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Lawn Maintenance / Grass in Southern Walk

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by krmckee, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. krmckee

    krmckee Member

    Feb 9, 2006
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    Obvoiusly my thread has been hijacked but the common area behind our home at the end of Schenley court has not been mowed in over 2 weeks. Our kids and neighbors are currently unable to play back there. So there ARE areas that are being totally neglected.
  2. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I can tell you that my grass which was cut on Wednesday by me, ALREADY needs cutting again by today. I don't expect lawn services to be monitoring day by day - nor would I suppose most homeowners would like to pay for multiple cuttings a week. There is a balance to be had, and right now with all the rain and the start of the season grass is growing like mad. Plus, its just the start of the season.

    And as Cliff has pointed out, your accusations of disparity simply are falsehoods. You really should just drop it.
  3. Mr Rogers

    Mr Rogers Active Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    Are you trying to keep me going? I said in my post that I was done with this, but if you insist....

    My previous post admitted that this thread has gone down the toilet of immaturity, with me saying that the grass is long in a place, and Cliff claiming that I am making it up, and that the grass was never as long as I said, and me pointing out a new place where the grass is long.

    One question for both Cliff and Flynn, b4 I head off into lurk-land....
    Do you think that I clammed up for over two weeks and jumped into this thread erroneously?

    If you research my posts, I only post in threads that I care about, and that I have an opinion about. On several occassions, including this one, I have admitted when I stated something that has been shown to be untrue. I cannot recall any incidences of our HOA president admitting to wrong doing. It must be nice. See you in two more weeks!
  4. Pc Gamer 2006

    Pc Gamer 2006 New Member

    May 31, 2006
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    There are alot of areas of common ground that get overgrown on my block there is a huge section that they cut every 3 weeks so i get out there and cut it myself it gets me so mad that people get violations and the common ground cutters come around once a month and it gets so annoying because i cant get my mower on the steep incline so by the time they cut it it is about 9 inches long. :shakehead:
  5. Silence Dogood99

    Silence Dogood99 New Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    This is how you know when you've completely lost perspective--when you are getting upset about grass. Holy crap, chill out! Take your kids somewhere they can play for a couple weeks. Get out and cut out a patch yourself. Oh no, the grass is too high! Is this something Senators Obama or Clinton can help us out with? Life is so hard in the suburbs :)
  6. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    krmckee and PcGamer 2006-
    As i mentioned, please call the HOA Office about areas of concern.
    Not all Common Areas are mowed, but some can and do get overlooked by mistake.
  7. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Then can't you simply make your point without creating a ficticious set of circumstance?
    Because, as I guess you didn't realize, is I went to the trouble to investigate it. When the whole thing turns out to be false, I'm sorry if I appeared a bit annoyed with you.
  8. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Hmm....could it simply be that I don't feel the need to make up stories to try and make a point? If that is your standard, then I guess it's easy not be wrong much.

    I welcome your participation on the Forums and don't mind your pointed questions to/about the HOA. But please, let's keep it honest.
  9. Mazinger

    Mazinger New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    Not sure if this has been brought up. If so..sorry..

    What is the contract with mowing?

    Is it a scheduled once a week deal or do they come when called?
  10. Mr Rogers

    Mr Rogers Active Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    I rarely resort to name calling, but you have just called me a liar again in this thread. (No, not directly, but you implored me to keep it honest.)

    Your posts reflect a self-righteous and arrogant nature. This may not be apparent in your regular life, but here on the Forums it shines through. More importantly, there is a lack of humor in your posts. I try to post with a sense of humor about the rediculous nature of our concerns. As I stated with an earlier ID, I coach and mentor wounded soldiers, many of whom will be relegated to wheelchairs for the remainder of their lives. Teaching golf to a 19 year old who lost his legs 8 weeks before gives me the perspective to laugh at everything, even hospitals, long grass, garbage cans, and dog owners who won't pick up their dogs' poop.

