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Beer Bandit strikes AGAIN!!

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by TeamDonzi, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Horse? We didn't have no horses. We had to.... oh, nevermind.
  2. Villager

    Villager Ashburn Village Resident

    Nov 1, 2006
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    If you're going to store your beer in your fridge and your fridge in your garage, apparently you need one of these. You don't mind spending $300-400, do you?
  3. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    The difference is one enforcement is absurd.. and the other actually means something besides generating revenue for the county. The speed limit there is absurdly low - the speed limit in the neighborhoods is not. We have a consistant problem with the neighborhoods, yet the enforcement is done where?? Where the speed limit serves who? If you need it to be 35 to be 'safe' there, then god aweful most roads in the country must be death traps.

    If resources are so limited - why are they focusing on enforcement there rather then in the neighborhoods?
  4. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I'm sorry, YOU were the one advocating its not worth their time to follow up on violations of the law, not I. My examples were just follow-ups showing the holes in your justification they are just prioritizing their efforts... but for who's gain?

    Yet again.. how can you justify enforcement there, vs where its presumed (through numerous complaints) its needed elsewhere?

    Well why not disclose your affiliation? Since you seem so interested in defending 'their' hardships?
  5. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Based on what? That road is more clear, more visable sight lines, and has more safety features then most roads with speed limits of 45-55mph.

    Get outside this stupid area and you find 2 lane roads with telephone poles a foot off the road, no shoulders, and blind curves with speed limits of 45 or greater everywhere... even roads with houses directly on them. Yet here, we have divided roads, shoulders, curbs, and limited access to the road, and we have 35mph limits??

    narrows to 2 lanes just before a stop sign.. meanwhile the rest of the road even has dedicated turn lanes. And as for the 'curve'.. wow.. shocker.. roads with turns? Wow.. Belmont ridge has NONE of these safety features and has much worse 'curves'.

    And that has to do with a speed limit how? Welcome to the last 3 years Lee.. have you ever looked at LCP?
  6. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Well if you want to talk about absurd the 35 mph with a special fine on Ashburn village dr. as well as claiborne which both are Long straight stretches. THey also don't have the thousands of people entering verizon and red rum with a lot of truck traffic. Which by the way is going to get far worse as verizon hires for that billion dollar plus contract they got and the far more truck traffic as the flex buildings get completed and add the office complex now being started in the broadlands at the corner of waxpool and the greenway.

    Besides the large hotel and the very large restaurant complex going to be built soon on the corner of the two waxpools soon and still no improvements that will make a difference to waxpool traffic. The buildings are coming soon but the roads are not. And just is just the start of the mega building and no major rd improvements in sight for a long long long time.

    How about the 25 mph speed limit fort evans rd in leesburg??

    I still agree with my comments on waxpool.

    Lee j

    Lee j
  7. Donna F

    Donna F New Member

    Aug 31, 2006
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    Getting back to the original post of someone entering your house and stealing items...we have seen a significant reduction in the problems that were occuring at the pools because of the security guards. We are working to increase their patrol to include locations such as the paths, gazebos, streets etc, and hope to see that some reduction... but if we had more volunteers that were willing to ride around the community and report what they are seeing some of this would stop.

    One of the things that South Riding does is when they are out patrolling and they see that someone has left their garage door open they leave a note for that homeowner letting them know how unsafe that is.

    Would you feel differently if it wasnt one our neighborhood kids breaking and entering but it is someone from outside the community? A crime is a crime and to stop it we need community involvement. If you see a neighbors garage door open let them know. If someone breaks into your house call the police. The message needs to get out that we take all crime/vandalism seriously. The more complaints the sherriffs department gets the more times we will see police cars patroling our neighborhood...

    Now that school will be starting most of these crimes should wane, but our patroling efforts aren't going to stop. I know I sound like a broken record, but the more people involved in helping with the security of our community the better our chances are to lessen the problems.

    Just my 2 cents...

