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Broadlands Hospital

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by joy, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Proffers have always been part of the HCA proposal - including the road work. I *THINK* the land for the BHOA has always been part of that as well - but I'm not 100% sure on that.

    But my point is... the proposal has always included improvements for the area.
  2. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    yes but has it ever been presented in the fashion that we;re seeing in the other post? giving Broadlands residents visons of sledding hills, parks, basketball and volleyball courts, picanic tables... great timing to get yourself popular!
  3. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    Actually they have been making themselves friendly long before this. They approached the tech committee a long time ago, shortly after first making public their plans to build, offering equipment to us for free. We turned it down, since as an HOA committee we don't have a stance on the hospital being pro or against.
  4. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    i've become completely ambivalent about it, leaning toward seeing it built if they are contributing to the community with taxes and other good neighbor activities.

    and i hope another hospital follows soon after on rt 50 or wherever else the need is.
  5. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I think the information has always been there... its just certain people have been making a ton of noise to the opposite and these things were just getting buried in the crud. For those who were not engaged 4-5 years ago this may seem new, but its more that things have just been dorminent for the time while everyone was sitting back and waiting for the court stuff to settle out.

    Basically in all the bickering and accusations, most of the specifics have been lost in the cross-fire.
  6. Mr Rogers

    Mr Rogers Active Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    As a seven year resident of the Broadlands, I have never received the specifics, or even the vaguaries (sp?) from HCA. That is the main reason for my reservations about the project. Whenever something that doesn't involve national security is kept under wraps, I assume that there is a dark underbelly that is being hidden. (Talk about your mixed metaphors!! LOL at me)

    It also is interesting that Cliff brought this to the Forum's attention as if it is news, if this was always a part of the deal. Now my conspiracy radar is on full detecting mode!:devil2:

    Can someone please delineate what the whole deal really is right now?
  7. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Then you missed the boat. As stated earlier in this thread, there were meetings for over a year hosted right here in the community no less.

    No, the difference is simply that the hospital issue is out of the courts and is going back before the BoS again.. so the topic has new life. It would have been pretty pointless to discuss this for the last 3 years when the hospital was dead by the BoS's terms and was tied up in litigation. Now, the deal is back on the table.. so discussion is relevant again.
  8. Silence Dogood99

    Silence Dogood99 New Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    That's because he was intentionally using irony to prove his point that Lee's guessing is absurd. He was using absurdity to demonstrate Lee's absurdity. But if you have to explain it, then...
  9. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Managers Do Things Right

    Leaders Do The Right Thing

    You Can Do The Wrong Thing Very Very Well

    This is from an retired marine buddy of mine!!!!!

    Kind of appropriate for many of the misplaced placed developments that are sprouting around eastern loudoun lately. A few may win the battle only for Loudoun to lose the war. Especially when you ruin beautiful developments with the misplaced projects within. The hospital comes to mind as the Visa complex as well as the industrial buildings soon to close off any easy possibility of getting parallel service roads along the greenway to rt 28 from the future largest concentration of high dense development in this county that will rival only tysons corner and again no decent proposed road system.
  10. Brassy

    Brassy Hiyah

    May 25, 2004
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    pity the loss of more greenery. I think I saw a figure in the WP a week or so ago that said Loudoun County has lost 70% of it's Tree cover.
  11. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    The 3.8 acre parcel deal was part of the last application as well. It was discussed, posted on, and written about back then. I just thought I'd start up the thread again as a reminder.
  12. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Well Cliff I am glad you were at the BOS meeting last night so you saw for yourself there was a ton of your neighbors right there in the broadlands that spoke out against this hospital. And many lived right there across from it. I really didn't hear anyone for it. Perhaps I missed one or two??????? Like I said don't sacrifice your neighbors for this hospital. Move it to a site not so controversial. And I will add some of those neighbors lived by other hospitals and said it was not fun and moved because of it.
  13. playingketchup

    playingketchup New Member

    Jan 15, 2008
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    Lee, there have been plenty of people supporting the hospital who have spoken and written the Board in the last few months, just because Inova decided to pay for snacks and a bus (according to Donna's email, post 1525) on a particular night doesn't prove otherwise. Additionally, I think I read her say that "If we can't guarantee at least 100 people it will not be impactful and will not make a difference." I am still watching the web broadcast, but it sure doesn't seem like 100, unless you want to count the kids too!

    I did just hear this so-called citizen's lawyer Rhonda Pace say she was in some meeting on Monday with BRMC and the County. Why would that be? Seems strange.

    Oh and Lee, BRMC received significant support on the Loudoun Extra's informal poll, my posting there (with the latest votes updated) noted:

    "Should the Board of Supervisors approve HCA Virginia's resubmitted rezoning request for the Broadlands Regional Medical Center?"

    Yes. 51% 626 votes
    No. 48% 599 votes
    1225 total votes

    1) wow that is a lot of people who voted.
    2) I am impressed that the pros are up 25 votes as of 9:30 on Sunday, up 51-48% over the hometown team here.
    I really looked at this cynically as my above post shows (which stated: "...but really isn't this poll just an exercise to see how many Inova employees can rush to their computers and vote no?), but perhaps there is even greater support for BRMC out there than I thought.
  14. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    I wonder what the results would be like if HCA had simply named it differently, and the poll read:

    "Should the Board of Supervisors approve HCA Virginia's resubmitted rezoning request for the Ashburn Regional Medical Center?"
  15. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Well what impressed me was these people got up and spoke with their names and addresses. They did not hide behind some ficticious internet name. They spoke from reality not anonymity.

    Yes many did live by this proposed hospital. And yes are you people that don't live there going to sacrifice your neighbors for your own personal greed. hmmmmm

    Why not set up a fund of tens of millions of dollars to protect these people from potential real estate loss just in case you are wrong about their property values and they do take a big hit. If you are so sure and you really care about your neighbors set up a fund for them just in case you are WRONG.
  16. Mazinger

    Mazinger New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    While we're at it...we can set up funds for people who'll end up with tot lots and four lane roads and gas stations and schools next to them too.
  17. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Only if it was not on the original plan.
  18. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    Isn't that part of the process/procedure when you speak in front of the BoS?

    Don't make it sound like this was any different and that the people who showed up to speak against the hospital were any more 'special' than anyone else...
  19. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Linux a lot of them live there and are directly affected.

    They spoke from reality not anonymity. Don't sacrifice your neighbors for personal greed or convenience.

    I have a great picture of you from the HH :devil2:

    Yes my camera worked this time. :)
  20. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    This is twice now you have mentioned personal greed.

    It is nice to see you as "architect/development planner extraordnaire" agree that the hospital will raise property values.

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