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Letter to Pet Owners

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by The Parkers, Jul 2, 2020.

  1. The Parkers

    The Parkers New Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Hello Neighbors,
    My husband and I arrived home this evening and received the attached letter in the mail. While the letter was mailed to our home, it was not addressed to us by name. Additionally, the letter did not have a return address so we are unaware of which neighbor sent the letter our home. As the letter was directed to pet owners, we asked the other families in our six home cul de sac if they'd received the same correspondence and they had not.

    If whomever wrote the letter is in this group, you obviously know where we live. If you have issue or concern with my husband, our sons or myself walking our dog through the community to include common areas/paths that accommodate for dog waste disposal; you can stop by our home with a mask on and while practicing social distancing, we can have a conversation about it. If you see my sons with our dog, do not address them. We have lived in this community for more than 12 years and have ALWAYS been responsible dog owners. We (our entire family) clean up after our dog and that has never been an issue.

    Your Friendly Neighbors

    Attached Files:

  2. Rhaegar

    Rhaegar Member

    Sep 20, 2010
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    Sounds like it's an issue for someone now. I'm guessing someone didn't take the time to put that little note together for no reason at all. Junior probably half asses the job, but I'm guessing they can't do any wrong in your eyes.

    Pretty sure people will address anyone they want, mask or not, regardless of your feels too. Have a nice day.
  3. KTdid

    KTdid Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    Getting an anonymous letter can be intimidating. It's never a good feeling being singled out when you don't think you've done anything wrong. Is it possible the letter came from several neighbors and not just one? And maybe no one wants to own up to it because they enjoy having your family as neighbors, and wish to avoid stirring up bad feelings. Consider the latter.
  4. ForThePeople

    ForThePeople New Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I've had problems with dog owners allowing their pet to poop in the small strip of common grass in front of my sidewalk. We sometimes place trashcans there and then when you bring them in there can be fecal matter that gets tracked into the garage. Not cool. Most of the pet owners are good about this, but a few can't seem to be considerate enough to walk the extra few feet and take the animal to a spot that won't piss anyone off.

    I guess sending a letter is a nicer approach than having to yell at someone else's children. You can do something right 99 times, and that one time you don't someone might happen to see and make a fuss about it too. Thats probably what happened but really who knows.
  5. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    The author thinks pets need to be kept from using any community areas?

    This person is delusional and disconnected from common social expectations of the time.

    I especially appreciated the lol of trying to tie the pandemic as supporting evidence to their beliefs.

    If you don't want other people's pets in communal spaces... a large planned development probably wasn't a good choice for home selection. It comes with the territory.
    BDLNDLVR and Mike like this.
  6. ForThePeople

    ForThePeople New Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    It comes down to common sense. There's plenty of community space where you can take your dog to poop that is far enough away from someone's property line. Nobody is getting COVID-19 from dog poop. It just lingers and smells bad if it's not cleaned up properly. Bringing the pandemic into the equation is lame-o, and asking someone to have their dog poop in-doors is unrealistic.
    jwf likes this.

    BDLNDLVR Active Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    I actually appreciate it when dog walkers limit their animal only to the adequate common strip between my sidewalk and the street. What really angers me is when they let their dog avoid the common strip and go up onto my lawn to urinate leaving an unsightly yellow patch of dead grass where healthy grass had been, as I invest in quality fertilizer and regular watering to ensure my lawn looks nice. Very uncool and thoughtless behavior. Most dog walkers are reasonable and considerate but there are some bad apples our there...
  8. ForThePeople

    ForThePeople New Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I guess the bar is set pretty low. If you had a neighbor that used that same little strip of common space over and over again, over the course of a year the soil chemistry might change enough to the point that the grass would not grow very well. I'm not one to lose sleep over a strip of grass but there are usually better alternatives only a few steps away. Should someone make a rule against this? Absolutely not. Too many rules give people anxiety. Should you let your dog defecate in the same spot over and over, probably not either. It's just about consideration.
  9. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    the letter goes as far as to ask people to keep their pet's actions '...outside the community, away from other homes & common areas...'

    That's not asking for reason - that's just fantasy. Note, those requests were not about lack of cleaning up, but asking to have that be the standard for where pets are allowed to do their thing.

    I'm not a dog owner, nor do I walk any of my pets around the community - but you don't have to be involved to know that kind of request is just dumb.
    jwf likes this.

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