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Washington Football Team Stadium plans???

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by Capricorn1964, Jan 28, 2022.

  1. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Im reading in the news online and paper that Loudoun is going to meet with the WFT to discuss the team's plan to potentially build a new NFL Stadium in Loudoun.

    Anyone agree with this?

    My thoughts:

    Pros: More tax revenues for Loudoun?
    Businesses around the Stadium will see increased Revenues/Profit?
    Hotels will see more Revenues/Profits?
    Help increase home values?
    Real estate taxes for residents to decrease as county will get more taxes from Game Revenues?
    More business for County via increased bus riderships from Metro station?

    Cons: Increased traffic around Loudoun?
    Hurt home values?
    Parking become tight around the area during game days?
    Crime increase on Game Days?
    Will there be enough police officers to handle the crowds/potential crime/fights --before/after games?
    Will restaurants/businesses increase prices of food, etc to take advantage of game days for revenues?
    Will Loudoun have to kick in taxpayer $$$ to help build stadium, etc?

    My biggest question is:

    Why should Loudoun and Virginia have to use taxpayers' money to build a stadium for the team when NFL is a billion dollar NON-PROFIT business?

    Shouldn't they eat the cost themselves if they want to relocate/renovate the stadiums? If the WFT team moves, Maryland is going to be stuck with a stadium that isn't going to be used much anymore.... Look at McDonalds: They own the real estate--not the franchises themselves. McDonalds builds all the store locations and as a result, their real estate investment returns have been very nice themselves since the franchises pay the rent and upkeep. So if NFL does that, the teams could then pay rent for using the stadiums....then NFL will pay the mortgage on the stadiums instead of Loudoun. Down the road, if WFT decides to move yet again in the future, Loudoun will be stuck with a massive stadium that they could, IMHO, ill-afford to maintain when no one is paying for the maintenance/infrastructure costs/mortgage and parking lots will have to be kept in shape as well. They simply cannot "sell" the stadium to another NFL team (unless MD sets up another football team that can use the stadium, which is wishful thinking since the NFL won't want another team to compete with Ravens/WFT so close by.

    So will Loudoun come out ahead with this deal long after the stadium is no longer being used? Will the Loudoun County residents put up with the massive traffic down Belmont Ridge as well as many of the other local routes, Route 7, I-66, Route 28, Route 15, and so forth?

    I sincerely hope that the board turns it down because I'm seeing more cons than pros. This is, in my mind, is a potential problem for Loudoun due to maintenance costs long after WFT stops using stadium down the road. I'm sure the BoS are seeing Tax Revenue $$$ in their eyes right now but what will they do if the WFT, down the road. wants to build another stadium elsewhere? In the team's history, they've built in DC (RFK) and moved to MD. Now, their goal is in VA. Seems they are tired of the stadium in MD and want to play in VA which will be closer to their Home base (I can't help but wonder if that is why they want to build in Loudoun -- so they don't have to travel to MD?) I don't see Maryland working hard to dissuade them from leaving so they can keep the stadium maintained down the road....They are going to be stuck with one massive stadium that isn't going to be easily maintained but I assume they are going to have to hit up the residents of MD for Tax $$$ to maintain the stadium for other uses. Yup, expensive proposition there.

    I see plus and minuses here but the traffic issues in this area on Game Days kinda bothers me. I think there will be a lot more work for the Sheriff Department and they are going to have to hire more people (Think Taxes to hire more as well as to pay for Overtime) to deal with the traffic and potential DUIs and accidents on the road.

    Further, I see that there is a concern that Loudoun County does not have a seat/invitation to sit on the on the NFL Stadium Authority---that could complicate things for Loudoun for tax revenue collections.

    News reports that the county could exercise eminent domain power to acquire land/property to give to the stadium authority so they can use the land to build the stadium....I shudder with the possible potential abuse of that power just to help Dan Snyder and his team to build the stadium where they want it to be built. They better give the property owners prevailing prices for their properties and NO less than that.

    How do you all feel about this potential NFL Stadium being built in Loudoun? Will this benefit the county far more than hurt it or vice versa?

    Will you all support WFT's quest to build a massive stadium here in Loudoun County and the traffic it will bring to the county (West Va, MD and DC traffic)?

    A huge subject matter, I know.....
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
  2. JJB

    JJB Active Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    I don't want my tax dollars building a stadium and don't want to live around one; I am totally against it.

    BDLNDLVR Active Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    I agree with JJB, and believe tax dollars should not be used to support wealthy but parasitic NFL or other professional sports teams. I would support using our tax dollars to build a facility or more public parks which our residents and children could use for sports and recreation however.
    PDILLM and Capricorn1964 like this.
  4. Mike

    Mike Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    sell the team, danny. you suck.
    glencastle likes this.
  5. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Don’t disagree but I don’t think Danny boy ever comes here but you could try Twitter? :cool:

    Mike likes this.
  6. chrisatpc

    chrisatpc Member

    Nov 18, 2015
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    The sad thing about football stadiums is that for the primary purpose, they're used extremely infrequently. 2 pre-season games and 8-9 regular season games. And in WFT's case, 0 playoff games. So about 10 days a year the place is used for the primary purpose. Maybe there's a few concerts during non-COVID times. The rest of the time, it sits empty.
    Mike likes this.
  7. glencastle

    glencastle The Paterfamilias

    Jan 14, 2004
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    The new name is lame, and the team will be in the toilet until Dan Snyder sells the team to someone else. So sad.
    KTdid and Mike like this.

    PDILLM Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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  9. school

    school New Member

    Jul 21, 2020
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    Sad organization and horrible owner. Hope the stadium is rejected.
    KTdid, BDLNDLVR, Mike and 1 other person like this.
  10. Mike

    Mike Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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  11. JJB

    JJB Active Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    If you do the research, you will find that the plans include relief from real estate and personal property taxes. Personally I do not want to subsidize this development, nor do I want the traffic that will come with it.
    Mike likes this.
  12. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    The new name is uninspiring and the team will still play poorly under this ownership. On the bright side I see that this article reports Loudoun as the least likeliest site in Virginia.
    Mike likes this.
  13. dbrow

    dbrow Member

    Mar 30, 2003
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    I will be expressing my concerns about a Loudoun location to the Board of Supervisors. Traffic is bad enough as it is, we don’t need it to extend into the weekends too.
    Mike likes this.
  14. Mike

    Mike Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    I agree with this as well. I will be expressing my concerns to the BoS. Keep Danny MORE out of Loudoun.
  15. Chsalas

    Chsalas Active Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    I'm not a particular fan of the Redskins so if they were not to move here I'd be ok with it. I'd like to see their training facility move elsewhere as well.
  16. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    It would be a disaster if it was built in Loudoun. The location being considered is prime real estate near the metro stop. That land has an additional significant real estate tax to help the county pay the metro costs.
    If this stadium deal went through, they would NOT have to pay any real estate taxes.
    Us lowly residents will then have to foot the bill for the additional taxes to pay metro fee.
    Capricorn1964 likes this.
  17. JJB

    JJB Active Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    ...and because of close proximity to Dulles and the Metro, the Loudoun location will have the most appeal to the NFL. The time is now to let your elected officials at both the county and state level know that we don't want it here and we don't want our tax dollars used to support it in any way.
    Capricorn1964 likes this.
  18. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Totally am with you, VaCliff!!!
  19. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    I’m with you on this as well!
  20. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    I say BUILD it!

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