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sledding on the hill--is this OK?

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by lags, Jan 30, 2005.

  1. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    The Children are Our Future
    Students: Children, children,
    Future, future.
    Milhouse: Are you ready for the...
    Students: ...children, whoa whoa whoa!
    Lisa: The future is a...
    Students: ...coming, hey hey hey!
    Children, children,
    Future, future
    Students: Children, children,
    Children are the future!

    Homer: I never wanted a beer more in my life...
  2. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I haven't been over there (I never really realized there was a hill there).. but a question. If this is such a attractive hill for sledding.. why do they sled towards the road? I assume there are other sides to the hill?

  3. Neighbor

    Neighbor Member

    Jun 21, 2004
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  4. brim

    brim Member

    Nov 18, 2003
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    Sol Rosenberg? :)
  5. tyger31

    tyger31 Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    My husband and I walked past the sledding hill last Sun. and we were wondering why the kids were sledding toward the street as well. We did notice there is another side to it and no one was sledding down that at all. Of course - there may have a reason for that - maybe too many rocks or something....we didn't get close enough to investigate.
  6. joy

    joy New Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    Randmon thoughts:

    Cliff - since you're adamantly opposed to the HOA getting ownership of the hill, what do you hope they do with it? Because I am adamantly opposed to it being razed and houses being built.

    BTW, I used to sled down the middle of my side street without parental supervision when I was a kid. At the end of the street was a more major road. This was once quite normal. (I also got left in the car without supervision -- today, egads!)

    Doesn't the HOA have insurance for stuff that happens on their property? This hill seems no more likely to cause a lawsuit as the trails or pools would.

    Lastly, I'm not a lawyer, but I thought that there's some principle that if someone does something stupid on their own part that they are at fault.

  7. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    What you and I did as kids was in a different world than we live in today. By that I refer to the staggering number of lawsuits and, more disappointingly, the number that actually succeed. I can give you specific examples, some regarding our HOA, that I will be happy to share with you, but not on this forum. Call me if you'd like. In today's world, if someone does something stupid, they sue everyone they possibly can to show that it was someone else's fault.

    Yes, I'm opposed to the HOA taking that hill because it is a huge liability risk and not one I want to burden the HOA with. Yes, we have insurance, but a hill where kids sled down and into a street is a much bigger risk than trails.

    That property has always been zoned for houses and I'd rather see houses there than that monstrosity. As I mentioned at the meeting last night, I will be meeting with the residents in Section 13 that abut the hill to discuss different options and what they would like to see done with that land. Van Metre intends to rezone the property to built 5 houses along Waxpool between the corner of Waxpool/Truro Parish and the veterinarian clinic. They would like to turn over the remainder of the land, including the hill, to the HOA. Accepting a piece of property that is a liability for the HOA, has no useable benefit to the HOA, and will cost the HOA money to maintain is not a good deal for us.

    I'm sure that working with the affected residents and Van Metre a reasonable solution will be made.

    Expect to see some changes on the hill soon. Van Metre read this forum and will be instituting some changes to eliminate the ability to sled on the hill. Why? Because it is a huge liability issue.
  8. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    why do people compare to the pool? The pool is a supervised facility with regulations, controls, and lots of other things that make it a managable risk.. plus one with a well established criteria insurance can review.

    Sledding is none of those things.. plus a physical contact activity including speed, crashes in a uncontrolled environment.

    Comparing the two is apples and oranges.

  9. marielaveau

    marielaveau Voodoo Queen

    Apr 6, 2004
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    As a parent, I would never allow my daughter to sled down any hill that ends at a road. This is common sense. A road is for cars, not 11 year olds careening into it off of a hill. I would not put her in this risky situation. It almost feels that folks are doing it because they feel they are the "alpha class" of Broadlands. Family friendy does not mean you can impose your lack of judgement on others and can stand in the middle of the road to prove the point. Plenty of other places to sled....
  10. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    Alpha class, ... I love it. Welcome to the LC! :)

    Just to point out: Costing the HOA means our dues go up, so those oblividiot parents are costing us money. Remember that the next time they flag you down.
  11. SoxFan

    SoxFan New Member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    Well put!!!
  12. joy

    joy New Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    Great. It's currently zoned R1. Although it was always zoned this since I've lived here, if you look at the parcels, it's pretty obvious they were never building houses there at 1 per acre. In fact, at the LAST developer's meeting, they said specifically they weren't building houses there ever and that they were talking to the HOA about making it a common area. I am vehemently opposed to a zoning change there, but I know developers get whatever they ask for in this county currently.

    I believe open land is a benefit to our community. Does the HOA see only "usable" land as appropriate to be in HOA ownership? So we have NO common areas in the entire development? I think it's a GREAT deal for us to be able to have more green and less houses. Green looks nice. Mill Run is already overrun with students. I expect you'll get the same reaction from anyone living in Section 13.

    Last, if Van Metre is already taking steps to stop the sledding, what's the issue?

  13. Dawne

    Dawne HOA Sec/Treas, Tech Comm

    Dec 21, 2001
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    I suppose if the HOA ended up with the land they could possibly disclaim any liability with a "no sledding" sign...

    Isn't this partly the purpose of the "No Boating, No Swimming, No Skating" signs around BullFrog Pond?

  14. neilz

    neilz New Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    True .. but in today's society, people can claim that there weren't enough signs to warn them about common sense things like sledding into the street.

    After all, McDonald's has to warn people about opening hot coffee cups, while holding them in your lap, in a car, driving down a road.

    Its gotta be someone else's fault ... !!

    Neil Z.
    Resident since 1999

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