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Pool Parking on Village Drive

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by a4guy, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. Chsalas

    Chsalas Active Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    I aggree, the Village drive parking situation is a mess. I think that the swim team needs to hire a Offduty LCS to police this area. It's going to be ugly if someone gets hurt
  2. a4guy

    a4guy New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    I was literally almost hit driving down Village to make a right on Claiborne, by a car making a right onto Village. The driver made a very wide turn onto Village to get around the parked cars and was driving in the middle of the road.

    The parking last night was crazy.
  3. a4guy

    a4guy New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    Also.. HOA -- why can't YOU call the sheriff and help us out instead of just taking the stance of 'it is out of our control' as you did here:

    "Village is a VDOT street. The HOA does not control parking on it. If you see cars parked illegally (being parked to close to street corners IS illegal) call the sheriff's office."

  4. jjenkins

    jjenkins New Member

    Dec 31, 2005
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    This happens all the time (it just gets worse when there are extra cars around).
  5. BLSFmly

    BLSFmly New Member

    Aug 26, 2005
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    There is hummer parked on Village Drive most mornings. It is very close to Windy Oaks and hard to see traffic on Village, if you come from Windy Oaks. Next time I see this, I am going to call the Sheriff. Whoever the owner is, please do not park close to the intersection.
  6. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    The sheriff's office was called last night by a member of the Modification Sub-Committe. And as someone else posted, tickets were issued.

    And why should it be the HOA? They cannot control every aspect/detail of everything that goes on in the community. A call from a concerned citizen has as much weight to it as it would from an HOA member.

    As for the total number of cars, I think it is ridiculous that some of our neighbors who live easily within a few tenths of a mile have to drive. For future events, I would encourage the organizers to STRONGLY encourage carpooling too.

    And finally, the sheriff's office has been called and I imagine it will occur every time in the future as long as people park illegally.
  7. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Just exactly "who" do you think the HOA is????????
    The Board is made up of 9 members...5 of which don't live here.
    4 are residents. We volunteer. We have lives of our own.
    I don't dedicate my life to be the private complaint department for the individual desires of every resident, particularly when they can address the problem themselves. Instead of whining to and about the HOA, do something about the situation! This issue of parking is a violation of the law. YOU can contact the authorities when the law is broken. The HOA is not your nanny.

    Now that that is said, it WAS the HOA that called the sheriff's office, not a member of a subcommittee.
    I'll accept your apology, in advance, on behalf of the HOA.

    I did see the parking fiasco and plan to address it.
  8. Thunderchild

    Thunderchild New Member

    Mar 10, 2008
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    Perhaps the reason they would want the HOA involved is beacuse on the Broadlands Swim team website the link for the HOA is before the Swim Team Board members. Also, since the Swim team was notified of the problem, it did not get resolved and now the Sherrif's Dept. needed to be involved. Just glad to see the Sherrif's have addressed the issue correctly (tickets).

  9. a4guy

    a4guy New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    Obviously Im living in a pip-dream then.

    Who is it that answers the phones at the HOA or sits in the 'nature center'? Those are not HOA? or they are but Volunteers?

    I'm asking because I honestly don't know.

    No apology from me to you sir, I've done plenty to alert the Van Meter board or HOA or whomever the heck does things in the community about issues that need to be addressed.
  10. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Let me remind you of your statement:
    "Also.. HOA -- why can't YOU call the sheriff and help us out instead of just taking the stance of 'it is out of our control' as you did here:

    "Village is a VDOT street. The HOA does not control parking on it. If you see cars parked illegally (being parked to close to street corners IS illegal) call the sheriff's office.""

    Well, it was the HOA that called. If you don't see the error of your incorrect accusatory comment, then I guess it makes sense you don't feel the need to apologize.

    The HOA staff iare paid employees and are generally in the office from 9am-5pm. There was staff there last night because of a committee meeting, and he was the one that called the sheriff's office.

