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How are the main roads?

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by backtothewoooo, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. backtothewoooo

    backtothewoooo Member

    May 8, 2007
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    Has anybody driven out (of Broadlands) today? How is Waxpool? Route 28?
    Thank you for any info.
  2. GingerBread12

    GingerBread12 New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I took the Greenway/Toll Road into Reston. In some places a lane will disappear and you have to be alert and watching for it. For the most part there are 2-3 passable lanes. I'm taking 28/Waxpool home so I'll try to update about those.
  3. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    The main roads are fine except for reduced number of lanes, lack of turn lanes, disappearing lanes, etc.

    Rush hour will be abysmal. Wegman's exit at 2:30 today was backed up past target. Rt28 North was backed up for miles for something (I think snow removal).

    You can get around - it's just not very pleasant :)
  4. DaKahuna

    DaKahuna New Member

    Feb 26, 2012
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    Be extremely careful turning. The snow has been plowed so high that you cannot see on-coming traffic until you are 1/2 - 3/4 way out into the lane.
    I saw a car almost get t-boned trying to pull onto Claiborne Parkway from Vestals Gap road.

    With today's warmer weather and the associated melting, tonights freezing temperatures are going to make a very slippery commute tomorrow morning.
  5. GenericEric

    GenericEric Member

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Had a number of doctor's appointments today so made the rounds... Rt 7 into Sterling was difficult this morning but had gotten better by midday. I found 28 to be surprisingly clear and for the most part, didn't have an issue with suddenly disappearing lanes. The exit from 28N to Waxpool is going to be very difficult because currently there is no merge area onto Waxpool, you have to come to a complete stop and yield (this may be taken care of overnight). 267 needed some work, particularly around the eastbound toll lanes near Tysons, at one point the road was reduced to 2 lanes - having said that I did see a HUGE truck snow blower working its way down the highway, so hopefully that will help. Near the metro construction on W 267 the lanes were also reduced, but other than that, progress had been made throughout the day. Long story short, I just echo here what others have said - do NOT assume the lane you are driving in will continue, and most importantly, do NOT assume your on ramp will have a merge area - very few did, even onto the beltway. Middle lanes are your safest bet, both to avoid hitting others and to avoid being hit by a surprised merging driver.
    sri_n and GingerBread12 like this.
  6. backtothewoooo

    backtothewoooo Member

    May 8, 2007
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    Thanks, everyone.
    I guess I'm not going to work tomorrow (=
  7. sri_n

    sri_n Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Just drove back from Rockville. Toll road, 28 , waxpool mostly clear with the occasional squeeze .. for example, there was salting and snow removal approaching the toll booths from beltway outer ring, right two lanes blocked with a patrol car with light on; Only one of the fast ezpass lanes was green. The other was red, but folks blew thru anyway, though it confused a few folks who were undecided. 28 was very clear, no issues. Westbound waxpool reduces to two lanes after you cross the golf course due to pile of snow. Waxpool was closed at redrum dr to Ashburn Village Blvd both directions (at 3 pm) as crews were clearing snow. Traffic was diverted onto Red Rum. That will hopefully be opened up soon, if not already. Didnt have any issues merging from 28 north ramp to Westbound Waxpool. Ashburn Village Dr from Waxpool to Shellhorn and beyond was 1.5 lanes wide. Turn lanes at all signals are non existent.

    You do need to watch at exit ramps and entry ramps.. it will get harder to read as the light fades. Do not assume that the lane markings will guide you. As others have observed, best to stay in middle lane as much as you can.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
    flynnibus likes this.
  8. Chsalas

    Chsalas Active Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Yea, the toll looses a lane every now and again. the side streest are the real problem.

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