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Broadlands Hospital

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by joy, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. playingketchup

    playingketchup New Member

    Jan 15, 2008
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    I heard there is an anti-Miller email sent out from Inova. Anyone have it?
  2. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Not sure if it is really an anti-Miller email - but here is an excerpt from Donna's latest emails (these are her words) I did notice that she has now dropped her disclaimer...

    "....Stevens Miller suggested to the Concerned Citizens of Broadlands attorney that he wanted to have all of those residents that oppose this location to appear before him as a supervisor and state where you live and that you are against this location. I guess the last 7 years of letters, emails, speeches, petitions and public input wasn't enough.
    Believe me we are all TIRED of having to deal with this issue, and believe me I and others would like to stop putting in the hundreds and hundreds of hours to make sure they don't build, but a few of us can't make as much of an impression as having all of you participate.!!!
    I can not express to you the importance of you getting involved in a more personal level. ...but according to Stevens (who is our district supervisor) it is not enough…he wants to see your face before him telling him you and your family are against this location.
    I know many of you have received emails from Stevens when he was running for this seat, saying that he would listen to us, agreed this was the wrong location and that if we felt that HCA would not be a good neighbor he would be our voice… I don't know what happened to change his mind now that he is in office…We may still be able to have him truly represent our views, but he has to hear from each of you!!!
    ... state your name and address and tell Stevens Miller and the rest of the board that you are against this location. We would also like to apologize to the rest of the board for having to appear again before them and in wasting their time...
    ...We aren't fighting a losing battle, but we are fighting a battle that requires your voice.
    Please email me back and let me know that you are willing to rearrange your schedule to appear…
    Thanks, Donna"
  3. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    FWIW - I forgot to mention that my prior post is from Donna Fortier, BHOA board member & Community Relations Director, Loudoun Inova Hospital.
  4. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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  5. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    ok - Lee - here is the entire email:
    Hi Everyone,
    I am pleading with you… we really need your help… NOW!!!
    As you may be aware we were dealt a blow about getting this hospital issue to be resolved. 5 members of the Board of Supervisors (Kurtz, Burk, York, McGimsey and our very own Stevens Miller) all voted to allow HCA to have an extension for their court case. This means that we have to reenergize our efforts… This means we have another 12 months at least until we might have a resolution to this issue.
    Stevens Miller suggested to the Concerned Citizens of Broadlands attorney that he wanted to have all of those residents that oppose this location to appear before him as a supervisor and state where you live and that you are against this location. I guess the last 7 years of letters, emails, speeches, petitions and public input wasn't enough.
    Believe me we are all TIRED of having to deal with this issue, and believe me I and others would like to stop putting in the hundreds and hundreds of hours to make sure they don't build, but a few of us can't make as much of an impression as having all of you participate.!!!
    HCA is banking on us losing our drive, enthusiasm and passion to keep them from building. They are hoping we will fade in our numbers and in our voices to express our outrage.
    I can not express to you the importance of you getting involved in a more personal level. The emails, letters and phone calls do go a long way, but according to Stevens (who is our district supervisor) it is not enough…he wants to see your face before him telling him you and your family are against this location.
    I know many of you have received emails from Stevens when he was running for this seat, saying that he would listen to us, agreed this was the wrong location and that if we felt that HCA would not be a good neighbor he would be our voice… I don't know what happened to change his mind now that he is in office…We may still be able to have him truly represent our views, but he has to hear from each of you!!!
    If we can not make an impact at the next board of supervisors meeting which is going to be held on March 17th at 6:30 pm (at 1 Harrison Street, Leesburg, VA) we will have an even more difficult fight on our hands.
    I implore you to join me and others to commit to going to speak to the Board of Supervisors on that evening.
    There are a few of us that are getting your commitment to speak…All you have to do, is appear at an allotted time: 6:30, 6:31, 6:32 etc and state your name and address and tell Stevens Miller and the rest of the board that you are against this location. We would also like to apologize to the rest of the board for having to appear again before them and in wasting their time, however we are here providing what our supervisor requested… we are here to say no.
    Now that our kids are older, those children that would like to speak as well are more than welcome (and encouraged) to do so.
    I can arrange for a bus with snacks and food to drive us if that makes it easier. When I get your commitment and know the number of speakers available, we will sign you up to speak so you don't have to worry about that.
    Please Please Please email me back and confirm that you and your family are able to spend an hour of your time on this night. If we can't guarantee at least 100 people it will not be impactful and will not make a difference.
    I appreciate all of the involvement you all have had for the past 7 years, but now more than ever we need your commitment…
    We aren't fighting a losing battle, but we are fighting a battle that requires your voice.
    Ask your friends and neighbors, talk to your family….but commit!!!
    Please email me back and let me know that you are willing to rearrange your schedule to appear…
    Thanks, Donna
  6. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    and... ? People are free to organize if they want against this hospital. What's the point of 'outting' this email?

