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WHat Gives?!! Teens in a black Sedan...

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by Brassy, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. merky1

    merky1 Member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    I think that any references to how "we" were brought up do not apply to modern day kids. I don't remember of an instant way to upload and view "extreme" videos on a worldwide interconnected net. Not to mention, corporal punishment was in a much broader use back then.

    Now it seems there are zero consequences for stupidity, and every action is just "a cry for help." Poor Johny and sally aren't stimulated enough, thats why they are hooligans. Fooey. Johny and Sally need tanned backsides.
  2. AcE8891

    AcE8891 New Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Yea, Broadlands is pretty boring for teens. Whenever I go to do something with my friends I rarely ever stay in Broadlands. You can't really single out teens with bad behavior, there's stupid people in all demographics young, old, teens, men and women. Yes some teens threw a pizza box at a girl, which is terrible, but that doesn't mean all the teens are gonna be breaking the law and causing trouble. I see plenty of soccer moms whipping their tanks (SUVs) around corners and yapping on their cell phones while driving, when children are playing in the streets, but no one ever complains about them. Ironically they're probably the ones with the most complaints on this forum. More work should be done into targeting the teen market in Broadlands because there are places for young kids like playgrounds and stuff, and places for adults like nice restaurants and bars, but nothing for the in between age group.
  3. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Oh yes we do!
  4. polar8825

    polar8825 Human Propulsion Expert

    Jul 29, 2004
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    There is the Broadlands 5 Mile Run and two triathlons scheduled within the next six months. It's never too early (or late) to start a new training program. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous this weekend. There's nothing like a 3-4 hour ride in 70 degree weather to lift your spirits (and squelch the possibility of getting into trouble -- too tired)!
  5. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    first- the posts on this board represent a TINY yet loud percentage of residents here- don't take what you read here as an accurate measure of the community opinions.

    second- ashburn has some options (the Icehouse, the theater in Brambleton) but this community does NOT offer much fun for teens. turn that corner where Panache was into an arcade, or turn Michelangelo into a JW Tumble tots for teens! lol But I agree, there's no place to walk to and hang out that isn't a restaurant where adults with little kids will likely be and cosider the teens a nuisance.

    third- I grew up in a small Nebraska town of 16k people, the only places we had to hangout were the empty ball fields that we'd sneak into and the "strip" which was 1/2 mile or so of fast food restaurants. we chilled in the parking lots. yes idiots threw cups of ice or soda at the covertibles driving by, then jumped in their cars and took off. they would be chased down by whomever they assaulted, got their butts kicked, and did it again only if THEY won the fight. those blockheads are still serving fries in the parking lots they used to hang out in 20 years ago...:screwy:

    we went to the skating rink, listened to music, went to the movies, had an under 20 nightclub that we went to on weekends in Omaha- plus I was busy with cheerleading. we FOUND stuff to do in a boring little town- NO CHOICE. breaking the law meant a night in jail and a butt whuppin when we got out.

    i guess the biggest diff is we didn't HAVE parents providing us with stimulation at every turn- cell phones, hand held games, this gadget, that scooter- we didn't have media centers in our basements with ever dvd known to man. what i would GIVE to have had a basement like many of these kids- i would NEVER leave my house if it was as full of entertainment as I know many homes here are. have your friends over for a goofy karaoke party! pop popcorn, throw on a great movie and make out! sit around and find dumb stuff on youtube!

    bored kids don't assault people and commit crimes- malicious, selfish, ignorant ones with no supervision or sense of consequences do. every bully i knew had parents who could give a crap what they were up to or encouraged them to fight.
  6. tyger31

    tyger31 Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    I grew up in an even smaller town in WNY - pop was not even 10,000. But we had a Boys' Club that also had a teen club where us teens could go to hang out every day after school and evenings too. It was great. To this day - this place is still going strong. I've often said to my husband that this area needs something like that for kids to hang out.
  7. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    no WONDER you had so much time to learn how to make brachiole! ;)

    seriously- a teen center doesn't have to be filled with expensive toys- that's what their BASEMENTS are for. jukebox, tables, sodas, snacks, video games, a big TV and a movie showing at xx:xxpm and a few dark corners... what else do they need?!?

    just a place to call their own with a fw responsible yet cool chaperones to keep the peace and separate the canoodlers when it gets too hot n heavy. :scaredeyes:
  8. tyger31

    tyger31 Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Exactly! My mom taught me everything I know, but not until I was married. As a kid, my town was a wonderful place to grow up in, of course we had tons of winter activities as well all winter, sledding, skating, skiing, building snow forts and I was outside ALL the time. It's really too bad that Ashburn doesn't have a place the teens can call their own. My husband and I still contribute $$ to the Boys/Teen Club in WNY since we both still have family up there and go quite often and we like for other teens to experience the same thing.
  9. LvBlands3

    LvBlands3 New Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    Too bad we couldn't have gotten the Rec Center in Broadlands. That may have helped a little.
  10. Villager

    Villager Ashburn Village Resident

    Nov 1, 2006
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    I agree. My husband spent a lot of time at the local rec center when he was a kid. And enjoyed it.

