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Drive carefully tomorrow, PLEASE

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by Brassy, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. Brassy

    Brassy Hiyah

    May 25, 2004
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    Ok, this is for all of you parents who park on Ridgeway everyday to drop your kids off at Mill Run.

    It has increasingly become hazardous over the years. This spring, my neighbor was hit in her thigh by a car trying to use our cul-de-sac to turn back toward Claiborne. She was hit, because her toddler tried to run off the sidewalk. The lady driving the car looked at her when she hit her, then drove away!

    We see cars double park, then other cars try to get by, cars using the entrance to the cul-de-sac to turn while other cars are coming from other drections of the street, not to mention kids walking druing all this mess.

    It would be nice if those of you who have bus route streets, would get them on the bus, as it might cut down on the hubub....and BTW, this is school year round - not just the first three weeks, which is ridiculous.

    And parking on the side of the street across from a driveway....well I've almost hit them trying to pull out.

    Just be patient. Leave early enough to get in the drop off line...it does move... put your kids on a bus, if available. They like that.
    Make this easy on your self, less stressful and it will all be fine.
  2. Kaosdad

    Kaosdad Will work for Rum

    Sep 21, 2005
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    Thorin & Keeva will be yapping instructions to you. Please listen. :happygrin:
  3. dcdavis

    dcdavis Ooops!!

    Dec 16, 2004
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    Just watch out for the school buses. One turned right on red and totally pulled out in front of me on Claiborne this morning. It goes both ways...
  4. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    If this happens, then you should be calling Loudoun School Administration about this. I did that after I observed several buses SPEEDING higher than the speed limit. I told the administrator that if an accident happened involving the kids on board as well as hitting someone, the county and the school board would be held legally responsible...After that phone call, the buses slowed down because I told them that I would be holding them accountable for this if anyone is injured.

    Just because a bus is county owned, it doesn't give them the right to break the laws the state set up for traffic control.

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