    If you feel just as strong the other way... do the same and organize to why you want it here.
  7. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    I notice that there's a mention of snacks, food and a bus to drive folks to the meeting. Who is paying for this?
  8. Nova Native

    Nova Native New Member

    Feb 5, 2007
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    This is the exact reason I get turned off by the pro-hospital folks. I think it is fine to be for the hospital, but it is very odd to try and out the other sides email imploring those against to make their voices heard. Its not like totally wrong, or unethical to print such an email, but it is weird. I would find it weird if Donna got some email for those for the hospital and posted on the blog.
  9. Mr Rogers

    Mr Rogers Active Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    I'll foot the bill!

    Seriously, I'd assume that it is either Inova, or a group that receives a significant portion of its funds from Inova. Is that wrong?

    How can it be right for HCA to launch a full out campaign in favor of build BRH, and wrong for Inova to fight it?

    "Ain't that America, For you and me!
    Ain't that America? Home of the free!
    Ain't that America?
    Little pink houses for you and me!"

    John Cougar has all of the answers!
  10. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Seems to me if you are for the hospital around here you can do no wrong. HCA bused in people from their Reston Hospital in past go arounds so whats the difference?? But how dare inova do it even if they are really doing it. People can go around to all the newspapers and with their editorial trashing inova but how dare it if inova supporters do it.

    King York or better said Dictator York will get and has the the BOS votes so what the use in fighting this. Don't forget York did not win the Dulles district which is I think the most populous district and where the hospital is to be built.

    It is a waste of time fighting HCA they have the votes!!!!!!!!!
  11. BellaRu

    BellaRu Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Ok - I've been reading this thread for a while now, and I have to admit to being really confused. Isnt a nearby hospital a good thing? Since Reston, Leesburg and FairOaks are really it, I would think having a good facility in this part of LoCo is what we need.
    I know some folks have the "Not in my back yard" reaction, but I guess I just dont understand the emotional reactions.
  12. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    For me, it is simple. I like competition. It keeps businesses on their toes.

    If not now, when? If not here, where?

    And I will play Lee's "what if" game and say, If BRMC is shot down, Inova will not build another full-scale hospital in MANY years.

    Why build another full scale hospital any time in the near future when they say that Loudoun is not at capacity??? My bet is that they will build small, emergency care facilities that are already planned and throw in another 1 or 2.

    Since they pretty much have a monopoly in our part of Nova, why compete against themselves? ;)

    If not now, when? If not here, where? :D
  13. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    It is not that we don't need another hospital, We need a hospital on a site that is not full of compromises.
    No helipad, Limited growth potential and other stuff taken out of this plan so they can get it approved. So it is a hospital of compromises or it is a hospital of lies. It is a hospital of lies if they go back at a later date and try to get approved all the things they took out for the initial approval.
  14. OSimpson

    OSimpson Certified Master Naturalist

    Sep 24, 2006
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    I have recently got many of my questions answered by the Hospital's Rep in our community. They are all ears to hear the concerns. When it comes to mental health, it's focus is adolescents and as far as I am concern it's fine. Hey these children can be one of our kids that needs help. I am not for having "sterile" community trying to block everything we think it's bad for us. It is not realistic or fair. As you know we do have some "sexual predators" living in our area per the website that tracks them. What should we do about that?

    HCA operates the Reston Hospital in the heart of Reston where there is a huge residential area and commercial area surrounding it. I see HCA working with county officials as well as community officials to make it a positive experience for everyone. I am talking with them about Broadlands being Wildlife Certified Community and how we can work together if this hospital is built. I am personally OK with it. I think all the questions you may have, write them down and ask it to them at this community coffee meeting which I think she may be there. I wish we did not have Mc Donalds and Taco Bell... but that's life. With respect to everyone's opinion, please get your information from the HCA rep to make sure it's not "rumor" or "interpretation".
  15. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    You do not know if a helipad will ever be put in, you do not know what expansion will take place, you do not know what will be approved or not. In other words, YOU DO NOT KNOW. You are guessing, just like everyone else is about certain issues.

    If not now, when? If not here, where?

    How many of our sons and daughters ;) have to die or suffer unnecessarily because of the lack of another much needed hospital!
  16. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    How many have died because a closer one wasn't available? You obviously know, right?
  17. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    That is the point I am trying to make (in a vague, roundabout way). NO ONE really knows much of anything! Too many of "us" are basing our decisions on "what ifs".

    Based on sheer numbers alone, Loudoun DOES need another hospital. Is Blands the right location, I do not think so. BUT if it is not Blands, then IMO I don't think we will see another full-scale hospital for many years.
  18. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    is it ME- or did the offer of that parcel of land swival ALOT of heads toward BMRC becoming a good neighbor instead of NIMBY...?
  19. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    I just found it rather humorous (and ironic) that you bashed him for guessing, then turned around and did the same thing.
  20. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Didn't explicitly state it but it was a continuation of my "what if" game (post 1532) that Lee loves to play so much.

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