    A. A friend told me he received a letter about his lawn this year. (His lawn was REALLY long when I visited him). As I stated, this is hearsay, and this is the very reason that it is not permitted in a court of law.
    B. The longest grass adjacent to Chickacoan was found in the common areas at the time of my post.
    C. You rode down Chickacoan 4 days after my post and saw that the grass was not too long. Then you said that it had not been mowed over those 4 days. Given the rate of growth, it is highly unlikely that it would be at an acceptable length 5 days after it was mown. Hmmmm?
    D. I saw HLS mowing the lawn the day after my first post. Hmmmmm?

    I have no agenda beside the points made in my very transparent and direct posts. When I see or hear of something that rubs me the wrong way, I post. I don't do extensive research first, I just post. Perhaps this is not the right way to do it, but it is how I live my life. I leap without looking all the dang time, and it is a pretty fun way to go through life.
    I read this quote in high school, and it struck a chord with me."To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."Elbert Hubbard
    US author (1856 - 1915)
  11. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Mr. Rogers-
    Thanks for your observations. I'll let my posts speak for myself and you can let yours speak for you.
    I'm very comfortable in how others will view both of us.
    I suggest you read your own posts before calling others "arrogant" or "self-righteous."

    Many of your posts have been anything but "transparent and direct."
    Your first post in this thread was an obvious attempt to throw a dig at the HOA, was proven to be incorrect, and you get all indignant about it. Thank you for finally telling the truth about the lawn letter, and when it was received, by a neighbor.

    Funny how after I mentioned my ride down Chickacoan you claim the lawn was mowed the day after your post. I saw them mowing Chickacoan when I was on my bike ride. Since, according to you, HLS managed to mow Chickacoan TWICE during a very rainy period, I would think you would be thanking them for such attentive service rather than suggesting the HOA chastise them. Hmmmmmmmm?

    For your claim to be true, the grass would have had to grow 5 inches in three days.
    Or maybe we are just talking about different areas.

    And, sorry, I do not believe you when you claim to have no agendas. As I've stated, you've had a clear one (to me) since your trash can incident.

    So you continue on with your humorous and transparent posts. If you're going to make dispersions and assersions about the HOA, I'll be happy to investigate them for you.
  12. Mr Rogers

    Mr Rogers Active Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    You are right, and I am wrong...happy?
  13. qzpmal

    qzpmal New Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Whoa Cliff, this was pretty brutal. I personnaly think the HOA and HLS has done a great job. Our lawn and the common areas around our house always looks great. In fact, they replaced a dead evergreen tree today and we didn't evan have to ask or bug the HOA about it.....that's great service and worth the extra we pay in HOA dues because we live in a courtyard home.

  14. KTdid

    KTdid Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    Guess it runs in the family!:rolleyes3:
  15. Mr Rogers

    Mr Rogers Active Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    I'd like to know the answer to this as well.
  16. mamatothree

    mamatothree New Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    The contract for the courtyard homes states that "...Mowing will occur every 7 to 10 days - weather permitting - from mid March through mid November. Turf will be cut at no less than 2.5" or higher than 3.5"..."
  17. SarasMom

    SarasMom Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    There was an HLS crew mowing until after 7:30pm last night. I'm sure they are doing their best to get caught up. I can't believe how worked up people are getting over grass. Everything is so green and lush and pretty right now - enjoy it! You'll be wishing for this come July/August when we're baking in the sun and the grass gets brown and crispy! :)
  18. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    As Mr. Rogers does not live in SW I doubt he cares about that. I think he is more interested in the contract as it relates to common areas.

    And honestly, WHY SHOULD IT MATTER?!?!? Our obligation is to maintain OUR yards. So what if the common areas grow a bit higher at times or if sections get missed. If you notice something, then call the Nature Center and it will almost certainly be resolved. STOP using the common areas as a measuring stick for YOUR yard.

    FWIW, We have always had a consistently, well-maintained community.
  19. broken skull

    broken skull New Member

    Mar 3, 2007
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    FWIW. The large amount of trash being piled in common areas is more of an issue than the length of the grass.
  20. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Guess people will use that as a reason to keep their garbage in their yards now! ;)

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