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Construction on Ridgeway - Good spot for a Park

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by rich351854, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. rich351854

    rich351854 New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    There is what was supposed to be a road, coming off of Ridgeway, now being filled in with Grass and a sidewalk (up at the top by HighviewTrail Place). We have absolutely no tot lott in the area and this former "road site" seems like the perfect community land to turn in to a little playground.

    Does anybody have a view as to what is happening in the location, or how we as a community could get a little playground put in to this location.

    When I see the money being spend elsewhere in the broadlands, and notice that we still have no tot lott in this section of southern walk...... it seems like the perfect opportunity to get something going......

    Can anybody provide guidance as to how to move this forward. Also if you support this let me know....
  2. phitnessfiend

    phitnessfiend New Member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    I believe a tot lot was in the works behind some of the houses on Stone Hollow but the home owners were fighting it. Not sure what this land will be used for. If it turns into a grassy area, I'm sure the homeowners will be real excited. I'm surprised Van Metre didn't try to turn that lot into a home site.
  3. luftinarr

    luftinarr Member

    Dec 4, 2005
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    Sorry, but I would not support this. The area is not big enough nor far enough away from houses to support a tot lot. I live near this area and no, I don't know the neighbors that border this supposed-to-be road so I'm not speaking on behalf of anybody. If I lived there I wouldn't be happy about a tot lot. Too close to houses, too close to the road. Sorry!
  4. mlfrank

    mlfrank New Member

    Feb 11, 2003
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    I seem to recall hearing about these planned parks and tot lots when we first moved into Southern Walk 4+ years ago. I don't have the slick marketing stuff we got when we bought our home handy but I thought the planned areas for these were marked even back then. Why are the neighbors now opposing them? Are these the original sites or has there been change? (the road site off Ridgeway not the issue here, I'm wondering about the Stone Hollow site in particular that is mentioned) I would LOVE to see a tot lot in SW. Those sorts of family friendly amenities are why we moved out to Loudoun to begin with (certainly not for the easy commutes to DC & Springfield!)
  5. phitnessfiend

    phitnessfiend New Member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    Okay...so I went right to the source tonight while trick or treating with my boys. The area is just going to be a grassy area. No tot lot, no exercise area or anything.
  6. luftinarr

    luftinarr Member

    Dec 4, 2005
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    I would love to see a tot lot as well. And I agree with you, mlfrank. Where are the tot lots they advertised???

    A tot lot between those houses just doesn't seem to be a good fit. There doesn't look like there'd be enough room and it would be too centered in a bunch of houses. If I bordered on that area I'd be raging about a tot lot being that close to my house.
  7. Neighbor

    Neighbor Member

    Jun 21, 2004
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    I posted the "slick marketing stuff" (mlfrank) in this thread.

  8. chiliburners

    chiliburners New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    I believe the two homeowners on either side approached Van Metre and ask to purchase the property. I do not know if this actually happened but that was what I heard last night.
  9. rich351854

    rich351854 New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    So what is going on with the planned tot lot at stone hollow.... any headway? These things take far to long, VanMetre is able to rip down a forest and build like 20 houses but can not get our tot lot done
  10. KTdid

    KTdid Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    AMEN! $$$$$
  11. AshburnGuyy

    AshburnGuyy New Member

    Nov 2, 2007
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    ok, so i hear all this about a tot lot. its not like there arent 50 tot lots all around the area, that, in case youve never seen one, are never even used. we dont need any more of these pointless "tot lots." just go and use one of the existing ones and have the community build something thats actually worth their money and can be fun for somebody over the age of 8.
  12. Sunny

    Sunny Chief Advisor

    Dec 24, 2003
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    i would like to see a tot lot, but honestly, my kids won't be little forever and i would like to enjoy something too-
    i think you are right! let's get a sand volleyball court in here!!!
  13. rich351854

    rich351854 New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    Older kids can go to the schools...... In SW there are really no tot lots and certainly none that I can walk to.........
  14. sharse

    sharse TeamDonzi rocks!!

    May 28, 2005
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    That all the neighborhood cats can use for a . . . well, you know. . .
  15. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Volleyball did you say volleyball Sunny!!!!! Yes I love volleyball. Lets get a volleyball league going both indoor in the winter and outdoor in the summer:clap: And of course all rock stars love bocce ball too right sunny. My rock star buddy Benny Mardones and his girfriend and kids (number one hit song "into the night"" taught me and Dalyn and our boys and how to play bocce with his pal Jon Bon Jovi and some of the guys from three dog night one weekend at his beach house:) ok I am name dropping now so I better shut up.;) ha ha ha ha ha ha But I just get way too excite when I hear volleyball and bocce ball :clap::clap::clap:

    Lee j
  16. Sunny

    Sunny Chief Advisor

    Dec 24, 2003
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    i am not against a tot lot. i live on ridgeway and have 3 little ones- we would love one. but you may not know that there are about 4 tot lots that i can think of in SW. There is one at the nature center by the tennis courts (not really great for small children, the ladder is actually quite dangerous for little ones- proven by my middle child twice), there is a tot lot by the SW pool, there is a tot lot on the path behind the courtyard homes off of Milford, and another back there...by the townhomes near the end of village drive.
    it would really be nice to have a tot lot up this way.
    Hey Lee- I am totally down for VB and Bocce ball with you, Dalyn, and JBJ.:guitar: There is a sand volleyball court at the community center in landsdowne- it's awesome. maybe we could put something like this in the back yard of the nature center. i know it is a nice big open green space- but i feel like so much more could be happening at that building. speaking of the nature center- what we REALLY need is to budget a small amount of money for a weekend employee in there so that people who live here that work all week can enjoy this facility too! after all, their HOA dues pay for the work-week operating hours...maybe we could find a space in the budget for this.
  17. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Last time I looked, your backyard is PLENTY bif enough for a volleyball court!
  18. AshburnGuyy

    AshburnGuyy New Member

    Nov 2, 2007
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    sure, because older kids already love being at the schools so much already. the teens need something to do around broadlands. and when you think of it there isnt anywhere for them to go. and i mean sure, its great for the little ones to have a playground, but just wait until theyre older and then they get bored, theres nothing to do, and nowhere to go, so they go and find things to do like drink or smoke. i just think that not doing anything for the teens is irresponsible on your and my part and if we dont give them something to do, then when they do go out to drink or smoke, its honestly all our faults.
  19. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    seriously... you don't paint a great picture for your fellow teens when you sit and moan 'theres nothing to do, and nowhere to go, so they go and find things to do like drink or smoke'

    Sorry dood.. you live in an area where you can walk to all kinds of stuff, have hundreds of other similar aged kids within range, and there is plenty to do. If this is 'nothing to do' this is NYC compared to where many people did and do grow up.
  20. AshburnGuyy

    AshburnGuyy New Member

    Nov 2, 2007
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    ok what is there really for any teens to do? really? tae kwon do? yeah right, thats for 7 year olds. what else. oh yeah we can go eat and gorge ourselves at all of the simple little restaurants around town. obesity is always a good thing, you know. what else.... oh yeah there are parks, such as hillside park, which they have secuity guards come to kick you out if youre there past dark playing ultimate frisbee. hmmm what else is there to do. oh yeah, school. we can go to a place where we spend 8 hours a day, then spend another few hours a night working on the packets and homework that they give us every day. where else can we go? why dont you tell me exactly what we can do instead of vaguely saying that there are plenty of things to "walk to" around broadlands. honestly, you think youre so high and mighty because you own a house, well youre the one who is so closed minded that you cant even think about helping out the people, or teens, around you. youre whats wrong with a community.

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