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Need Help! Looking for Gently Used....

Discussion in 'General Chat Forum' started by eliseh1, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. eliseh1

    eliseh1 New Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Not sure if this is under the correct forum but I think that those who might be able to help would have children so I'll start here.

    I am returning to work as a Loudoun County teacher in the Fall and after 6 years home to be with my kiddos I am in need of some gently used items to stock the classroom! Before this I did the yard sale treks but since technology has come such a long way I thought I'd start here and then resort to fighting the fleas at a flea market if I had too!

    I am in search of the following (with all of their pieces) and would be truly APPRECIATIVE if you had any that were collecting dust and needed a good new home:

    Please feel free to email me or respond and I'd be happy to drop by and pick them up! Thanks in advance!

    Board Games (think 5-7 year old age range) : such as (but not limited to) Sorry, Boggle, Battle Ship, Checkers, EZ chess for kids, Trouble, Uno, Memory, Monopoly, Sequence for kids, Connect 4, Operation, etc.

    Toys: Legos- small size, Cash register, marble mazes, rubiks cube, dominoes, sports equipment for outside (balls, jump ropes, etc),

    Books: Early Readers, Step into Reading, Fairy Tales, Early childhood Dictionaries, picture Dictionaries, magic treehouse series, junie b jones series, cam jansen, Beverly Cleary, etc.
  2. foodie

    foodie New Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    You can check Salvation Army or Goodwill for used games as you probably already realize. Also, check on Ebay, consignment and thrift stores. Just a few suggestions. Also, check the Dollar stores (all stores) and Big Lots. You might get discounted products from Target and Wal-mart if you tell them you are a teacher.

    Since we send our kids to a private school, our PTA was able to get deep discounts for kids' games by asking Big Lots and other retailers for discounts. Bartering is also a great way to receive goods and/or services.


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