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Traffic Calming Measure - Proposed Speed Humps

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by The Broadlands Community, Oct 25, 2022.

  1. glockenspiel

    glockenspiel Member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    Maybe VDOT can install a pair of humps - they appear to do a great job slowing down the speeders:
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2023
    jwf and Mike like this.
  2. Mike

    Mike Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    this was freaking awesome and a great laugh. my favorite was at 3:02.

    looks like its time to take matters into our own hands and create our own speed bumps.
  3. rockystar

    rockystar New Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    Notice how the majority of cars didn’t slow down or even apply the brakes after flying over the speed humps. Great job to all the “geniuses”who approved this.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2023
    Mike likes this.
  4. rockystar

    rockystar New Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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  5. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Most of the negative aspects refer to bumps versus humps.
    It also appears our HOA followed all the guidelines cited in the article.
    Broadlands has had speed bumps on one of our streets for years. Haven’t heard of any negative impacts to values there.
  6. rockystar

    rockystar New Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    vacliff -a couple of questions. Are you a realtor? Is that what qualifies you to talk home values? If you aren’t I’m not interested in your opinion. Also, what street in the Broadlands has had a speed bump for years and does it line up with the front door of any of the houses on the street?
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2023
  7. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    I’m for one supportive of the HOA in putting their efforts in getting speed humps in because I’m sick of residents and non-residents speeding throughout our streets and cops can’t even be bothered (they admitted to being defeated (my a** and that’s another political argument altogether that is unwinnable since current chief is going through another election so he wants to keep the votes so no traffic enforcement will probably happen lest voters raise their ire and vote him out ending his political career — he’s not an law enforcement professional to me but more of a politician trying to further his political aspirations!) to enforce the traffic laws around here. The other night, as I’m driving on Belmont Ridge Road taking a friend home, We both saw a Ferrari speeding down the road at a very high speed — we both believe it must have been going around 90-100 mph as it was long gone in a few mins….we both thought it was crazy for a car to be speeding that fast on that road….the same road that saw my former boss’ colleague’s life been taken (thank god her young toddler’s life was spared but she now will never get to know her mom growing up.)

    I think people around here are too selfish and narcissistic to think about other people’s lives when driving around here in their lethal weapons otherwise known as cars. As long as people continue to disregard traffic laws and speed limits around her as well as the cops’ unwillingness (read: defeatism attitudes) to go after speeders and such, more people will die unfortunately and it’s par for the course of life, of course.

    Speeding in our neighborhoods is going to continue whether house values go up or down. Guess some people care more about house values than a life. Could be your son’s, daughter’s, wife’s, husband’s or other precious family member”s life next or even your own next. Home values to me is last thing I worry about- I worry about the kids’ lives and people’s lives more. House values be damned if homeowners’ kid is hit and is either maimed or killed. We have already had, a few yrs ago, a serious accident on Ridgeway Drive where a car crashed and overturned. I regularly see speeders in front of my house on same street going approximately 40+ when going up the hill…..SMDH.

    Sadly, some people would take action to protection of their home values MORE than saving a life by not speaking up and demanding more of our deputies to enforce the traffic laws here. ‍ :shakehead:

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2023
  8. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Forest Edge Square.
    Don’t ever remember receiving a single complaint about them from the residents there while I was on the Board. I think they are located more at the entrances to the street.
    Mike likes this.
  9. CapsFan2015

    CapsFan2015 Member

    Jun 16, 2015
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    Rockystar - are you a Broadlands realtor who has seen home prices drop in neighborhoods with speed humps? Or is your only argument for decreased home values from 2 the opinion-based articles (that don’t site actual data) to support this claim? Villages of Waxpool have the same speed humps we are getting and their home values are at an all time high. I have a hard time believing that a Safe Neighborhood where kids can walk to school, dog owners can walk their dogs, and joggers can run safely will decrease the home values.

    But you aren’t worried about the neighborhood home values, or kids getting safely to school (please stop the argument that you were instrumental in putting in crosswalks. Thanks for that, but they aren’t working anymore, obviously), the only thing you’re concerned with is the speed hump being “close” to your house.

    Which is fine. You’re allowed to have that opinion.

    But you live in a community with hundreds of other houses. Of which, 144 had the right to vote for these speed humps. 79 voted for them with only 11 votes against. Even with the deck severely stacked against the passing of the speed hump measure, it still passed (thanks to the “geniuses” who want a safe community).