    I recognize that the HOA allows the swim meets. I will be addressing this issue with them. But the issue of illegally parked cars is, and always will be, the responsibility of the sheriff's office for enforcement.
  11. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    I have directed HOA Management to inform the swim team that the parking situation on Village Drive was unacceptable. I have requested that a written plan of action be submitted to ENSURE that these problems do not occur again.
    If it happens again, I may make a recommendation to the HOA Board that we no longer allow swim meets in Broadlands pools.
  12. Chsalas

    Chsalas Active Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Thank Goodness.
  13. Fritz

    Fritz New Member

    May 1, 2007
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    So, because of a few people, who don't know the basics of traffic/parking laws, the HOA may take the position of banning the community swim teams from the pools. Sounds crazy to deprieve the 400 Broadlands kids, who participate on the teams, of an extraordinary summer experience. And, I've heard that the swim team is the largest community program we have in Broadlands, why create a bigger issue out of this?

    The team has done a tremendous amount to communicate with parents regarding parking and I'm sure they will and can do more. But they can not control every single individual on the team or the visiting teams at all times. Also, the team has meets only on ~4 Saturdays and ~3 Wednesdays during June and July.

    If you see parking issues, that are against the law and not your personal opinions, call the sheriff.
  14. Fritz

    Fritz New Member

    May 1, 2007
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    and what about Broadlands Live while we're on parking! There are tremendous traffic issues with parking on side streets, people cutting across Waxpool all night, and the music can be heard for a great distance away. They have private security as well as plenty of sherriff's officers yet there are issues.

    Of course this comment is sarcatic, I personally enjoy the concerts and the swim team. But these traffic issues can be extended to a lot of community events and shouldn't necessarily be focused on one group.
  15. technosapien

    technosapien New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    Much as I hate the parking problems, I would agree that we shouldn't cancel the swim meets.
    Luckily, I don't think anyone's been injured or any accidents have occurred, (though my dog and I nearly got run over Wednesday night) so that's good. Perhaps the event attendees could just park on one side of the road, or over at the nature center and walk thru the tunnel? Surely, there can be some compromise.... It's not like having to park further down Village is a huge inconvenience, it's not that far of a walk. and some of the side streets have small parking lots that are free for anyone to use, those spaces aren't owned or leased. I wouldn't mind giving up the one I usually use if it means more safety around the pool complex.
  16. Pats_fan

    Pats_fan Former Resident

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Why can't cones be placed on one side of the road (2-3 feet from the curb) before the meet to designate that side as no parking? That way cars can park on one side and the road is still wide enough to allow cars to pass in both directions. Seems like this would work.
  17. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Fritz - the leadership/parents of the swimteam - should be proactively monitoring the situation - They should go out write down the lisence plate # and dist of car(s) give this info to MC and make an announcement via the bullhorn to the owner of the car(s).

    It is a traffic hazard and it is a quasi HOA event - thus liability.
  18. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    They do - but on Weds I was at the HOA office (for an ARB meeting) and witnessed 6 ADULTS get out of their car, move the cone(s) and park their car.
  19. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    have we become so spoiled in this community that a slight inconvenience blows up into possibly taking AWAY things that make this a great place to live? the dangerous illegal parking is one thing- towing and tickets will make individuals take notice. and i'm sure the swim team volunteer board will do what they can to help ease that serious problem.

    fritz is DEAD ON with saying the team can't control individuals who feel their need to be as close as possible to the pool is more important than safety and oh, i dunno, THE LAW. they should be punished individually, legally. maybe someone from the team can direct parking at the start of the meets just like someone does at Broadlands Live. maybe ppl will carpool more, drop off, and pick up, etc.

    i would just hate to see whining and complaining about any event that doesn't fit ONE (figuratively ONE, not literally) residents' lifestyle make it go away completely. like when my dad would turn off the TV and none of us could watch because my bratty sister would whine about what was on while the other 5 of us enjoyed it... :(
  20. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    In the same vein though... if someone can't control your guests... you punish them if they don't do something about it.

    The problem is caused by the Swim Team and their guests. They need to be handling the situation or risk having themselves punished as well.

    It's absurd that adults are being so selfish in terms of parking their cars... but what's new.

    It's like the person who double parks at the shopping center curb when there is open parking spots just 30ft away. 'me me me' mentality is going to be the end of this country.

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