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Broadlands Hospital

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by joy, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    LCHS was denied beds by the Richmond establishment. The crowding is not LHCS' fault but Richmonds. For some reason they don't want us to have easy access to health care up here. Maybe someone should form a PAC.

    Wishing wont make the downzoning happen but public pressure on Scott York would. But I do think that lot will be vacant for a long time if a Hospital is not built due to the current economic conditions. AOL/Worldcomm campus isn't even half full. No one in their right mind would build a huge corporate campus at this time.

    The fact is that the previous HCA establishment was corrupt and we don't know that the current establishment is or isn't. I really don't think a hospital would generate more noise than an office park. Last night I hear a fire engine at least three times due to the storm, that's no different than an ambulance. I just want the property used in a way that benefits the neighborhood in a manner that is consistent with the image that Broadlands portrays on their website and Nature Center.
  2. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    A couple of responses:
    First to SHAMROX: You go into a heated response about someone's opinion about those that oppose the hospital. You then get derogatory yourself in your comment " I'm guessing you and HCACliff don't live within eyeshot of the site." For the record, I work for the FAA, not HCA. I am also a resident member of the Broadlands HOA

    Secondly, regarding your comment "I live directly across from the proposed site and I certainly don't want this hospital." There is a resident DIRECTLY across from the entrance to the hospital that supports it. He did considerable research before reaching his decision. If his house is closer to the entrance should his opinion count more than yours?

    If you, or anyone else doesn't want the hospital built regardless of any "facts" or "opinions" that is your right. I believe what VWEISENBURG was referring to is the large number of false concerns and rumors that were being spread to instigate fear from residents that was not warranted. The opponents of the hospital hope this fear will result in other people deciding to oppose it as well.

    To HOMER SIMPSON: Yes, the marketing to potential residents points out the things that will sell houses. But if you look at the plan for the whole community, there is a significant amount of land dedicated to COMMERCIAL uses. Many potential uses zoned for commercial property could have, in my opinion, far far greater negative impacts to the community than a hospital could have.

    Also, regarding your comment "I just want the property used in a way that benefits the neighborhood in a manner that is consistent with the image that Broadlands portrays on their website and Nature Center." Given that this is a Commercially zoned property, a hospital that provides health care to the residents of Broadlands is far more in keeping to that image than an office park, or other possible uses for that site.
  3. Donna

    Donna New Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    It still is interesting that those who are against this issue are spreading false information to gain support and those that are for are simply telling the truth. We have arrived at our decisions the same way you have... based also on research, speaking with people in various communitys, members of all hospitals involved and reading articles pertaining to this issue and other issues that will impact a hospital community. I don't feel We need to defend the information that I and others have shared, simply because our views don't agree with yours. We have never said we are fighting this to keep it woods and a parcel that wont be built on. We would like it to be what it was originally planned to be... an office complex. By the way whatever happened to Marilyn Tavenner. Why is there a "new face" to HCA here in Broadlands. Also whatever happened to Tom Delasandro from Terrabrook?
  4. GCyr

    GCyr New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    At the BRMC task force meeting you attended, you mentioned an incinerator that would be built with BRMC as a one reason for not wanting the hospital in our community (e.g., toxic smoke in our neighborhoods). You stated the incinerator was included in the HCA COPN application which surprised the HCA folks who were not aware of this, but you insisted it was in their application. You also told us that you would find this reference in their application and tell us where it was located. I was never able to locate this information in their application and HCA later informed us it was not included in their application because they never intended to build an incinerator.

    Could you tell me where the incinerator information is located in the HCA COPN application so I can read up on this? Or, is this one of the facts based on research that you mentioned?


  5. Donna

    Donna New Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    Greg, If you recall I clarified that. What I currently find interesting is the rumor of HCAs attempt to solicite support by hiring a telemarketing company to do phone surveys to garnish support from Broadlands residents. The funny thing is that not many residents have elected to answer HCAs questions. Wouldn't it be ironic if HCA started soliciting support from our community by offering goods and services to Broadlands residents. Maybe HCA is so worried about the lack of support they have here in Broadlands that maybe they'll offer to pay our tolls, cut our lawns and walk our dogs. Who knows what they are willing to do to try to get community support. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  6. GCyr

    GCyr New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    Sorry, I don't remember you clarifing that. I'm not saying you didn't--just that I don't recall. How did you clarify that?

  7. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    As far as I know, Marilyn Tavenner is still gainfully employed by HCA. I believe she represents HCA for the mid-atlantic region. Tom Delasandro has not worked for Terrabrook for several months. He's managing a huge planned community outside of Houston.

    As far as facts bearing out the concerns of the hospital nay sayers,
    where are the facts that have been gathered that show that the hospital will: generate more traffic, cause property values to decline, increase crime in the neighborhood, hospitals make bad neighbors, etc? My research has shown otherwise, and I have previously posted the source of my facts.

    I would love for HCA to pay my tolls and cut my lawn. Good idea!
  8. Donna

    Donna New Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    Cliff you seem to be missing the whole point...we just don't want the hospital here. Our reasons vary as to why but we just don't want it. It was never told to us when we were buying and currently is not being told to new prospective homeowners. As for HCA buying support...Why does HCA think they have to buy support to build here. Does HCA have such a low opinion and little respect for Braodlands residents that they think our support can be gained with a short term public relations gimmick. If they can't win support based on their history and the so called support they have here they shouldnt try to gain it by opening their coffers and buying their way into this community. If such a thing is happening.
  9. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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  10. killer_bee

    killer_bee New Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    I am new to the Forums (but not new to Broadlands), and I thought this hospital idea was dead. HCA obviously cannot take "no" for an answer. With a perfectly good and brand new (and not-for-profit) hospital a few miles down the road, why do we need big business HCA in our neighborhood? It makes no sense.