    You have been nothing but rude, snarky, and nasty on this forum to those expressing concerns about the traffic speed we are seeing in our community. Maybe it’s time for you to sell your home and find a neighborhood with no HOA and no sense of community. But you better list your house quick before the value plummets…
    ASB929, Mr. Linux and Mike like this.

    BDLNDLVR Active Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    Unbelievable Caps Fan. You don’t agree with a resident’s opinion on this important but divisive issue so you call him names, tell him to move, and even call HIM “rude, snarky, and nasty .”Look up the word hypocrite and learn to stick with an issue rather than going for an ad hominen attack on those who disagree with your position. As a homeowner here he has as much a financial and personal stake in this issue as you and everyone on the other side of this issue have. We also took a resident vote and, with one exception, your side lost so have some respect for the will of the silent majority in our neighborhood.
  11. CapsFan2015

    CapsFan2015 Member

    Jun 16, 2015
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    Pointing out that someone is being rude on a forum is calling them names? I suggest you go back and read ALL of Rockystars' comments attacking those (including me) who have voted in favor of the speed hump measure. I certainly didn't start the snarky discourse. Of course I don't agree with their them but I said they were perfectly entitled to their own opinion - my "attack" I guess was simply reminding the commentor that they live in a community where the majority voted in favor of the speed humps. You're right, that is a really harsh attack... ouch. And if you think telling them in a tounge-in-cheek fashion they should move if they don't like the community they live in is in some way a serious afront to them personally, then yikes.

    I don't understand your last comment about "with one exception, your side lost." Are you referring to the other Broadlands speed hump voting areas? Because in ALL of these areas, the Yes votes far out weighed the No votes... its just the decks were stacked way too far in those areas for those ever to pass. We wont actually know what the majority wanted in those areas because the majority didn't/couldn't vote - which was part of the problem. So you aren't in a neighborhood/street that passed the speed hump measure I take it? Then by all means, keep hurling bombs from the sidelines...

    BDLNDLVR Active Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    I am not “ hurling bombs”, just stating facts. The majority voted against speed humps as you fully are aware. We were told we didn’t have to vote if we didn’t want them, if we didn’t vote it was counted as a No vote, so I and many others didn’t vote which meant WE did not want them. Do not try to change an election’s rules, after the fact, because you do not personally agree with the results.

    I am not on the “sidelines” as I have lived in the Broadlands for more than 25 years and successfully raised 3 children here. I also walk my dog 3 times a day and have had 3 different dogs in my 25 years as a Broadlands resident. I personally see thousands of cars a week in our neighborhood and know 99% drive at a safe speed. Drivers ALWAYS stop for me when I enter crosswalks, even the rare 1% speeders. My 3 children and their friends were active bicyclists and joggers in our neighborhood again, never a single problem with speeders.

    If you want more law enforcement in the neighborhood, ask the Sheriff for it. If he declines, based on the fact Broadlands has never had a pedestrian struck by a car in its history, you might want to reconsider your position of trying to inflict unnecessary, unpopular, and potentially car damaging speed humps on your fellow residents in our great neighborhood.
  13. glockenspiel

    glockenspiel Member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    You might not recall the "running shoe" memorial that was located at Waxpool and Claiborne back in March of 2014.
    This was a fatal accident, not solved with a speed hump or two:

    BDLNDLVR Active Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    I am referring to the Broadlands which is where we are discussing putting speed humps. If you can show me a single pedestrian fatality in the last 25 years in the Broadlands, I will reconsider my position as I am open minded and sincerely want what is best for our beautiful neighborhood. If you can’t, are you open minded enough to focus your energy on something that will improve our quality of life? How about funding some more walking trails, putting a cover over our 50 meter pool so the residents can use it year around, or planting more quality trees, shrubs, and flowers in our neighborhood to lift everyone’s spirits when they return home from a hard days work…
  15. CapsFan2015

    CapsFan2015 Member

    Jun 16, 2015
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    I’d say replying to comments not even directed at you is considered hurling bombs. Also, Rockystar is in Broadlands 4, I’m in Broadlands 4…I was replying to Rockystar. So for the purposes of my comments, you’re on the sidelines.

    And the utter nonsense you’re spewing on here are facts? That’s laughable. Here are actual facts for you.

