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Xfinity sales in the neighborhood

Discussion in 'Community Broadband & Computers' started by volvo_nut, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. volvo_nut

    volvo_nut New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    Comcast is looking to win back FIOS customers and they are working the neighborhood.

    Has any one taken them up on the offer? The pricing for 2yrs works out to about $150 (with taxes) vs the $230 (with taxes) with FIOS. They claim they will credit the account $300 to cover the termination fee from FIOS.

    I may give FIOS a call and see if they can cut the bill.

    How do their technologies compare?
  2. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Did they put that "claim" in writing? If not, I doubt they will do it.
  3. volvo_nut

    volvo_nut New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    Spoke to FIOS, they removed $15/mo from the Triple Play, now $99/mo for the next 12 months.
  4. volvo_nut

    volvo_nut New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    He would not put anything in writing until he was able to review my FIOS bill but he was prepared to write it up. He is planning to come back to the neighborhood on Sunday. Aside from the poor wireless performance with FIOS (tried the tweaks I could find online) we are pretty happy with FIOS. Their guide is horrible compared to Comcast and DirectTV but the rest of the service has been good.
  5. wolf685cln

    wolf685cln New Member

    Mar 20, 2010
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  6. volvo_nut

    volvo_nut New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    We did the no contract, so I think we are paying a little more per mo. FIOS Triple Play (digital voice unlimited($40), Extreme HD ($60), 25/25 Internet ($45), 24mo bundle credit of -$30) = $114.99

    EPIX/Movie Pkg/HBO/Cinemax = $45.99

    the rest is equipment rental fees and taxes.
  7. Rhaegar

    Rhaegar Member

    Sep 20, 2010
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    I was traveling this week so I didn't learn that they came by our house as well. Per my wife they were some smooth characters, had a strong sales pitch and weren't taking no for an answer. Living with me though (who used to build ISPs) does tend to have some affect though so she knew how I felt about Comcast and made it a short conversation.

    Comcast voted worst company in America

    The joke that is their attempt to rebrand their old network with really only a name change. The physical infrastructure, fiber or coax, makes no speed difference. Huge amounts of data can be pushed over either. What does matter is how you engineer your network and what restrictions you place on it.

    Comcast being the leader in bandwidth caps in the interest of shutting out Netflix for their own cable services

    Comcast's continual attempts to thwart net neutrality and control where and what you do on the Internet

    Comcast's attempts to censor content and protocols

    Yeah...I'm not a fan.
  8. wolf685cln

    wolf685cln New Member

    Mar 20, 2010
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  9. harrisek

    harrisek A work in progress

    Feb 14, 2002
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    The Comcast sales guy just left here. He quoted a good price and put it in writing. However, FiOS is working for me. Not broken, won't fix it. The price was not that different for me since I don't have much more that the basic FiOS package.

    Part of his pitch is that Verizon is selling their FiOS network to Frontier Communications. I know that Verizon has sold copper line markets that they weren't going to upgrade to fiber and a handful of small FiOS markets. Has anyone heard of them selling this market?

    Another part of his pitch is the old, "a lot of your neighbors are switching." Does that sales pitch work on people?
  10. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    The salesperson is spreading FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt). What Verizon is selling off to Frontier Communications is a small portion of their landlines in some markets:

    Taken from Wikipedia:

    Personally, if the Xfinity salesperson is going to spread FUD like this, I would stay as far away from him and his 'offers' as possible. He sounds like he's full of BS and hot air...
  11. harrisek

    harrisek A work in progress

    Feb 14, 2002
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    No kidding about the FUD.

    And he's persistent. I was out doing yard work and he stopped by again, third time this week, to give me is spiel again. "You're the only guy on this street that hasn't switched other than the Verizon employee" (like I care). "Everyone else thinks this is a great deal. It's cheaper, faster, more channels, unlimited calling."

    I surprised myself by being polite. If there's a fourth visit, I might have to use language that he may find highly offensive.

