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Broadlands Medical Facility

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by yankee1, Jun 28, 2004.

  1. GCyr

    GCyr New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    Did I miss your response to Jeanne's questions posted on 7/21 12:42? I'm still waiting for the response about who finances your letters and who provides the information?

  2. SoxFan

    SoxFan New Member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    You aren't the only one waiting for Donna's response.

    I wonder if Wal-mart is a by right? Imagine if BRMC sold the land and a super walmart or Kmart was built? What would that be like for the Broadlands?

    Spaceguy...haven't you learned what they say about assuming???

    Quote from Spaceguy [When we bought our homesite, we were aware of the office park designation across the street. That wasn't an issue because we felt it would be 10-15 years before office complexes would be built in this area. That assumption was based on the vacancy rate along the Dulles Toll Road and the anticipation that the next major office parks would be built north and south along Rt 28 before expanding along the greenway. In fact, the Van Metre rep at the HOA meeting pretty much confirmed the 10-15 year projection for offices moving into this area.]
  3. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    Prince William just enacted the no box store rule in some areas b/c of Wal mart. That is an issue that is staring to be addressed.
  4. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Actually, WalMart was interested in buying property along Broadlands Blvd to build a new Walmart to replace the one where the Wegman's now is.
    Terrabrook declined their offer and Wal mart moved to their current location.
  5. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    Does anyone else get the impression Donna is scared away by the logic and "raised credibility" issue of the recent question(s)?

    [Sarcasm Alert!!]Maybe she has been taken off the LHC payroll. http://hoa.broadlands.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1103 [Sarcasm Alert over]

  6. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    Another example. Why was this guy not taken to Loudoun Hospital? I am certain if BRMC was already up and running, they would of taken him over to the Broadland's site, wouldn't of even needed a helicopter. And wouldn't of gone through the Broadlands neighborhood, would of gone right into the hospital entrance off of Belmont Ridge Road.

    Man pulled from burning car in Ashburn
    By Emily Tjelmeland

    A Manassas man was pulled from a burning car on Wednesday after he fell asleep at the wheel while traveling on Belmont Ridge Road just south of Hay Road in Ashburn, according to Kraig Troxell, Sheriff's spokesman.

    After he fell asleep, Edgar Funes, 20, drove off the roadway in his 1997 Plymouth two-door and hit a tree. Flames quickly engulfed the vehicle, and a bystander pulled him from the car.

    Fire and rescue personnel from both Loudoun County and Ashburn put out the fire around 10 a.m., which had also spread to the tree.

    Funes was airlifted to Washington Hospital Center and is currently being treated for serious but non-life threatening injuries, Troxell said.

    Accident investigators determined Fune fell asleep before he veered off the roadway, and that he was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident.

    Charges have not been filed at this time, Troxell said.
  7. neilz

    neilz New Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    It may be that the medical personnel at the scene thought that his burns were of a more serious nature than they were, and they sent him to a regional burn center.

    Not knowing what determination was made at the scene, only makes questions about 'why' mere speculation.

    Neil Z.
    Resident since 1999
  8. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    Good point Neilz, but still points out need for increased emergency room service in the County. Loudoun Hospital doesn't seem to keep any of serious emergency cases in the County.

  9. scottshipm

    scottshipm New Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    Responce only takes a few seconds to type the facts.

    1) Where did the funds come from to send your letter? Where did you get the distribution list of recipients and who did they comprise (what criteria was used, not names)?

    2) As a an elected official for our community, did you have board approval or agreement to represent the board's voice in this letter?

    3) Your position on the hospital is quite clear. Your employment status is quite clear. I think you need to provide stated guarantees of objectivity in your role on the board in this matter to avoid a conflict of interest or focus your attention on other less scandalous concerns of the community.

    scott shipm
  10. Donna

    Donna New Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    The facts speak clearly for themselves, regardless of my opinion - or yours.

