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Near Death Experience

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by Dang.Yu.Hyung, Sep 28, 2003.

  1. GCyr

    GCyr New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    Cliff, thanks for the updated information.
  2. jtarnow

    jtarnow New Member

    Dec 21, 2002
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    Cliff, thanks again for the update. I view the news as a "glass half full," rather than half empty. At least a four way stop will bring all traffic to a stop and create some increased safety at these intersections until the lights arrive.

    Now if we can only get NoVA drivers to understand the protocols of a four-way stop, which (from spending 2-3 hours per day in my car) I can attest many do not!

  3. killer_bee

    killer_bee New Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    This is just another example of government over-spending! Now, we the Loudoun Co. taxpayers are having to pay big government to install stop signs and then turn around and install stop lights just a few months later. This is ridiculous. Why not just install the stop lights that are plain and simply needed N-O-W.

    Also, we should all ask ourselves why the HOA could not have communicted this problem to the county proactively. When the new shopping center was planned, the HOA should have represented the residents and demanded a stop light be put in for safety reasons.

    killer_bee in broadands, ashburn, virginia
  4. GCyr

    GCyr New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    killer_bee (or whoever you are),

    Since you seem to be the expert on every topic in these forums, why don't you identify yourself instead of using an alias? That way, we could discuss these topics with a real person instead of someone who hides their identity. Why do you hide your identity??

    As for the HOA telling the county and/or developer how to run their business, that's what I would call ridiculous. If you don't think the HOA Board, including Cliff, haven't been working on this very issue (traffic light) for quite some time, perhaps you should attend Board of Supervisor meetings to express your thoughts on this topic, since it's the county, not the HOA, that runs/controls what happens in this county.


  5. killer_bee

    killer_bee New Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    g.cyr: Please refer to the Forum rules posted at http://hoa.broadlands.org/forum34/policy.asp.
    Your request is only an attempt to invade the privacy of those on the Forum who disagree with you, and it is a violation of the User Agreement.

    Additionally, please refer to the following citation from the Forum rules:

    The HOA encourages us NOT to share the information that you request. In the past, you have been an ardent supporter of the HOA, so why are you opposed to this policy? In the post above, you personally attacked me for showing concern about the HOA's policies. I find this strange...

    killer_bee in broadands, ashburn, virginia
  6. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    I don't agree with Killer Bee either but I don't find the need to call him out. What does it matter who Killer Bee is, are you going to look him up and punch him out? If you want to argue with him you can do that without knowing his name. And aren't you being just a little bit hypocritical when you accuse him of hiding his identity when you are doing the same?
  7. JenCo

    JenCo New Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    I think what GCyr is getting at is many people seem to be more outspoken (in a negative way) when no one knows who they are (I site the child care thread from a couple months ago). On one hand it may help the forums stay a bit more civil but on the other it may sensor those who want to view their opinions without reprocussions. Kind of a catch-22.

    I think it should stay optional but possibly there can be better rules for when the topics get off subject or when the topic takes over every other forum around (ie: hospital).

    I don't believe GCyr's post is an attack, killer_bee. Sometimes it's just nice to know who you're talking to on these forums but as you say, it's optional.
  8. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    No that was an attack! KB didn't say anything that was nearly provocative. That was an attempt to shut KB down by intimidation. And if you ask my wife, Marge, she'll tell you that I get more confrontational in person!

    Plus, the Board Admin knows who everyone is and they having been enforcing the rules of the board. If someone gets out of line they will deal with it objectively unlike the users of the forum.
  9. JenCo

    JenCo New Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    Please, I don't think asking for a persons name is quite the same as "shutting him down". It doesn't really matter how confrontational you are, that's great. We all have our moments. I'm just hoping we can keep this thread away from personal vendettas and he said/she said arguments.

    Many of us may not use a signature but sometimes the screen name is identification enough.

  10. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    Fine. But you don't refute my point that this board is moderated already by the Admins. There is no need to take any further action.

    This statement is very arguementative and I can find no other reason to say this other than to intimidate. If I'm wrong about this then show me how you read that statement. I see it as put up or shut up.

    And my point about being confrontational was merely just to show that taking away anonymity may deter some but not all speech that you may find undesireable.
  11. Farscape

    Farscape New Member

    Sep 21, 2002
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    I agree with Homer. GCyr may not have meant it, but he did attack KB. He seemed to call him out solely because he did not like what KB said. KB did not say anything offensive or vulgar, nor did he threaten anyone.He just made a negative comment about the HOA. Is that against the Forum rules?

    Why would you need to know who someone is anyway? If you just plan on ‘discussing’ an issue on the forum, what purpose does it serve to know who they are and where they live? All you need to know is that they are a concerned citizen of Broadlands.

    I do not see the problem with negative posts. Not everything in Broadlands is happy and perfect. Like everywhere else, there ARE problems or disagreements on how things are done. Do we not have a right to try and fix those problems or things we disagree with? How can anything be accomplished if no one is allowed to express a negative opinion about something?