    Also, I have worked in healthcare all of my life (not for HCA or Loudoun Hospital, I might say...) and have spent considerable time in the field of behavioral healthcare with adolescents. I have read the articles and posts stating that the mental health unit will not be "so bad" because it will now only serve youths and adolescents. Oh, that is rich -- the people who say that never have seen a mental health unit for adolesents! What makes you think that having a psychotic and aggressive teenager preying on our neighborhood is much better than an adult? Even if the patients do not escape from the hospital (oh, they will!), then the patients will be in our neighborhood, interacting with our kids. Is that the kind of influence we want to welcome with open arms? Also, if you think that the vandalism is bad in the Broadlands now (lots of thanks to Terrabrook and the HOA for doing so much to control that!!!), what till you have a mental health unit open up...

    killer_bee in broadands, ashburn, virginia
  11. vweisenburg

    vweisenburg New Member

    Feb 15, 2002
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    Killer Bee, let me give you some more info so you understand the entire issue.

    1. There is a multi-acre mental health facility already in the proffers for Broadlands. This has to be built whether or not the hospital is built. We can have a more secure hospital-based facility or a stand-alone mental health facility. That is the choice. There will be a mental health facility here one way or another.

    2. I can't believe you are seriously suggesting that metal patients will increase vandalism. What statistics are you basing this on?

    3. Again, no one is downplaying the potential problems with a mental health facility and I am sure most of us would rather not have it at all, but since it will be built here hospital or no hosptial, I for one would rather see it combined with a hospital that we need and that will be more secure.

    4. Loudoun is hardly state-of-the-art. There are many parents in Broaldlands who have children with special mdeical needs that are forced to go to Fair Oaks or Fairfax because Loudoun lacks the equipment or expertise to handle them. Loudoun is a capable community hospital, but what we need in addition to LCH is a hospital that can provide more advanced care, especially for children.
  12. killer_bee

    killer_bee New Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    VW: Thanks for the information. I cannot say that you changed my perspective, though I still appreciate the information.

    I might not know all of the legalities of proffers, but I doubt that just because the proffers call for the building of something that it means that they must be built. I am sure that, with enough vocal opposition, those proffers--if they do exist--can be undone. That is the nice thing about a democracy.

    About vandalism, all I am saying is that the HOA and Terrabrook cannot control vandalism as it stands right now. Do you think that they can? While I cannot produce a scientific study showing that mental health units increase vandalism, can you show they do not?[?]

    killer_bee in broadands, ashburn, virginia
  13. SK8R

    SK8R On the Clover Meadow

    Sep 3, 2002
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    "More advanced care, especially for children"? Ha, ha, ha. ha!
    This HCA hospital is not going to be a "children's hospital" and there is nothing this hospital will have that LHC does not have. Please, stop hallucinating about this place.
    MORE people are against this hospital than just the majority of Broadlands residents. If you think that a piddly few people here in Broadlands that are FOR the hospital are going to make a difference and think a few voices are going to make this hospital come here, forget about it.
    There is a county wide effort against this hospital and you peeps are dreaming.
    This hospital does not belong here.
  14. Farscape

    Farscape New Member

    Sep 21, 2002
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    vweisenburg: I was wondering where you can get information on the proffers for Broadlands (or any area for that matter). Being a relatively new home owner (2-years), this is something I was unaware of. I must say, I am more than disappointed to hear that a multi-acre mental health facility is already slated for Broadlands. Do you know when this was decided? Why would Broadlands be slated for this as opposed to other areas?

    In “researching” Broadlands, before deciding to buy a house, I did not see any information readily available that stated there was a multi-acre mental health facility slated for Broadlands. The first that I have heard about it is your thread on this forum. Is there anything else that would be good to research before deciding to live in an area?
  15. vweisenburg

    vweisenburg New Member

    Feb 15, 2002
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    When we moved here in 1996, on the master site plan there was a designated community services/senior housing area. I asked what was going into that parcel and was told that part of it was slated to be a mental health facility (I want to say I was told 5 acres but I am not 100% sure about the number).

    I am not exactly sure where you would get the info on paticular proffers. Cliff, do you have any specifics on that?
  16. SK8R

    SK8R On the Clover Meadow

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Yes, it was only 5 acres. We moved here in '96 too. Terrabrook did not own all of that property to begin with.
    I have an old plan of the community. It shows a "senior housing area".
  17. killer_bee

    killer_bee New Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    That is the best statement that I have seen in this forum. Right on.

    killer_bee in broadands, ashburn, virginia
  18. Farscape

    Farscape New Member

    Sep 21, 2002
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    vweisenburg, SK8R- thank you for the information.
  19. volvo_nut

    volvo_nut New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    We are settling on our new home on Aug 27th. This should have been disclosed and not buried in the two novels of HOA docs, if it is in there at all. Why not have this facility on the LCH campus?
  20. Donna

    Donna New Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    :)I am glad to say our website is up and running. It is a little different from our first site, but once the kinks get worked out it will be great. www.notinbroadlands.com. Thanks again for the interest in getting it started again. Donna Fortier

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