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Moving river birch trees

Discussion in 'Nature/Habitat/Garden Corner' started by cgussgard, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. cgussgard

    cgussgard New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    A question for the master gardeners. A few years back we had meadows farms plant three river birches near our property line. We recently realized that our property line is much further out than what meadows farms had calculated. Is it possible to move river birch trees that aren't particularly wide yet but have grown to at least six feet. I realize that the fall is the best time to move plants. So, is it possible to move them because it really cuts off the yard? If so, any suggestions for a good landscape company that could handle such a move? Appreciate the input. I will also query some nurseries. Thanks.
  2. hberg

    hberg give me some of your tots

    Jan 23, 2003
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    We have a similar issue, though the storm helped with part of our problem. Yes, Meadows Farm will replant and can replant (they need 8 ft x 8 ft for equipment) but be prepared $$$
  3. soccerdudes

    soccerdudes New Member

    Mar 27, 2008
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    Just be aware that river birch trees (depending on the variety) can get quite large rather quickly. We planted some at our old house about 3 years ago, and they are huge now. You want to make sure that you don't move them too close to the property line b/c they will spread.

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