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Adding Speed Bumps

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by CapsFan2015, Feb 27, 2017.

  1. BarnesFamily

    BarnesFamily Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Other than taking away the ability to use a residential neighborhood as a personal NASCAR track, I don't see what is being taken away by adding speed bumps.

    Change expectations- we shouldn't just expect people to recklessly drive around our neighborhoods. If there is a problem, it needs to be addressed. And by the looks of it, current remedies haven't worked.
  2. Excelsior

    Excelsior Southern Walk||IMPERIUM IN IMPERIO||

    Aug 1, 2014
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    The real drag strip race track is the section of street between the speed bumps. Unless you replace that stretch of road with rumble strips, people will not continue to drive slow. Photo enforcement or recording of speeders will help more. Also eyewitness reports and people calling police will help.
  3. kevinq

    kevinq Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    You can address the problem, which is specific residents driving fast. These are side streets that people are referencing, so the speeders are likely residents within a few block radius. Capture the make/model/license plate/time of day of the offenders and submit the information to the Sheriff's Department.
    JTC likes this.
  4. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I know what i'd do :)

    I'd register 'terrorsofridgeway.com'
    Id buy a simple radar gun
    Id be out during the evening rush... seeing who is driving recklessly... and id have my cam corder running.

    The ones that are really bad, id have another person flying a drone and follow them to their house.

    Id then combine the footage and post it on youtube and facebook for all the neighbors
    Rhaegar, JTC, BDLNDLVR and 1 other person like this.
  5. shim

    shim shim

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Yes, you're that guy. Congratulations.
  6. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    When its 'all in the family' - yup. All this complaining and the problems are right around the corner.... literally. With the video footage maybe you'd get a knock from the sheriff too.
  7. shim

    shim shim

    Aug 15, 2007
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    If you want to spy on your neighbors and rat them out to the authorities - go for it. Really not that surprised having read your long windy self indulgent posts over the years.
    BarnesFamily likes this.
  8. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    More like... I don't want everyone to suffer because a few self-centered people know they can hide in the noise. Instead of making everyone suffer, deal with the problem individuals. Take away their cover.. and maybe they'll look outside their own bubble long enough to realize their actions have consequence outside themselves.

    There is no 'ratting out' if there isn't behavior worth bringing attention to.
    JTC and Excelsior like this.
  9. BarnesFamily

    BarnesFamily Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Suffering? Is driving over a speed bump, for the sake of safety, really suffering? You and I have vastly different definitions of what constitutes "suffering". First world problems, I suppose.
  10. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    So, to bring the debate to closure (somewhat):
    If you live on a VDOT street and want a speed bump, work with the county and VDOT to make it happen.
    If you live on an HOA maintained street, you can make a request to the HOA Board. We had a Board meeting last week and the issue wasn't discussed, so I'm assuming no one has pursued it.
    Questions that would need to be answered:
    How many people really want this?
    How will it be paid for initially and for ongoing maintenance? HOA to pay for it and charge it to whole community? Only to those that live on private streets? Only to those that live on the street with the speed bumps?
    What if more people that use a street don't want speed bumps?
    Where exactly could they be installed?
  11. Liss

    Liss New Member

    Sep 26, 2009
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    I will say that for some people, yes: driving over a speed bump can directly cause suffering. Is that suffering greater than harm to a child? Of course not. But should speed bumps be the first course of action to deter speeding on our narrower residential streets? I would argue that the answer is no.

    A speed limit sign at the entrance to Milford might help. Large "SLOW: Children at Play" signs (VDOT type, not the Costco plastic ones that usually hide behind parked cars) might help. Increased enforcement by the Sheriff's office might help. All of those would likely be quicker to approve and less costly both near- and long-term than speed bumps.

    And if we (as a community) try those things and they don't work, then are speed bumps worth considering? Sure.
    sri_n likes this.

    BDLNDLVR Active Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    Plus one to this common sense position. The relatively few who truly speed through our neighborhood should pay the consequences, not the rest of the neighborhood through annoying, costly, and damaging speed bumps. They are many other alternatives which have already been discussed in this thread which will resolve the issue without making our neighborhood a location where most people would not want to live in. I have lived in Broadlands for two decades, raised three children here, and walk our streets daily. There is the occasional speeder on our streets (usually a young, inexperienced driver), but far less than what you encounter in most places. Broadlands is a great, safe place to live. Lets keep it that way by not providing a harmful remedy (speed bumps) that is worse than the illness.
  13. Rhaegar

    Rhaegar Member

    Sep 20, 2010
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    I actually did this as some folks know. The domain I registered wasn't as polite and I was asked to stop by the Sheriff's Office. I've got some other ideas in mind if I can ever find the time though...
  14. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Asked to stop... or shown it wasnt allowed?

    Posting video taken in public isn't anything someone can stop. Let the public draw thier own conclusions. The only uncertainty i had was in where flight restrictions might be and how video taken from that perspective might need different editing to stay within the bounds of 'public view'
  15. Rhaegar

    Rhaegar Member

    Sep 20, 2010
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    Asked to stop. The problem was in the implementation; folks didn't appreciate someone standing on the side of the road pointing 'some sort of gun' at them. They tossed around terms like 'impersonating a police officer' and ensured my radar wasn't operating on a license frequency.

    I did some testing with video and some software that calculated the speed after that but then I got distracted.
  16. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    If they are telling you that, you should consult with a lawyer to find out if it indeed is against the law or not to do this. I find this far fetched that cops are considering you "impersonating a cop"...If you were wearing a uniform/badge/approached them, etc then I could see where they are going with this but if you are in street clothes and not approaching them or stopping them, then I don't see where the impersonating a police officer can be applied here. Radar...they can't stop you from using a radar just for personal use....This is BS.
  17. BarnesFamily

    BarnesFamily Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Yesterday I was passed on this stretch of Demott, right in front of the pool. The speed limit is 25, I was going 30, and was passed by someone who wanted to go 45+. We also saw a runner nearly get hit by a speeder last week in the same spot. This is getting ridiculous. Is it really going to take a child getting hit before the HOA does anything?
  18. KTdid

    KTdid Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    If there are signs warning of speed bumps ahead, and the driver chooses to ignore them, let them suffer the consequences. I have no pity for speeding drivers on a residential street. Many of these speeders live in the area but others use that street as a pass through.

    I witnessed a childhood friend get hit by a car. The driver was doing 25 mph in a 15mph zone. This was on base housing were speed limits are strictly imposed. The driver's excuse was that she didn't see him. Fortunately, he only suffered a broken clavicle, twisted ankle, and multiple bruises and abrasions. (But) it could have been avoided...
    BarnesFamily likes this.
  19. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    The HOA does not control Demott. When are the residents who are concerned and experience these issues going to do something? Or is doing something always someone else's responsibility?
    Have you:
    1) Contacted VDOT with your concerns?
    2) Contacted the HOA with your concerns?
    3) Contacted the county with your concerns?
    4) Contacted the sheriff's office with your concerns?
    5) Posted here and expect someone else to do something about it.
    T8erman likes this.
  20. BarnesFamily

    BarnesFamily Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    I've contacted both VDOT and the Sheriff.
    I really expected a more professional response from an HOA Board Member.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017

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