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Reston Hospital/ specific dr. info

Discussion in 'General Chat Forum' started by WJZ, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. WJZ

    WJZ New Member

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Anyone ever have surgery at Reston Hospital? What was the experience like?
    Also, if anyone has seen a dr. named Dr. Lailas, a urologist, who practices at INOVA Loudoun and also at Reston, please let me know your experiences with this particular dr.
    You can PM me if you don't want to post it on here.
    Thanks so much. I really appreciate any feedback that anyone has.
  2. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    Reston is a fantastic hospital. I think you'll find it one of the best in the area. Just make sure Dr. Lailas uses Reston and not Loudoun.
  3. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Reston (HCA) trumps Inova Loudoun hands down!

    I 've been a patient of Dr. Kevin O'Conner since 2004 and he is hands down the best urologist/oncologist I have encountered. I believe Dr. Lailas is in the same practice and again this is the BEST urology/oncology group I have found in the area (I'll PM you with more details).

    I use their Inova office and any treatment/surgery is always done at Reston (unless its an emergency - Dr. OConner has requested transport for me to Reston on multiple occasions) - as part of my in-take we both agreed that I would have treatments/surgery at Reston and for 3 years he has respected my request.

    FWIW I also gather that Reston/HCA not only treats patients with a higher level of care, but Dr's actually seek privilages at Reston/HCA, b/c Reston/HCA lets Dr's treat their patients.

    I hope that helps
  4. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    I am having ankle surgery there this weekend, with Dr. Sam Wilson. so far I love dealing with his office and think he is a true pro. Will let you know next week after I go under the knife what Reston Hospital did for me...
  5. boomertsfx

    boomertsfx Booyakasha!

    Feb 14, 2002
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    This just in, ThePea says ILH doesn't let doctors treat their patients....

    =) what?!

    I've had surgery at Reston and my wife has had surgery at ILH (and 2 multi-night hospital stays).... I think it matters more what doctor you have doing the surgery... like maybe 85% dr, 15% hospital nursing. During the hospital stays, the nurses were awesome!
  6. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Come on boomer - I didnt say that...but I agree with you the level of care does depend on your Dr.

    In addition Loudoun has improved in the last 18mos (ei: ER Dept) -

    Speaking from personal experience in '05 & '06 I spent over 48 days in the hospital and in my case Reston gave a much higher level of care.

    We'll probably disagree here, but IMO
    ...for in-patient procedures I actually think the nursing & facility have a higher impact on patient care than the Dr.
    The nursing staff is grossly under-paid and render the lion share of patient care, albeit per the Dr's orders.
  7. tiff78

    tiff78 Broadlands Resident

    Oct 10, 2006
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    I've been to ILH several times this year. The first time I went was after my family was involved in a car accident. I was 19weeks pregnant and after 48 hours I couldn't walk without severe pain. When I went to the ILH ER they couldn't figure out why I was in so much pain but they discovered that I had a trace UTI. They sent me home (with an antibiotic) and told me to call the hospital in a few days to get the results of the culture (to make sure I was on the appropriate antibiotic) . When I went to my GP, 3 days later for the abdominal pain, I asked him about the culture results. They never ran a culture. Two weeks later when I finished the antibiotics the hospital gave me I went back to my GP to run a culture because I was in so much pain (it was clear the antibiotic the hospital gave me didn't work). Turns out I had an antibiotic resistant infection that became a kidney infection because it was inappropriately treated. Had the hospital run the culture the infection wouldn't have gone to my kidneys. Also, because I was pregnant the only treatment safe for the baby was IV antibiotics (requiring a PICC Line).

    I ended up going back to ILH 48 hours after the PICC Line was installed. Turns out I had a pulmonary embolism... The care was better, they actually figured out the source of my pain.

    When the PICC Line was removed and a centeral line placed into my neck they did the procedure not in an OR but in a somewhat sterile room... My neck was sterilized and covered and the doctor was about to come in when I saw a black fly go over my head! I asked the tech if I was going crazy. They tech didnt believe me, saying there's no way there's a fly in the room. However, when I insisted that I saw the fly, the tech looked around and to his surprised saw the fly. Of course I wasn't allowed to move my head during the procedure so I kept asking them to keep that thing off me and the tools they were about to place into my neck. Apparently they don't have a 'protocol' in place for a situations like that one.... they had to call another person into the operating room just to watch the fly and make sure it didn't land on me or the instruments. I wonder if I got billed for the tech to watch the fly?

    I delivered our son at Loudoun's Birthing Inn 7 weeks ago. I had a WONDERFUL experience with them. I couldn't say enough about how caring they are there. It was truly a pleasurable experience.

    When our 30 day old newborn ended up in at ILH with an RSV infection he stayed two nights at the hospital and they were wonderful. They took care of me as well as my little guy.

    I have to agree that the level of care depends on the reason you are there. If you have to stay a period of time there, it's the nursing that makes a difference. If you're there for an ER visit/out-patient procedure, it's the doctors that make a difference. I've had good and bad experiences with ILH and I'm still not sure if I like them or not.

    My husband has had a few out-patient surgeries at Reston hospital, and they have been wonderful. We've never seen their ER or had to stay in the hospital there but from what we've seen of their out-patient care, they're pretty good.
  8. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    just had out patient ankle surgery at Reston Surgical Center- 100% pleasant and professional from start to finish. very courteous, thorough nursing staff- they checked and rechecked every detail- every person who did anything from getting me a nightgown to setting up my IV knew about my allergies, procedure details and concerns. they gave my husband fantastic marching orders on how to take care of me, explained symptoms to expect and symptoms that meant trouble. they provided ample effective anti-nausea meds from the get-go, so- unlike my LAST ankle surgery at Sibley- I was not at all nauseous when I came to and was able to go home within an hour. i felt like they took no chances with my health, didn't take the easy way out on anything, took my concerns seriously and provided the best care possible.

    they even called me to follow up to ask how i was feeling, and to specifically ask about any reactions I may have had to meds. really, REALLLY personal service that left me feeling 110% confident in their ability to get me well!
  9. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    MAN! I would have done that job for free! :devil2:
  10. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    you know... that guy DID look suspicious- shifty eyes, glasses, no scrubs, carrying jaeger shots- that WAS you T8!!! i should have been suspicious when he called me redon instead of Mrs. Ventrice... lol
  11. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Redon - best wishes for a speedy recover...pretty soon you'll be the Bionic woman of Broadlands. Hope you feel better!
  12. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Thanks Pea! so far so good- between Entreevous and some amazing neighbors, my family is eating well and my kitchen is staying clean!

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