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For Sale Graco SafeSeat (car seat for infants from birth to one year)

Discussion in 'For Sale and Lost & Found' started by luftinarr, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. luftinarr

    luftinarr Member

    Dec 4, 2005
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    Retails for $129.99, selling for $75. Accident-free car seat, plus base for easy in-and-out. Also includes an extra base for the second car (we purchased it separately). Bonus feature - the groovy toy hanging from the bar. :)

    Graco developed a bucket car seat that would be good for infants from birth to one year. We learned the hard way with our previous three children that the SnugRide car seats were good for only about 6 months and then we had to purchase a rear-facing toddler seat. With the SafeSeat, you don't need to worry about getting that rear-facing toddler seat because you can still lug the baby around with you in a bucket seat. It's a bit bigger than the SnugRide, but that's to accommodate a baby up to 30 lbs or 32" tall. It lasted our average size baby a full year.

    The only drawback to the seat is that it gets heavier to carry as the baby gets bigger. However, the convenience of not having to get a sleeping 8 month old out of a car seat to make a real quick stop at the store was worth it.

    The system works with LATCH and I would highly suggest having the fine men and women of Ashburn Volunteer Fire Department check out your seat for correct installation.

    Attached Files:

  2. luftinarr

    luftinarr Member

    Dec 4, 2005
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    Sold! Thanks!

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