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Cleaner Water for Northern VA

Discussion in 'Nature/Habitat/Garden Corner' started by OSimpson, May 1, 2008.

  1. OSimpson

    OSimpson Certified Master Naturalist

    Sep 24, 2006
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    Only Rain Down the Storm Drain!

    DID YOU KNOW...polluted storm water is the number one cause of unhealthy water in the streams and rivers throughout Northern Virginia?

    Waterways are where we play, relax, enjoy wildlife, and even get our drinking water. However, their quality is threatened by common materials that get carried to them with every rain. Pet waste, motor oil, and fertilizer are the most common pollutants found in our waterways.

    Fortunately, the health of the region's waterways can be improved by working together to reduce the amount of polluted stormwater reaching our treasured waterways for today and future generations.

    Tip of the Month - Potomac River-Friendly Lawn Care Techniques!

    The overuse of fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides on lawns and gardens can cause algae growth in local streams and the Chesapeake Bay, and some chemicals can even kill aquatic life. Although the spring weather invites yard work, fertilizing in the fall actually promotes healthier and deeper root growth for your grass. Follow the package directions before you apply any chemical lawn care product. Keep the green in your pocket and out of our shared waterways!

    Instead of using a lot of chemicals on your yard, here are a couple of Potomac River-friendly options to consider:

    * Did you know that fertilizing your lawn in the fall is better for the grass and promotes deeper root growth?

    * Grasscycling is a fast and easy way to a great looking lawn. Leave grass clippings on your lawn to provide nutrients, instead of fertilizing.

    * Composting your yard waste is a great way to create nutrient-rich soil for your gardens.

    * Get a little exercise by manually pulling weeds instead of applying pesticides and herbicides.

    * Most importantly, read and follow packaging direction before applying any chemical lawn care products.

    Use Proper Lawn Care Techniques

    Fertilizers contain nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorous, which make plants grow. In streams, ponds, and rivers, nutrients in large amounts are bad. They cause algae blooms, which are harmful to human health and aquatic life. However, many lawns in Northern Virginia may not need to apply fertilizer. If it is needed, one application in the fall may be all that is required. Test the soil to see whether or not fertilizer is needed and be sure to read the directions on the fertilizer bag to ensure the appropriate amount is applied.

    Lawn and landscape pros offering the Chesapeake ClubSM standard:

    Bay Country Lawn (attending the May 3rd event)
    Eco-Lawn System...

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