those lengths to prove ones self correct. And of course I completely believe in going to court as the absolutely last resort. It is a shame that a few attorneys seem to rely on intimidation rather then the letter of the law.
  20. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    i can't believe what this thread has become! wow. if you want to live in a neighborhood with overgrown messes for yards, pink and purple shutters, and naked pixie fountains on their front lawns- live SOMEPLACE WITHOUT AN HOA. but if you chose this neighborhood b/c of how nice it looks, how well it's kept, and how much pride you can have in your neighborhood when friends and family visit- it BECAUSE OF AN HOA and RESIDENTS who care about their homes, and uphold the standards they SIGNED to uphold when they moved in.

    if our HOA becomes an out of control power tripping org that tries to fine us for brown grass then WE VOTE THEM OUT. punkt! but they live here too and KNOW about situations where it's sod on rocks, where there are drainage issues... has someone become the subject of a witch hunt???

    cmon ppl- unless i am missing something here, i don't understand the fear and talk of trespassng here. i've been warned about a unauth b-ball hoop, so i did the right thing and it was over with. no biggie.

    no wonder it's hard to sell a house around here- if a potential buyer stumbled upon THIS forum, they would think the neighborhood is full of whiners and a vigilanty-styled HOA board wants to harrass residents.

    they wouldn't see the way neighbors help each other in a pinch, the giving nature of most of us here, the fun FREE HOA sponsored events, the sense of communty that makes this a great place to live- THOSE posts are buried somewhere with only 50 views. i'm glad i never saw this forum before i bought MY house.

    POTENTIAL NEIGHBORS: this forum does NOT represent the majority opinion of broadlands residents!!! most of us are very happy here and don't think the HOA is overstepping boundaries- it simpy keeps out neighborhood a great place to live by enforcing rules that we agreed to uphold. that's GOT to be why there are so few residents at meetings- because most of us are happy! otherwise, i am SURE the meetings would be full pf concerned residents, not just attended by those who volunteer their time to serve on the board.

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