    1. There have been pedestrians killed in Broadlands (see above).
    2. There have been very serious accidents in Broadlands neighborhoods - including Ridgeway drive (which is Broadlands 4) four months ago when a CAR OVERTURNED due to speed.
    3. The FACTS are the majority of people who voted, voted FOR speed humps. That is called a fact.
    4. You cannot factually say that most of those who didn’t vote had the intention of voting no and therefore just didn’t vote. Just like I can’t factually say that those who didn’t vote would have voted yes but their ballots got lost in the mail.
    5. Point 4 proves the ambiguity of the ballot process, which proves it is a flawed process.
    6. Show me my comments where I’m trying to change the process. Calling out a flawed process is not me trying to change it.
    7. You’re eyeballing the speed of traffic and saying 99% of traffic follows the speed limit is, again, laughable. I encourage you to read the traffic study, posted multiple times, that has actual traffic data for our community.
    8. Finally, the only fact I actually care about is that the measure passed in Broadlands 4 and we’ll be getting speed humps soon.
  16. CapsFan2015

    CapsFan2015 Member

    Jun 16, 2015
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    We get it. Your kids are grown and you don’t have to worry about any traffic calming measures. That’s great for you. Some of us have small children who do have to cross the street and we need traffic calming to ensure their safety. At the end of last school year a car was about 8 feet from plowing through the crosswalk with the elementary kids in it. I witnessed first hand my kids almost get run down as the crossing guard was frantically blowing his whistle, raising his hands, the principal running towards the kids to usher them to safety. So yes, sign me up for speed humps please.

    BDLNDLVR Active Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    I wasn’t aware a resident was killed in 2014. That is a tragedy and my condolences to her family.

    So factually there has been one resident killed in the Broadlands in the past 25 years. There is a light at that location which didn’t stop the speeding criminal who struck her so why do you believe placing speed humps THROUHOUT the Broadlands will make our quality of life improve? In the past 25 years how many hundreds of Broadlands residents have died from stress related illnesses? Do you think your proposal will reduce or add to the stress of our hard working, law abiding residents who are forced to ride over your speed humps EVERY TIME they leave and return to their home?

    Your comment about my children is contemptible so I will not dignify it by responding to it other than point out that if this is an insight into your true character, and how you believe your neighbors think, I feel sorry for you. Please remember you are an adult and stick to only making reasoned arguments going forward. This discussion is a search for the best solution for our neighborhood, not an ego gratifying contest.

    BDLNDLVR Active Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    Also, where the pedestrian was killed in 2014 was a major intersection, but I understand you want to put the humps inside the neighborhood, where no fatalities or major injuries have ever occurred, correct? How many tens of thousands of Broadlands residents have used these streets as pedestrians in the past 25 years without a major incident and absolutely no speed humps? Why do we suddenly need them now or is this a manufactured crisis?
  19. CapsFan2015

    CapsFan2015 Member

    Jun 16, 2015
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    "Not an ego gratifying contest"...says the person who inserted themselves into a conversation just to hear themselves speak. Feel better?

    Again, you've done ALL the research and know for a fact only 1 resident has been killed in 25 years? Where are your facts that show driving over 20MPH speed humps causes stress...and in turn that stress will have people die from stress related illnesses??? My goodness, grasping at straws much?

    Also, sorry for having the audacity of mentioning your kids after you did. Saying your kids are "grown" is contemptible? Again, grasping at straws. I assumed they were grown since you've said you've lived in Broadlands for 25 years. Apologies for assuming that and apologies for evening mentioning them to being with. I mentioned your kids to then mention mine in trying to reason with an adult about the values of slowing down speeders in a school zone. Take your kids/family out of it. Some of us DO have small kids who cross the street daily...are kids adults who use their brains all the time when crossing the street - definitely not - hence the need for traffic help.

    To try to make straw man arguments to attack my character actually shows more about you than me.

    I am done arguing/conversing with someone who doesn't even live in the same neighborhood as me, yet feels compelled to comment on items pertaining specifically to my street - which is what I was trying to do all along.

    Bottom line is, Broadlands 4 is getting speed humps.
  20. CapsFan2015

    CapsFan2015 Member

    Jun 16, 2015
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    Last comment on this, then I am done.

    Find the lady who flipped her car 4 months ago on Ridgeway and ask about her major injuries. If the driver was successful in accidently running down the 20+ school children in the crosswalk at the end of last year, my kids included, we would be talking about many deaths and catastrophic injuries. The fact that the community is being pro-active and stopping a serious accident before it can happen is a bad thing?

    A study was done. The study said we have LOTS of speeders, that led to voting on speed humps. Speed humps measure passed for Ridgeway Dr. Speed humps will be installed on Ridgeway Dr.

    You have said one true thing. This issues is divisive. Therefore I am done commenting. I've said my peace by trying to make reasoned arguments and state facts. All of which is falling on deaf ears and quite frankly is not needed - since the measure already passed, its a moot point.

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