    Also, maybe I am wrong, but isn’t it the moderator’s responsibility to remove unruly posts or block those individuals who violate the forum rules?
    Very Cute Homer:)
  12. JenCo

    JenCo New Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    Differing opinions are fine. I enjoy the freedom of discussing my opinions on these forums but sometimes they get out of line. I have seen the admins take a step when needed like in childcare but I was only suggesting that as an option if taking away anonimity is really being considered. A happy medium so to speak. Whatever, at this point it's not that big of a deal. I just wanted to post my opinion and I did so.
  13. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Some inaccuracies in your post. First, as I've previously posted, almost all the cost for these lights, and the stop signs, will be borne by the developer, not the County taxpayers. Also, before you make a false presumption/allegation that the the HOA, has not made any efforts to get the lights installed, please attempt to get some FACTS first. I have personally brought up this issue with the developer relentlessly since the shopping center was first proposed. I'm sorry that the HOA does not have authority over Terrabrook/Loudoun County/VDOT.

    If anyone would like the long winded explanation for why it takes so long, give me a call. I don't feel like typing it all out here.

    Regarding anonymity of posts, the HOA has received some comments from people outside the community who think that the nastiness of some of the posts gives our community a bad image. The HOA has concerns over "editing" out comments, unless they are extreme in nature or profane. There are first amendment concerns with doing that.
    Eliminating anonymity might make people hesitate before making what are perceived as nasty comments. You can still make them, but your name will be attached to them.
  14. GCyr

    GCyr New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    Just curious why no one else thought killer_bee was attacking our HOA, and its board members, some of whom post here (by name)? Wasn't killer_bee attacking those individuals? Obviously, not everyone felt the same way, but at least I included my name with my response.

    I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to ask why an individual doesn't use his/her real name (and killer_bee did explain why he/she doesn't). If killer_bee, or anyone else, doesn't want to use their real names, that's their choice. As others have mentioned, some people might be more hesitant to post some things if their real name was attached instead of an alias.

    Anyway, all I did was tell killer_bee to express his concerns to the Board of Supervisors since our HOA doesn't run the county. If that's not true, I'm sure someone will let me know.

  15. xianghua71

    xianghua71 New Member

    Jan 28, 2003
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    I don't think KB was personally attacking SOMEONE. He may be addressing the HOA in general but not attack. I think he was just expressing his opinions in a very frustrated way.
  16. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    I don't think anything good will come from putting people's name out there in the internet. It's too east to look up that name in Loudoun County's Database and find out exactly where I live. Not a good thing and that will really curtail free speech. If I recall it's a law that the HOA has this board. Does the law go into anymore detail? Would Broadlands be responsible if Person X said something on the forum, Person Y took offense, found out where they lived and clocked 'em?

    As it is now you can email the poster from this forum if you wish. Isn't that enough accountability. If it's not then putting their name on it wont work. I for one wont be intimated and what I post is what I would say to your face so it's not a deterrent for me. And as for tarnishing Broadlands image, there are plenty of issues that do that. For instance take Saul center. They took down all the trees that blocked the light from the houses across the street. Broadlands South is a pale imitation of the North. It looks like they didn't even try to save any trees and the bike paths don't connect. The HOA appears to be sponsoring the Hospital issue without taking a quorom of owners. The new building off of Stream Valley is an eyesore to the saved area. Really, Broadlands is looking less and less like it care's about nature. Maybe the "outsiders" are getting turned off b/c the light of truth is being shown what's really happening around here. For as much that is wrong though I do believe Broadlands is the best neighborhood and the fact that we do get into healthy debate is a good thing.
  17. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    KB was misguided in attacking the HOA as in they don't control that. I'm very frustrated with Loudoun's inability to cope with expansion. What do we have to do to get a Police department and street control around here.

    On the other issue, it's not apparrent the G.Cyr is your name. And you don't give your first name. I don't know how common the surname Cyr is but if your name was J.Smith how usefull is that.

    You open the sentence as a personal attack. How can we not see it that way?
  18. SK8R

    SK8R On the Clover Meadow

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Yo Homer, I agree with you!
  19. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    I reported the light outage to the developer. There's been problems with them with rainstorms since Isabel passed through. They are experiencing the same issue in Ashburn Farm.
    I contacted Wes about the lights by the community center. I thought these lights were on photocells and not timers, but will check it out.

    I appreciate your concerns, but would like to clarify a few points.
    There is no law requiring the HOA to have these forums. It was the idea of the web committee that the HOA supported. Based on the many comments already posted regarding this issue, I'm less inclined to support removing anonymity, but I think the HOA Board will discuss it.

    As for the image of Broadlands, I receive compliments all the time about our community, and the addition of commercial elements are things that many residents have been waiting for and are happy to see them. Yes, trees come down when the undeveloped land gets developed.
    I also was not happy when Saul removed the existing treeline along Claibirne Parkway. However, I honestly thing now that with the style of the building and the landscaping buffer being installed, the site will be more attractive than if those trees were left.

    Regarding the HOA and the hospital. There are 7 members on the HOA Board. Four of them are from the developer, who just made $11,000,000 on the sale of the property to HCA. Is there any doubt in your mind that the HOA Board will support it? There are three resident members on the Board. I am one and support it. I'll let the other two answer for themselves.
    I have also made the committment that the HOA will poll the residents about the hospital issue. Since very few people attend meetings, it will be done via mail, with a prepaid return envelope to hopefully encourage residents to respond.
  20. GCyr

    GCyr New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    Pick up a phone book and look it up -- that shouldn't be too hard. If I were in Northern Maine, Cyr would be as common as Smith but that isn't the case here, so I am identified. As you said, J.Smith wouldn't be very descriptive, but G.Cyr is. Certainly more than Homer Simpson...



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