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Mill Run Parking

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by Brosowalk, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    I was just thinking that to my self this morning when I got stuck behind one on a fairly busy road and why is this bus stopping here instead of a non busy side street.
  2. JLC

    JLC Member

    Apr 18, 2003
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    We live in an area where the school bus stops on the busy, four lane road. The bus has tried to turn into our section, but since all the streets in here end in cul-de-sacs, ran into trouble turning around. It’s just too big and had to do a lot of going forward, backing up, going forward, backing up. At the beginning of each school year the new bus driver attempts this and the parents warn him/her that it’s not a safe option.
  3. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    Maybe so, but when I was a riding the orange limo, all the kids had to congregate at bus stops set by the school system. Sometime I see I kid get off, 40 ft later then another one. Looking at how they gerrymandered the districts I understand why it is so hard for them to look at a neighborhood map and plot out a route that does not include backing up. :)
  4. jdhauer

    jdhauer Active Member

    May 27, 2003
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    I hear that Legacy down in Brambleton opened over capacity. Newton-Lee in Belmont Country Club also opened this year and they have some space.
  5. Brassy

    Brassy Hiyah

    May 25, 2004
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    Having Mill Run in my direct view, I applaud Mr. Vickers for placing the stones there. People can be very selfish trying to park on grassy areas, which then causes damage and soon turns to mud, which the school baord then has to reseed - a vicious cirlce indeed.
    That area was never meant to be useds for parking. Also, and even bigger beef of mine is the fact that parents park on the street to drop their kids off, instead of using the car line - which I see has not been backed up very often lately. Yeah, so you have to wait a bit to get back onto Ridgeway. Big Deal. It is more dangerous for oncoming traffic to have these cars then try to pull out or turn around.

    Also, back when my daughter attended Mill Run, Mr. Vickers usually sent a reminder home for parents to put their kids on the bus - if they had a scheduled run in there area. Why not do this?! So you want a few more hecic minutes with your kid, to avoid trying to be late by not using the drop off line. Well my suggestion is then you put your child on the bus, and go to work. That will reduce some stress, don't you think. Perhpas this is why the car line moves so well now? I don't know. What I DO expect is to see it more backed up on rainy days, which makes more sense.

    By the way, I was also the one who suggested that the temporay road by the nature center which used to run into Ridgeway be made into the beautiful area it currently is - and yeah parents used to park there...but more importantly drivers used to zoom through there causing the Nature Center Staff to have issues as well as kids riding bikes, skateboarding or walking to the park on the side of the road. Then people would just zoom out onto Ridgeway and continue on their way. But you know what? that was never to be anything other THAN a temporary road anyway.
  6. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Brassy - you have some really valid points. I actually think the boulders add some visual interest vs. concrete blocks. Our house is also in eye shot of the school, some of the drivers "dropping" their kids off - have park in our driveway (which makes it some what difficult to back out of my own garage and get to work). So I can understand the level of frustration and safety concern (for the kids). I think that you may have hit the bulls eye - "people can be very selfish" especially when they maybe running late. None the less, just b/c you are running late, there isn’t any excuse for a lack of social etiquette.

    Thank you for heading up the beautiful planting area near the school and Nature Center – it’s a pleasure to look at during our nightly walks

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