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Catalytic Converter theft

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by vacliff, May 21, 2023.

  1. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    As most of you probably know, this is a big thing for thieves.
    Several cars in Broadlands have had theirs removed from their cars, some while the car was parked in the driveway.
    Stay vigilant!
    alg and Capricorn1964 like this.
  2. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    I’ve suggested that LCSO set up stings for catalytic converter and Package thefts- no dice-

    I guess they aren’t into conducting stings or know how to conduct them. They seem to be the type to react to these things instead of being proactive in dealing with this sh*t.

    I am hugely disappointed in LCSO as I don’t see them making any dent in package or catalytic theft issues! I guess LCSO Chief Chapman has his head stuck under the sand!
  3. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    A “sting” generally occurs in an area where they know illegal activity occurs and creates a situation to make it more likely the activity will take place in an area they are monitoring.
    A catalytic converter theft occurs in driveways, parking lots, parking garages, etc. They generally take under one minute to remove.
    I would be interested in your idea of how to create a “sting” for this type of activity.
  4. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Both the Federal Government and State/local police have done stings before and if they can do it....so can LCSO. LCSO calls themselves professionals? If so, they are capable of contacting Fed Govt/State police to get tips on how to do it. I am pretty sure that the spate of catalytic converter thieves may be a part of a national ring. Typically, if their actions in other states get too hot, they will move to other states to see if they can steal them. If the number of thefts are rising in Loudoun, I wouldn't be surprised that they might be part of a ring.

    Here are some links demonstrating what other state and local police and Fed Govt are doing...


    We taxpayers pay for LCSO to take care of crime and I'd not be happy if they aren't doing much to investigate/work with Feds/State police to do something to put a stop to it....They've already hit my neighborhood several times. They just take notes and move on---they can set up a sting if they would like to....Just put some cars that are popular for catalytic converter thefts and wait...Not hard to do. LCSO *CAN* do something about putting a dent in the crime but I haven't seen them do anything yet about it. They just take notes and move on. I vote to say that they should involve the VA State police and get proactive NOW.. Not after 3000 thefts happen. People are getting ripped off and insurance companies are having to increase costs for everyone to cover the costs of these expensive thefts.

    Links that I have provided above have demonstrated that Local and State police in other states are getting involved in thefts in their areas....they are doing SOMETHING about it.

    Do we have to WAIT until MORE are stolen before anything is done? I don't see LCSO doing much about it yet...nothing in the news by LCSO. Maybe they don't think its a real problem yet to deal with? Maybe they are letting the insurance companies deal with it?

    I would HOPE that LCSO gets involved in this soon as possible to head off these potential ring thieves...better for them to be proactive than reactive.

    FWIW -- I did contact a friend of mine who is a VA State Police Officer some time ago about something else....says, LCSO could contact VA State police for help but lets me know privately that VA State Police takes a very dim view of LCSO because they are "elected" and not "professional" enough in their eyes. I venture to think that they don't really like Chapman that much.....because he's viewed as being a Politician instead of a TRUE career law enforcement officer with no political ties (not elected).

    KTdid likes this.
  5. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Cap - the articles do not really back you up. The "stings" were focused on the selling and buying of the catalytic converters and took years, not the actual thefts. One of the articles even concludes with the police asking for help. Did you actually read them? ;)
  6. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Whatever- You missed my point entirely.

    I don’t think LCSO will do anything —nothing will come of it as I believe Chapman doesn’t think stolen catalytic converters is a concern as he probably thinks it’s small potatoes and letting insurance companies pay for it instead (problem solved, right?).

    By the way, I read somewhere that Chapman was recognized as a 2023 National Sheriff of the Year by the National Sheriff’s Assn. What a shocker (sarcasm here). His “award” makes me laugh!


    Even though this article is dated by two years, a participant Researcher Brenda Choresi Carter (Director of the Reflective Democracy Campaign) makes a point that Sheriffs “enjoy really unparalleled autonomy and a really remarkable LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY.” (Large caps my emphasis here). It makes sense here because you can’t really fire a sheriff since they really answer to no one even if people aren’t happy with his performance or agendas.

    I supported the Board of Supervisors’ position of adding a police department where they would have a police chief where he and his deputies would report to county administrator.

    Chapman didn’t want that as he probably felt his power would be diminished and relegated to traditional duties such as manning the jail, staffing the jail and doing security for the courts. He probably didn’t want to see his position (and power) reduced in scope as a result.

    I agreed (and still do) with the Board that we need a non-partisan law enforcement chief who can be held accountable for his performance and frankly, I believe we will be much better off than having candidates with NO solid law enforcement running for office.

    Lastly, should they be campaigning for office on “government time” with our tax dollars? This would never happen with a bonafide police department.

    It’s time for a change and putting accountability into the job. No one is holding Chapman accountable during the four year term. He’s had got his own agenda and I don’t think he really has our best interests at heart. I think the power and non-accountability is what he really is after instead and will fight hard to keep it and to discourage the voters from asking the county administrators to set up a bonafide police department.
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
  7. Chsalas

    Chsalas Active Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Do you really think it's the Sheriff's issue or the fact that the District Attorney will only prosecute people who think the school board should be held accountable? If the District Attorney's will not come down hard on criminals in LoCo, what can the Sheriff do?

    I personally believe the Sheriff's department does an exceptional job, it's time for a change in the Board of Supervisors and the District Attorney's office.
    JAGMAN, JJB and hokie'81 like this.
  8. jwf

    jwf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    They put out a billboard.
  9. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Did you forget Chapman is elected and Board of Supervisors and DA can’t tell Chapman what to do- this whole elected thing is BS because it’s all down to politics. If Sheriff is Republican and DA is Democratic- there is going to be a conflict with one another- no one wins!

    I disagree with you about Chapman doing a great job. I guess it’s looking like he’s a Sheriff for life as he’ll fight tooth and nail to keep his job as a politician.

  10. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    andddddde how is a billboard effective, really?

    It’s a real joke because people don’t “obey” a billboard- they’ll speed because a billboard sits stationary and can’t pull people over for speeding, ya know?

    They’ve tried using:
    *Unattended Sheriff’ cars-

    what’s next?

    Dummies in lawn chairs with fake radar guns?


    We do have a speeding problem in this county and these two tactics haven’t put a dent into it.

    ‘Nuf said.

    I’ve said my piece and am moving on- nothing will really get done in the county and suffice to say- even some of the Deputies have thrown up their hands remarking that it’s a losing battle because they only have so many cars and deputies to deal with it.

  11. glencastle

    glencastle The Paterfamilias

    Jan 14, 2004
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    Elected = accountable to the voters
    Hired by the BoS = not accountable to the citizens and subject to their boss's political leanings
    Chsalas and JAGMAN like this.
  12. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Of course, I know this.

    it’s a LOT harder to remove/fire a Sheriff if they are elected as you would have to have a recall to have that done and it’s a difficult one at that- whereas Board of Supervisors can fire the Chief but there’s usually a contract in place. (Fairfax County, for example) and politics usually doesn’t play when you hire someone. They look for someone who has SOLID law enforcement experience as opposed to elected approach which is pure political. People are gonna vote based upon political party lines.

  13. jwf

    jwf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    I thought the sarcasm was obvious
  14. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Sadly, it didn’t ooze sarcasm-


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