    BTW, he blames all the Comcast issues of the past on Adelphia. Yep, blame your predecessor.
  12. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    Latest tactic by the salesperson who rang my door; he's wearing an orange construction vest and has his badge clearly visible on his chest, as well as an Xfinity baseball cap. As soon as I see him after opening the door, I tell him I'm not interested. He immediately tells me he's not trying to sell me anything, just wanted to let me know that they will have folks doing work around our houses and wanted to assure me there would be no digging but still wanted me to know so that I wouldn't wonder what's going on. I thanked him and then he proceeded to tell me how many of my neighbors have 'switched' to Xfinity and how much their Internet is faster than FiOS, etc. I then ask him why he lied to me and said he wasn't trying to sell me anything. He then tells me, with a straight face, "I'm not selling you anything, just want to tell you how much better Xfinity is and how much money you could save if you switched."

    I literally laughed in his face and said "Wait, the first thing out of your mouth when I opened the door was to tell me that you weren't here to sell me anything, and then proceed to convince me to switch to Xfinity, and then you have the balls to tell me you're not trying to sell me anything? Sir, you need to find another sales tactic, because you're coming across as a freaking idiot. I'm not interested, have a nice day!"

    Wow - I'm simply amazed at the attitude of that guy...
  13. KTdid

    KTdid Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    :conf2:Hmmm...not my experience at all! Very cordial and when told we were not considering a change, asked if he could leave me a written offer and then off he went.
  14. harrisek

    harrisek A work in progress

    Feb 14, 2002
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    That's how his first visit to my house went. The problem was the second and third visits that came *after* I said "no". I would think a flat "no" leaves no room for interpretation.
  15. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    i had my xfinity visit and it was very pleasant. very respectful, soft sale type of guy, simply presented the facts and gave me a quote without knowing what i pay NOW with fios, and it was considerably LE$$ than what i pay for a equal package with fios.

    we are considering switching- bigger DVR, more stuff included.
    anybody else switch or already have xfinity with feedback?
  16. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I've priced them out previously.. and FIOS is cheaper. My Comcast bill with NO premiums, only regular internet, 2 DVRs, and all digital (but no premiums) is over $170 a month now.

    I wouldn't buy any quotes that claim they are cheaper then FIOS.

    Plus they keep raising rates.. 3 times in just the last 2 years or so.
  17. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    We got a two year rate guarantee that still priced yes lower than fIos.
    We wouldn't consider it without premiums, love my hbo and showtime.

    So, how about opinions from xfinity with premium customers? Picture quality,dvr space, your thoughts?
    And ps, we got our quote without them knowing what we pay for 3 dvrs and premium channels..
  18. wahoogeek

    wahoogeek New Member

    Aug 10, 2004
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    You need to call Comcast and negotiate your price down. We have same level of service but one less DVR and our bill is ~$70 less. I've found that Comcast is not as willing to make a deal as when FIOS first moved in but I've still been able to get some price reductions.
  19. frm

    frm New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    We also got a much lower price than FIOS, guaranteed in writing, including all premium channels and a $300 bonus after the 2nd month. We are set to move forward but are just holding out a bit to get reviews on picture quality, etc. before we make the move. Hopefully somebody can provide some feeback on the actual service.
  20. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Promos only last so long.. and it's a PITA to constantly be calling them to renegotiate. When I did the math last time.. once off promo, the pricing was nearly the same but while on promo, FIOS was a huge savings for 2 years.

    The newer black moto DVR boxes have way more capacity.. space is no longer an issue for us. the original silver moto boxes probably only held 10+hrs of HD. New boxes hold probably closer to 30hrs. The boxes are slow and unsexy. Picture quality is ok. Reliability is pretty good. They have lots of little things that are neat, but you don't use daily so you probably wouldn't miss (like controlling your DVR from your iphone, etc).

    Yeah I know.. but I hate playing that stupid game with them.. and the story changes every time 'no you must be off promo for 6m' 'when it expires just call us back..' blah blah blah. I almost want to leave them just for that stupid game alone. Give me a price you are comfortable with and stick to it. The promo stuff is such a scam.

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