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Broadlands Hospital

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by joy, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. GeauxTigers

    GeauxTigers Member

    Aug 25, 2006
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    You can't forget the options are hospital verses office complex. I agree values may drop due to the hospital but I also think they are going to drop due to the alternative office complex. Unfortunately we don't have the choice of leaving it as is. It will be built as one or the other.
  2. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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  3. Pats_fan

    Pats_fan Former Resident

    Jan 7, 2004
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    What happens if you use Zillow to compare the prices of homes closest to the hospital site (especially the ones that back up to Broadlands Blvd) to ones set back by 1/2 mile or so? How do those prices per square foot compare? Are they lower? Are the decreases comparable to those provided WRT Fair Oaks and Reston?
  4. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    You're right, this meager presentation, from one opposed to the hospital, means nothing to me. Without a detailed appraisal of the comps, just listing price and square footage is meaningless. I believe a beginner real estate agent will support this. This provides zero "evidence" to your theory.
    Secondly, this has nothing to do with your "challenge" about neighborhoods around hospitals not being nice.
    Unlike you, I have actually talked to people that live in the homes around Fair Lakes, Reston, and Loudoun hospital. I have visited these homes and know, firsthand, how nice they are.
    Why don't you take a drive around these facilities, visit the neighborhoods around them, and present your report. If you do that, I will receive it with a much higher degree of credibility.
  5. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Here's what I consider to be compelling evidence that there is no negative impact of a hospital on property values:
    If there was, Inova would be funneling the information through their mouthpiece organization, CCoB. Given that this group will stop at nothing, including showings photos of traffic in Australia to show what traffic around BRMC would be like, they would be trumpeting any such information far and wide.
    To date, this is one argument they haven't been able to find any evidence to support.

    As an FYI, there was a report done by a certified appraiser that looked at this issue. He compared sales prices of homes close, and farther, away, from several hospitals in the area. He concluded there was no discernible difference in the property values. This report was done the last time around, so it's specific value is moot, but anecdotally I doubt the situation has changed.
  6. cobymom

    cobymom Sheila Ryan

    Sep 11, 2008
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    Has anybody brought up the fact that the easiest and fastest way to get to the proposed hospital is a toll road? Many people are having a hard time affording gas prices, much less a toll that is pretty pricey? It's not a "freeway", and those tolls add up quickly....
  7. cobymom

    cobymom Sheila Ryan

    Sep 11, 2008
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    I'm just curious because I haven't heard if this has already been discussed on the forum. Not trying to push any buttons.
  8. marielaveau

    marielaveau Voodoo Queen

    Apr 6, 2004
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    With a life or death situation, I think people will pay the toll ... I know I would, even if I had to scrape it together, or I would run it and deal later. When life is on the line, you do what you gotta do. The underlying argument on that situation is that the powers that be have determined that they want the fastest and bestest way in and out of this area to be the Greenway. The theories on that have been discussed at length.

    If a hospital were to be built on any of the other arteries in the county, at present, you have a pretty good chance of hitting gridlock. Most of the time, the Greenway at least moves.
  9. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    You're comparing apples and oranges... you're comparing a house that faces directly adjacent to the commercial property to something just around the corner that does not. That's not the case in this hospital site.

    All you've proven is directly adjacent stuff affects prices (duh..) not that hospital proximity does.

    A house that faces a highway is not going to be as valuable lot as one that is off the highway. No rocket science there.

    But that is not what we are talking about here in Broadlands - no houses will have that situation. The only thing they have is proximity to the hospital site.

    Your proper analogy would be to compare the prices of the units in the Towncenter area to those in the villages around Reston. That's the correct proximity analogy
  10. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    In the grand scheme of your total cost to visit the hospital - do you think $3-$4 would be a deal breaker?