    What about the cyber club and jumping jack sports off LCP? Do they target teens? Those are places with stuff to do for teens.

    In the words of Professor Harold Hill "the idle brain is the devil's playground!" Let's get a rec center with a pool table.
  11. mdcrim

    mdcrim Member

    Nov 4, 2003
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    We used to have a pizza joint we could hang out in w/ arcade games (yes, dating myself), pool table, etc. I think it would behoove some of the local restaurants/ businesses to put the mat out for the teens. Although this may be at the expense of their other patrons. That's the challenge.
  12. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    "Good throw son! And when you threw that rock through the window, I know you didn't intend to hit the baby in its' crib, but that is ok, you are just a teenager. As a reward for your accurate arm, here is a bottle of vodka to share with your friends." - possible quote from NYfinest01
  13. tyger31

    tyger31 Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    I was really disappointed when that rec center was voted down!!!
  14. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    seems to be the M.O when a project carries the word "BROADLANDS" on it... you think someone has it in for this community...? wanted pink shutters, or to stack sandbags on a basketball hoop? HOA- is it YOUR fault?!?!? :rolleyes3:
  15. mamatothree

    mamatothree New Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    Sure, why not!

    We get the blame for everything bad and never get credit for anything good that happens! :violin:
  16. Kaosdad

    Kaosdad Will work for Rum

    Sep 21, 2005
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    Well, this has taken a nasty turn.

    * Lack of "things to do" does not excuse law breaking. If we follow that logic to the extreme then when I get bored on Saturday, decide to booze it up & take the car out for a spin, I can just claim "boredom" and go on my merry way. Besides - this is Ca$hburn. I doubt there is a teen in the area that does not have access to every game platform that has ever been, plus a PC.

    * I have to agree with NYFinest - there IS a lack of pre/teen afterschool activities outside the home in the area. Even if the kids are involved in Scouting & Sports - those only meet every so often. Again - this does NOT excuse assault, vandalism & theft.

    * A recreation center would not only entertain kids, but also employ them. Put in a small snack bar and **reasonably priced** arcade games and it could almost pay for itself. To really make it work the County, the community & local business should invest - the opportunities would be endless. Perhaps this should be put back on the table.

    * I don't think these kids understand the consequences of committing a crime (and that's what we are talking about - crime) and getting caught, especially if they are of driving age. This means they should also be looking at colleges & scholarships. Having been thru that mill I can tell you that applications DO ask about juvinile reacords. I can also speak to the fact that the coaches at both SBHS & BWHS have NO interest in having a criminal on their team.

    * Lastly - The kids who think it funny to commit these acts do not realize the risk to themselves, physically, they are running. We know that kids have access (somehow) to firearms. We also know that residents have firearms in the home AND not all are responsible. So, what happens when little Sammy tangles with the wrong person and finds himself on the wrong end of a .38? It happens and it happens in nice neigborhoods.

    C'mon, 'Rents - step up. Explain this to your kids BEFORE the unthinkable happens and we all gather on this board to mourn a life cut short.
  17. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    now now, i give CRAZY props to the HOA for Broadlands LIVE! and for the fun parties your committees put together! See? undying gratitude. thehhhhnk you. ;)
  18. Brassy

    Brassy Hiyah

    May 25, 2004
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    Unfortunately HOA's never get the loving they require...And if more people knew of or realized there was this forum, they might get enough info to keep the calls at bay. For example: Those of us who wondered about trash pickup on Monday hopped on and found out fast. Early Wednesday Eee, while driving on Ridgeway, I saw a guy walking his dog. As he got to his driveway he opened his trash can to see if it had been emptied yet. It was all I could do to not stop and tell him about the Forum of Information...but I figured I might spook him and we had a concert to get to.

    I don't know how to advertise this if it's also the same folks who don't read the HOA NL.

    But Maureen, WE like you, and WE love what you all do and represent for us :happygrin:
  19. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    1) the attacks and judgments that happen here (and EVERY msg board) keep most ppl who aren't used to this kind of "social" environment from posting and even visiting. this ain't for the thin skinned or uninitiated- i know plenty of ppl who posted here ONCE, got shouted down, never to return again...

    2) does the hold message for the HOA office mention this forum? maybe that's one way to get the word out...
  20. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    hush up you!

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