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Calling all 'good guys'!!!

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by Ecoe, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. Ecoe

    Ecoe New Member

    Jul 16, 2007
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    Hey everyone, this is Liz from the Loudoun Times-Mirror.

    At the paper, we are looking into starting a series of profiles about "GOOD GUYS" in the community. This will feature people (men and women) in the county who are doing good works and deserve some kind of recognition.

    This can be anyone you feel makes a positive impact on the community in some way... maybe a local business person, neighbor, teacher, the mailman, a student you know, etc, but not necessarily a public figure or someone often covered in the news. It can be anyone who has made an impact on you or has done something to help others. Even something small may be a great story to tell!

    Please send suggestions to me through e-mail at ecoe@timespapers.com or send me a PM if you can. The person would have to agree to be interviewed and probably have a photo taken, but if you want me to try to do the convincing that is no problem!

    I'm sure there are so many great people in the Loudoun community that we're missing. Especially when covering issues with HOAs (which I do a lot) it's easy for me to tend to hear more about the "bad" things that are going on than the good things. I want to hear some good stuff people!

    Thanks again!

    Elizabeth Coe
    Eastern Loudoun Reporter
    Loudoun Times-Mirror
    9 E. Market St.
    Leesburg, VA 20176
    703-777-1111 x1317
    F: 703-771-0036

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