    I would like to suggest that any issue involveing crime, vandalism, break ins, etc be placed under the neighborhood watch section. It is very hard to monitor all of the threads and if these topics are centralized it is easier for me to share the information with our patrol company and the sherriffs office. Thanks
  8. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    THOUSANDS?!? Maybe in a weeks timeframe.
  9. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    You just wait with their new multi billion dollar contract.

    I heard rumors they even may build the last buildings.

    Yes I know some of the existing is empty but not for long.

    Lee j
  10. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    That road doesn't have thousands of people on it? What, does every person who lives in the Village have a teleporter to get to their house?

    The speed limit there is artificially low as well, but at least that is THROUGH a neighborhood.. so I give it some justification (even if I don't agree with it)
  11. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Those buildings are designed to employ almost 5,ooo people. Maybe not at the moment are there anywhere near that many but with this huge federal contract the employment is going to go way up, to where who knows.

    I have a sneaky suspicion those who complain the loudest probably possibly might have gotten stopped.

    I have it on good authority the police love to patrol waxpool especially in the evening looking for DUI's. :clap: I have also heard on good authority the police know that people think it is the back way home so be careful!!!!!

    Shellhorne is also being closely watched, so be careful there too.

    Lee j
  12. Earl4

    Earl4 New Member

    Jun 22, 2007
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    REALLY? Show me one quote in which I state that follow-up on violations of the law is not worth it. I think I did a pretty effective breakdown of how time-consuming and costly (for the whole community) it can become when ONE person fails to be responsible by not locking-up. I strongly support arresting and prosecuting felons, but I also support crime prevention -- especially in its most basic form of closing and locking doors.
    What hardship do you speak of? I simply brought attention to the fact that staffing levels play a significant role in the level of service delivered to the citizens. Even though you have no apparent affiliation, you seem to have everything figured out with respect to public safety in Loudoun County, so I don't think I'll waste any more of your time, Steve.
  13. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    What exactly was your point? That it makes sense to lock your stuff up? BRILLIANT! Wow.. so glad you stopped by to drop off that note of wisdom! Yet you conveniently skip around the problem of human err... oh wait.. such imperfections are a burden to law enforcement and the rest of the world. We should hold everyone to such high standards and tell them how they are wasting our time and money when such mistakes happen. Public Servants have much better things to be doing then actually helping the citizens.. because mistakes just are not acceptable! :rolleyes3:

    You also downplay any collection efforts as futile.. skipping the WILD concept that crime happens even when things WERE locked up.

    So the answer is NO you will not disclose your affiliation. I thought so. I don't claim to have it figured out.. I simply know what has happened the times I've been a victim of property crime... NOTHING.

    And given the rampent property crime in sterling... the future of turning the tide on such crime in the area doesn't seem to bright for us.
  14. Earl4

    Earl4 New Member

    Jun 22, 2007
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    If you say so -- and what makes matters worse is folks like you who like to complain, but don't like to learn and seek out solutions.
  15. Mr Rogers

    Mr Rogers Active Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    Keep your garbage cans in your garage when it is 90+ degrees out. The odor alone will repel the bandits!
    Sorry, I could not resist!
  16. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    No offense Earl, but how the heck do you know what he does or does not do?

    He has an opinion which most people probably do and you slam him for it. Your opinions are certainly valid IMO and you also portray coming across as someone "with insider knowledge" yet you still have not answerd a direct question regarding your affiliation.
  17. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Hmmm....we ALWAYS keep our garbage can in the garage and don't have an odor problem.
  18. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    maybe he needs

  19. Earl4

    Earl4 New Member

    Jun 22, 2007
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    I suggested that he go do a ride-along so that he could see for himself whether the cops try to help people or not -- and how adequately staffed the local law enforcement is. He ignored the suggestion.

    I asked when he last contacted his representative on the Board of Supervisors to address his concerns, and he did not answer my question. Therefore, I think he has an agenda of bashing the police.

    And, I speak for myself, so my affiliation is irrelevant here.
  20. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    That's right, you make suggestions rather then address the questions or points.. that's called dodging.

    Yet still refuse to answer the question. You pose as an 'observer' when obviously you aren't. Why should anyone value your input when you refuse to be honest in your position?

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