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Portrait Innovations Don't Use Them

Discussion in 'General Chat Forum' started by T8ergirl, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. T8ergirl

    T8ergirl New Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    A few of my friends have been talking about this new photography place in Leesburg and one of them made an appointment for today. Read on:

    Hi Everyone,

    I was excited to try Portrait Innovations, the new portrait studio
    located by Best Buy in Leesburg. I called last week and scheduled an
    appointment this morning for my three month old for 9:30 a.m. I
    arrived today, only to find they were closed. Myself and several
    other parents all sat in the cold, in our cars, waiting for it to
    open. We kept calling, and there was no answer. Finally after 45
    minutes of waiting, I had to come home and feed my infant.

    I found their corporate phone number on their website, and furiously
    called and got up to the V.P. of their company. He told me that new
    locations are never open on Tuesday (well then, why did they schedule
    me and these other parents an appointment, and why does their Post ad
    as well as the lettering on their door say Tuesday - Sunday hours).
    He made it seem like it was my fault this happened. One of the other
    parents told me this is the second time they have done this to her
    there, as she drove off disgusted.

    I am a huge proponent of not supporting businesses who treat customers
    this way. His best offer was to tell me sorry and offer me $25 gift
    card. I'm sorry, but after what I went thru this morning to get my
    three year old to school and my three month old fed, dressed and
    'portrait ready', I told this gentleman where he could put his $25
    gift card.

    I will not be using their business and I wanted to share my experience
    with as many parents as possible. Please spread the word on your
    community message boards and share with other parenting groups you are
    involved in. So many of us will be getting our kids photos taken for
    the holidays and I just think our money could be better spent than at
    this place.

    M. Lopresti
    Ashburn Farms
  2. SarasMom

    SarasMom Member

    Aug 15, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for sharing this info. I just ripped their 1 page ad out of one of the local Loudoun papers too...it's going back into the recycle bin!
  3. jdhauer

    jdhauer Active Member

    May 27, 2003
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    This sounds just like my last experience with the Picture People at the mall. Not only were the store employees apathetic, but so was customer service, even though I escalated all the way to the corporate level.
  4. Gun Ohna

    Gun Ohna New Member

    Apr 10, 2006
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    One thing I would do is go back and take a picture of the hours that are posted on the door and email it to their corporate folks, espically if they show they are open on Tuesdays. I would flood them with as much info that shows they misled consumers to the fact that that location is open on Tuesday.
  5. blue_devil

    blue_devil New Member

    Sep 27, 2003
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    The VP was clueless. Even the website lists hours as Tues - Sun 9am - 6pm

    Did you write down the names of the employees as you worked up to the VP? You should write a letter and ask for an apology letter from the VP and whatever you think is a reasonable $ amount for a gift certificate.

    Best thing you can do with any customer service compliant is to write a letter specifically asking for what you want to rectify the situation.
  6. kahlua1

    kahlua1 New Member

    Jan 3, 2006
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    We've had great luck with the Target studio at the Leesburg Target.
    Probably more "basic" than Portrait Innovations but so far we've had great results there.
  7. robzilla

    robzilla outta sushi

    Aug 15, 2003
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    We've had great experience with the photo studio at JC PEnney at DTC.
  8. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    We just had a horrible expreience with JC Penny. We had an appointment with our 9 mo old at 10:30, and didn't get out of there until 2PM.

    The staff had no clue on what they were doing, they were '30 mins' behind when we showed up at 10:30. It just spiraled from there. So if you go and they are behind, beware.
  9. cjcat

    cjcat New Member

    Oct 28, 2006
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    I am sorry you had such trouble with Portrait Innovations. I am very familiar with the company. The started out in the South and we just moved here this year and have been a loyal customers to a Portrait Innovations study in Georgia. Before seeing your post we had an appointment last Sunday (I called that day to set up the appointment, since I had one at Picture People and my husband refused to go after numerous outrageous experiences there). Our sitting lasted over an hour with my 3 and 5 year olds and they had a great time. The 2 ladies that we were working with us did everything they could to get exactly what we wanted. The ended up taking 93 photos and we bought 9 poses. It was very had narrowing down to 9 since we loved so many. I hope that they do something that would let you try them in the future. Much better prices than Picture People.
  10. SarasMom

    SarasMom Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    FYI - Portrait Innovations has an ad in yesterday's Loudoun section of the Washington Post - "Studio Hours: Open Everyday 9a.m.-7p.m." Nothing at all about no Tuesday hours. Sounds like that VP needs to get his act together.

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