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Help us with your feedback! New Experimental Site Style

Discussion in 'Forum rules and information' started by flynnibus, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. NAKK

    NAKK New Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    I like it. Like the soft and natural look. Nice Job !
  2. SK8R

    SK8R On the Clover Meadow

    Sep 3, 2002
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    I like it very much
    Je l'aime beaucoup :)
  3. technosapien

    technosapien New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    :genius:Update... here are a few color samples. I also made tan and orange, but orange was fugly and the tan blended too well in with the background thru the rest of the site. So... three shades of green are what's left, based on colors already in this site design:


    Not quite as easy as I thought, but still not difficult. Hope you find these pleasing. :boogie:
  4. GeauxTigers

    GeauxTigers Member

    Aug 25, 2006
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    Those look okay to me, with Evergreen being my preferred. By the way, when is the large orange block (top middle) going to go away? It would be nice if it weren't quite so loud. As far as all of the other changes that have been made, thumbs up!
  5. technosapien

    technosapien New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    I dunno, I'm just wrangling the buttons into proper colors.
    .. since "blue" doesn't match so well with the new color scheme.
    The orange box seems to be the buffer space between the left and right images... maybe a more muted color should go there? I like the khaki color that is behind the "quick reply" or "reply to thread" spaces: #C7B36C according to my color-picker.... Perhaps this:

  6. GeauxTigers

    GeauxTigers Member

    Aug 25, 2006
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    That would blend in better. When I go to the site, my eyes seem to focus right away on the orange. Khaki or similar would be more subtle and probably more pleasing as well as allow the pictures to the left/right to get the attention rather than a big orange block.
  7. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    tech - sorry I have not replied to your email as of yet. holidays are crashing in around us and dominating my time.

    having the psd files 'staged' is the important part, as the rest is just grunt work churning out the individual images. Did I include in the info I sent the list that shows what layers generate which images? there is a list floating around in vb's site that takes the guess work out by having a list of all the icons and which layers to use, etc.

    I hope next week to have downtime to catch up and resych with the work that is being done on the website itself and resych the color work done here with what the 'rest' of the site is actually going to look like. Once there, we can settle on finished colors to use on buttons. The best way to do this is simply put them in place and see which looks best, etc.

    As for the orange in the header - yes, its just a filler for now, just to allow the header to be 100% of the browser window. More of an experiment to play with how the different images would work in the table. Once I catch up and see what they are doing with the 'rest' of the website, I'll resych with the styles chosen there.

    The rest of the committee is working on the full website and I went on a tangent to get the forum site rolling before the rest of the site was completed. They are much closer now, so I can catch up and harmonize with that :)

    Thanks again for the help techno and I'll be in touch soon.
  8. technosapien

    technosapien New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    Yup, with a very small exception made with consideration of where the sample images would display when I posted them, I followed the instructions from vBulletin's website on how to use the toolkit. It's actually very easy to change the color of a background or button, the hard work as you say is just saving out the proper layers to the proper files. Which actually isn't hard, just time-consuming. :conf4:

    When is the next committee meeting for all this? I'd like to join the committee more officially but seem to keep missing the meetings. That is if the committee could use an(other?) linux geek graphic artist. ;)
  9. GeauxTigers

    GeauxTigers Member

    Aug 25, 2006
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    I just noticed the additional experimental styles. I like "with #1-bg". Much nicer than the normal experimental style without the bright orange block on the top.
  10. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Yes - the orange was never intended to stay - it was just a placeholder... more updates soon! :)
  11. Gun Ohna

    Gun Ohna New Member

    Apr 10, 2006
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    I agree with Chsalas. I love the outdoors but I am having a hard time adjusting these colors. How about the Skins' colors. Or maybe even the Capitals. Or, although this might be difficult to do, let us pick our own color settings. Me, i'd pick the good old Blue and Gold of the Buffalo Sabres. Or even blcak and chrome/silver, most of my firearms are that color.
  12. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    You can get any colors you want... you simply must come and volunteer for the Tech Comm and once you earn your stripes you can make up what you want :)

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