    Considering it costs a minimum of $100 for me to goto the ER - $4 I wouldn't sweat.
  11. Skins fan

    Skins fan Tequila fan (100% agave)

    Mar 18, 2004
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    Mr. Rogers,

    I believe you will find that the values of homes in Broadlands that back up to Broadlands Blvd. have a somewhat lower value than nearby homes which don't due to the fact that they back up to a major 4 lane collector road and commercial zone. Its not because of a hospital or office park or school admin building. Some people just don't want to live across the road from a commercial zone or behind a busy road. Everyone who bought nearby knew that zone was being developed commercially with millions of square feet of buildings which might have an impact on their property values. They also knew that Broadlands Blvd. was going to be connected to Belmont Ridge and that traffic would increase significantly no matter who built in the commercial zone.

    Have you read the planning dept. staff report? BRMC is far better than a by-right office park. Far less traffic at peak hours. Much more buffer and further set back from the road. Contributes $12 - $15 million to widen Belmont Ridge Rd. Dedicates 3.8 acres closest to residents for HOA use. Proffers $200,000 to pay for traffic calming measures on residential streets if a required study shows they are needed. Proffers $39,000 contribution to Ashburn Volunteer Fire Dept. Now offering $100,000 to the HOA to pay for additional security. A by-right development would not have to make any changes to address neighbor concerns or give any money for roads or other extras.

    Skins fan

  12. cobymom

    cobymom Sheila Ryan

    Sep 11, 2008
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    If it's a trip to the ER, or a life-threatening situation, of course the extra money is inconsequential. What if it's a therapy (like chemo) that needs to be done on a daily basis? I'm only bringing this up because I saw an ad in the newsletter that said the hospital is to be located close to a freeway and I find that misleading as the toll road isn't free.
  13. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    If it's some sort of therapy that needs to be done on a daily basis, there are quite a few alternative free roads which can be used to access the site. The Greenway is there to get to the hospital from remote locations quickly. It's also available to those who beleive it's cost effective for them to use to get to the hospital. It's is NOT the only way to get to the hospital. Thus BRMC's offer to widen other public roads, etc.

    I assume you were referring to the Broadlands newsletter in your above post. This newsletter is sent to all Broadlands residents. I seriously doubt that many folks receiving that newsletter and living in Broadlands would be mis-lead into thinking that the Greenway was free...

    You might want to take a look at some anti-BRMC ads; there's a lot in there than can be construed as being 'mis-leading' if you ask me...
  14. cobymom

    cobymom Sheila Ryan

    Sep 11, 2008
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    Those are all good points, thanks for your reply.

    I'm happy that Broadlands has these forums, because I enjoy reading about how people feel on both sides of this issue...
  15. Skins fan

    Skins fan Tequila fan (100% agave)

    Mar 18, 2004
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    Its interesting that the original meaning of freeway had nothing to do with cost but the lack of intersections. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeway

  16. gryphon

    gryphon Banned User

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Looking at costs is one thing... I wonder how many people will be flying down the road breaking all the posted speed limits to get to the ER. I don't think that will make our community any safer.
  17. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    They will just blend in with your neighbors. (sad, but mostly true)
  18. Pats_fan

    Pats_fan Former Resident

    Jan 7, 2004
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    This is also funny (from your link):
    The Greenway doesn't satisfy the original meaning of the term "freeway," either (freedom from traffic interference).

    I haven't driven the Greenway in over three years, but I don't miss it for a second and I cringe when I think about how much worse the traffic must have gotten on that road. And when you add in the toll increases it must feel like you're getting kicked in the nuts every time you drive on it...
  19. Skins fan

    Skins fan Tequila fan (100% agave)

    Mar 18, 2004
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    At least you don't have to pay but driving the perimeter or I-85 is no picnic. I was in Atlanta in the spring and couldn't believe how bad traffic has gotten there.

  20. Pats_fan

    Pats_fan Former Resident

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Good point, but luckily I don't have to drive the Perimeter very often to get to work. And the traffic is not as bad here in ATL--I "upgraded" from the region with the third worst traffic in the country to a region with the fourth worst!

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