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Bd. of Supervisors Debate - Oct 3 -Broad Run and Dulles

Discussion in 'Local Area Events' started by Denise, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    What concerns me is that my elected representative is taking marching orders from the UNelected LCRC, telling him when and where to appear. Will this UNelected body tell him how to vote as a Supervisor as well????
    My understanding is that the LWV schedule has been set, published and agreed to months ago. Only now, the week of the event, the Republican Party trumps up a reason to call it unfair and pull out???? Bull***t.
  2. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Lets put it this way all this and a few other things is making it easy for me to know who I will support and vote for. Snow has to remember most developers do not live in Loudoun and don't vote here. I still am wondering how working for Dietz is not a conflict of interest and would like an public answer to it in a public debate.

    Lee j
  3. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    At the Dulles South Business Alliance meeting, Steve Snow did about a 3 minute commercial on his work history and experience. He stopped short of mentioning his current employer Dietz Construction. He said he got nervous and forgot.
  4. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Since I am unable to add your ID to my ignore list I would - b/c you are an Admin I am unable to do so.

    You have a pretty LONG standing history of hoisting belittling opinons and insulting users on this forum.
  5. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    There really is no need to 'annouce' your intentions to use ignore - that's usually just another attention grab.
  6. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    I can appreciate your point. However, I would say Snow is the candidate and he can do whatever he wants. He is going to live with this decision as his own. The reality is he's part of the LCRC small group that made the political decision to cancel the debates.

    I think they were shocked at the quality of the challenges portrayed during the Chamber forum. I think they're a bunch of chickens.

  7. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Really - here's a thought maybe some users may NOT know they can not put you on their ignore/block list b/c you are an Admin.

    Steve get over yourself & the consistant abuse of power you have as an admins. You have a sense of entitlement to throw cheap shots and rude responses towards users like myself. What a neighborly way to conduct yourself

    ...and the clock is ticking to see how long it takes you to send me a warning as an admin...

    However back to the topic -Mr. Snow's lack of appearance does make it unbalanced and as a voter it would be rather informative to watch a head to head debate with Mr. Snow & Mr. Miller prior to the election.

    Yet another "opinion" that you can stand behind - as a tax payer I asked a question(s).

    An apology coming from you would be a very cold day in hell, you're just not wired that way.

    As for an apology to Ms. Munsey - my question was not baseless (based on your opinion) as per the clairfication from Cliff regarding legistation and frankly Ms. Munsey is a BIG woman and she can request one.

    Darn right I have become politically active, we intend to start our family here and as a tax payer I can be.

    What is your point and when will you provide a direct/fact based response to my originial question? You know VERY little of my interpersonal relationships related to politics or not - so why not answer the question with FACTS?

    The LWV debate tomorrow evening would have been a balanced debate if Mr. Show planned to attend, Mr. Snow has ZERO plans to attend.

    Stevens Miller is a neighbor and RESIDENT of Broadlands as well as serving our community on the HOA BoD...so if I decided to donate funds or become "close" to the other side at least I am standing behind a neighbor and change for our representative to the LC BoS - vs. standing behind numerous hypocritical uneducated opinions.

    Again the LWV debate tomorrow evening would have been balanced if Mr. Snow decided to participate
    1 person likes this.
  8. gryphon

    gryphon Banned User

    Aug 3, 2006
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  9. gryphon

    gryphon Banned User

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Lee, you raise a good point, as you have on many other occasions. However, I hope you don't hold your breath on a response from the tireless Snow supporters. They will never take that one on directly. Instead, I would expect - at best - extreme obfuscation.:shakehead:
  10. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    If you call those posts 'asking a question' woohoo to you :rolleyes:

    In fact, I find a hard time finding a question mark in this entire post - maybe you can highlight it for me?
    Maybe you can highlight the question for me... inbetween all those accusations?

    Usually it would be considered inconsiderate and franky insulting to infer someone is committing a crime without any information to back it up. Yet you didn't have any problem placing the accusations without knowing the situation NOR having access to any records to even substantiate your accusations. Threatening to have to use the FOIA to try to 'validate' something, etc.

    Here's a cluu for you... I do have access to the posting activities and behaviors of this website - connect the dots...

    I know plenty - I just chose not to disclose things that have not been disclosed publicaly. As for the information you have posted, your hatred towards Snow is pretty well documented - including your boasts about your contributions against your normal party lines, etc. Frankly - I don't care, but don't expect to lower the boom as just a 'tax payer' and not get called out on it when you know it goes much deeper then that.

    If you are going to jump and scream about something - don't get upset if you manage to attract the attention you don't want along with the type you do want.
  11. foodie

    foodie New Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Gryphon and others--

    Should I bring some of my homemade donuts and fritters to the meeting? I have been told they are better than DD's.

    Just trying for a little levity here--:happygrin:

    Have a good night--

  12. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    OKay, since I am somewhat computer inept, imagine the little avatar picture of the guy eating a bowl of popcorn.

    :popcorn: (a gift for you :) )
  13. foodie

    foodie New Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Good point--I think I would still bring my "goodies"--

  14. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    Wow--didn't get home until one a.m., so missed the fireworks here AND at the Board.

    Came over after getting the notification that thepea had posted, and I liked the original version MUCH better. The part about "let's play" puts in pretty good perspective.

