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Help a local Ashburn resident

Discussion in 'General Chat Forum' started by Tech91, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. Tech91

    Tech91 Member

    Apr 5, 2008
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    Please click on the following link: http://www.examiner.com/collector-cars-in-atlanta/ryan-s-rally-chick-magnet-more-than-a-classic-ride-symbol-of-sacrifice-love. It is an article written about a local Ashburn family whose son, Ryan Diviney, was brutally attacked on November 7, 2009 in a parking lot while attending West Virginia University and has been in a coma ever since. The article was written by a friend of the family and entered into a contest where the winner will receive $50,000. The author will donate the money to the Diviney family to help them with the enormous medical bills incurred for caring for their son. The more visits the article receives, the better its chance to get into the finals. Just be sure to leave the page open for at least 10 seconds so that the visit is counted. You can click on the article several times a day if you want, just clear your cookies each time before clicking on the link again.

    To learn more about Ryan and his family, please visit their website, www.ryansrally.org.
  2. Tech91

    Tech91 Member

    Apr 5, 2008
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  3. Chance3

    Chance3 New Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    If you go to his website www.ryansrally.org you can read all about the tremendous efforts this family is putting forth to support their son. I don't know this family, nor do I recall hearing about this in the news when it happened, but as a local resident and Broad Run graduate from years before 'Ashburn' was even here, I certainly hope we can all rally together to help them in whatever way we can. He does have a wishlist of items which takes you to Amazon if you are able to help.
  4. mdcrim

    mdcrim Member

    Nov 4, 2003
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    This is truly an extraordinary family. I follow the blog every day and the pain and suffering that family goes through is heart-renching. I hope they win!
  5. Tech91

    Tech91 Member

    Apr 5, 2008
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    Today is the last day to view this article and have it count towards it making it into the finals: http://www.examiner.com/collector-cars-in-atlanta/ryan-s-rally-chick-magnet-more-than-a-classic-ride-symbol-of-sacrifice-love. As of now, the article does not look like it has had enough views to make it into the finals. So, please take a moment today to click on the link above.

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