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Personal Injury Lawyer Needed?

Discussion in 'General Chat Forum' started by bradleybear, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. bradleybear

    bradleybear New Member

    Dec 12, 2005
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    My son was recently in an auto accident. He was a backseat passenger in a car that hit a tree. No other vehicles were involved and the driver has assumed fault. My son was in the hospital for 18 days and suffered from a serious internal injury. Thankfully he's on the mend, though it will be several weeks before he's back to normal. He's had to withdraw from college as a result. This happened out of state and as a result we've had almost $10,000 in expenses due to lodging, food, travel, lost wages, co-pays, etc.

    Here's my question....Do I hire a lawyer or not? My in-laws who are lawyers (out of state) say yes, my other in-law who used to work in the insurance industry says wait and see what kind of settlement offer is made since a lawyer will take 30% or more in fees (this was also the advice of my insurance adjuster). Funny how the lawyers say get a lawyer and the insurance people say wait.

    I would love to hear from other people in a similar situation as to what they did. Did you get a lawyer and were pleased or thought it a waste? Did you not get a lawyer and wished you did?
  2. brim

    brim Member

    Nov 18, 2003
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    The driver should have had liability insurance covering bodily injury (I have $100k/person, 300k/incident). Squeeze the insurance company to at least reimburse you for the expenses you've had and if you don't feel that's suficient for the pain/suffering, then get a lawyer.
  3. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    IMHO, it depends on the severity of your sons injuries. If his injuries are complex, require long-term recovery or can lead to other possible complications then I would suggest getting a lawyer.

    If he has straight-forward injuries (e.g. broken bones, lacerations...) that will heal and that is pretty much the end of it, then I would lean towards waiting to hear from the insurance company.

    For simple-remedy types of injuries, insurance companies know how much medical fees typically run and will re-imburse accordingly.
  4. GeauxTigers

    GeauxTigers Member

    Aug 25, 2006
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    I agree. Any offer that the insurance company presents will almost certainly come with a clause forgoing the right to sue at a later point. If the injuries are complex, I'd get the experienced lawyers involved before agreeing to such.
  5. fidothedog

    fidothedog Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    I think the rough rule of thumb is the pain and suffering payment is roughly 3 times the medical costs. My wife has been injured twice and the insurance companies in both cases offered 3 times medical.

    Good luck.
  6. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    FWIW - in 1998 I was in an accident, ICU for 2 months, several surgeries and 6mo of intense re-hab (I had to learn to walk again). So, due to the severity of my injuries - I did hire a lawyer.

    Originally the Insurance firm offered $15K in damages - needless to say after hiring an attorney, the insurance firm added several zeros to their original settlement.
  7. greggbroadlands

    greggbroadlands New Member

    Jun 24, 2002
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    Get an attorney, and wait until he has completely healed and has finished all rehab, etc. (if needed). The attorney will most likely file a "demand" of the insurance company and work out a settlement. And fido is correct, the rate is 3 times the total medical bills as a rule.

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