    GM, I don't think it will be beneficial to Mr. Miller's campaign to write off ~100 Dulles district businesses, which is what you've done here, and he's done on Leesburg2day. Lee is right about many corporate developers having their headquarters elsewhere, but DSBA goes right down to the micro local level with drycleaners, autobody, printshops, photographers, the works. They all live here AND pay business taxes here. If the transition zone is all his neighbors, he may want to consider these Dulles businesses as potential friends too.

    I don't know what's going to happen with the LWV debate. It looks like the two parties have gotten into a p!$$ing contest with it, so I'd say that doesn't bode too well for a quick resolution.

    (p.s. to GM--your concern for South Riding people driving too far is very sweet)
  15. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Geez- like I and other folks were wrong about OB, SW HOA and Snow's web-site


    I think you made a typo or two - clue. Connect what dots? - please highlight me on what that means?

    I find that hard to believe how much you really know.

    You have NEVER ONCE had a direct conversation with me or anyone in my household. If you know plenty then share it

    Otherwise I would urge you to STAND DOWN.

    You have opinions & gossip again you have NEVER had a direct conversation with me. Moreover here is a fact you are/were WRONG about your opinions concerning Openband hosting Mr. Snow's website.

    I have NEVER stated "my hatred towards Snow" or "hate" in any terms – cease and desist with putting words in my mouth or using a public venue to misquote /represent something I have NEVER stated - this is slanderous and character assassination.

    Steve/Flynn – Your long standing tactic of getting caught in the minutia of every word stated or parsing every response is not going to work on me – but nice try none the less.

    Net – Net you have a long history of attacking people, opinions and rampant rudeness towards users. I am going on the record if you EVERY mis-qoute/represent any statement from me in the future – you have been given one public warning – your actions are slanderous and defaming – cease and desist.

    I stand behind not only my opinions but my actions. But back to the Topic of the thread – Mr. Snow decided to NOT appear at tomorrow’s LWV debate.
  16. qzpmal

    qzpmal New Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Guess you got in too late to read all of the posts. If you had you would realize that your statements constitute an apples to oranges comparison. For your benefit, here is a quote from AFGM that will bring you more clarity:

    Which event would you say provides a more impartial venue for a debate, LVM or DSBA?

  17. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    qzpmal, I wasn't talking about the appearance of the LWV in comparison to GM's characterization of the DSBA; I was talking about the dismissal of a business alliance, including small businesses run by regular Dulles voters, who meet once a month to hear a speaker on business-related issues (once including the Lieutenant Governor), and have a newsletter, and so on.

    To write it off seems a bit foolish from a political standpoint, but I understand why GM may feel the need.
  18. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Gryphon - do you now see why I would never consider running for ANY public office? :scaredeyes:
  19. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    What? Can't handle your own posts and now you try to switch the subject? Besides, that topic was again full of accusations - now that the reporting period is out, I notice you didn't add the smoking gun to that topic. Is that because the numbers actually ARE there?

    Wait.. you can't connect the dots yourself? OMG.. sure didn't stop you from jumping to all kinds of other conclusions on this topic and others. For someone who claims to be so technically astute - you should realize we have the ability to track all visitors and members of the site. So, I find it quite amusing for you sitting on that side to argue with me over who does what on the site. Still need help??

    And for the few characters who like to think they are getting away with things, just because we don't necessarily act doesn't mean we aren't already watching them. 'Digging their own grave' can be used to characterize what we allow people to do at times. Makes it so much easier to clean up the mess afterwards.

    Well considering we have had face to face conversations and you don't 'know' about them... it doesn't surprise me one bit you 'find it hard to believe' there is stuff you aren't so informed about and that you aren't omniscient.

    I don't have gossip - I have fact. I'm just not going to disclose things for others. It really doesn't matter anyways, when the heart of the matter is your accusations without proof. Don't write checks you can't cash. Your personal bias is really just background noise.

    I'm still waiting for those questions to be outlined for me again. Or wait.. was it 'education' about how the ignore system works. I'm getting confused on your original intent in this thread again...

    I'll let the record and backup of all your postings speak for themselves. (so really trying to go back and edit or delete your posts is pretty futile.. we back them up you know...)

    If you can't stand behind what you post - don't post it. If you aren't willing to reap what you sow, you shouldn't go attacking other posters like you have in this thread that started this mess. This all started with your outbursts and accusations - which of course you have yet to substantiate and wish to spin the topic around me. Do it all you want - I could care less. But I'm not going to let people lash out and frankly make criminal accusations without calling them out in kind. I'm still waiting for those 'questions' you started so innocently with.

    Maybe you should look up those terms before you throw them around. There is a critical element of libel that you are lacking. Maybe your research will help you understand what that missing element is.


    Want to stay on-topic? Stop derailing threads with your accusations and attacks on other people. Both times its been thrown off is by your outbursts. Don't get upset when people call you out on it.
  20. kris

    kris New Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    Is it true that Snow is not attending the scheduled event (debate) for tomorrow? I also read on the broadlands newsletter that there are couple of debates scheduled in the nature center...

    Please let me know which one to attend.

    I think I have pretty much made up my mind but I am still interested in listening to what each candidate has to say.

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