    First, you should have read my mailing more closely. In the introduction, I
    clearly stated that the issues addressed "are the same ones posed by the HOA
    Board in the recent homeowner's newsletter." I wanted to answer the precise
    questions and issues posed by the HOA. So, the statements such as: "This
    location is too close to Loudoun Hospital" and "There will be additional
    traffic and congestion" and "HCA is an unethical, fraudulent company" and
    "We don't need another hospital in Loudoun County" are lifted directly from
    the HOA newsletter. You can look if up if you like in the May issue of the
    HOA newsletter. You have published claims about me and my "opinions" that
    are simply untrue.

    Second, the facts speak clearly for themselves regardless of my opinion - or

    The property is not properly zoned for a hospital. HCA maintains they only
    need a "special exception" to build here. However, the County has required
    HCA to file a special exception application AND two "Zoning Concept Plan
    Amendments (ZCPA)." A ZCPA is required when a major rezoning is proposed by
    any applicant. This is a fact. You can look it up. Ask County planners what
    a ZCPA is and why the County required HCA to file two of them. Fact: The
    ZCPAs would not be required if this land was already zoned appropriately to
    accommodate a hospital and a special exception was all that is

    Facts: HCA will introduce helicopters taking off and landing into a
    residential neighborhood setting. Helicopters make more noise by being here
    than by not being here. That's a common sense fact. Medical office buildings
    generate more traffic than traditional office buildings. You can look it up.
    HCA has paid $1.7 billion in fines related to defrauding Medicare, Medicaid
    and the U.S. military health system. You can look it up here:
    www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2003/June/03_civ_386.htm I could go on, but you get
    the point. These are facts, not my opinion - or yours.

    Some people seem to be greatly concerned about who paid for my mailing. The
    HOA did not. That's a fact. Did my HOA dues help pay for the HOA mailing in
    May that in my opinion was one-sided in its support of HCA? As a Board
    member, do I have a right to state my dissenting view, or have we reached
    the point where dissenting voices must be silenced? My answer is that I was
    duly elected by the homeowners to the Board and I not only have a right but
    an obligation to speak out for those who feel that the HOA is not speaking
    for them. My answer to questions about who pays for mailings is quite
    simple - What difference does it make? A fact is a fact and can be
    distinguished from a non-fact if anyone actually cares to do the research.
    This is true whether the information comes from the HOA or HCA or LHI or a
    private citizen and a homeowner like me.

    Since HCA proponents seem to have a low tolerance for disagreeable facts, I
    guess character assassination of people like me is the preferred way to try
    and cloud the facts. Recently, I have begun receiving "hate" calls on my
    home phone and nasty and belligerent emails. These are unfortunate tactics that HCA supporters are now employing, but they will not change the facts. This kind of intimidation will also not deter me or the hundreds of my neighbors who oppose the
    Broadlands Regional Medical Center from continuing to fight this unwanted
    intrusion into our planned community and our neighborhood.
  11. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Donna - "unwanted" by you and others, but there are hundreds of your neighbors who WANT this so-called intrusion.

    Who did fund your mailings? You or Loudoun Hospital?
  12. Ray.Mittan

    Ray.Mittan New Member

    May 15, 2004
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    Here is another fact:
    Using your elected position on the HOA board to promote the agenda of your employer is clearly a conflict of interest and you should either excuse yourself from the topic or step down from the HOA board. It is that simple.

    Ray Mittan

  13. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    If this is so.. why is your posting so lacking in such 'facts'? You point to such facts, without being able to validate them. 'Facts' without support are also known as 'opinions'.

    Why can't you tell us where you did? Why should we have to 'research' your claims for you? If you are stating facts, you should readibly have the information available you used.
    The difference is simple.. you are being asked directly. Avoiding the question obviously points towards 'need to hide'. And preaching 'facts' and when challenged your answer is 'look it up', makes you sound childish. If you have such strong foundations in your findings, you should have the research material right there. Endow us with the same information you have.

    I don't have a 'side' in this discussion, I just find your way of handling it borderline absurd.

  14. Skins fan

    Skins fan Tequila fan (100% agave)

    Mar 18, 2004
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    It makes a big difference.
    Given your position on the HOA board, transparency is absolutely necessary. Your refusal to answer the question of who funded your letter is revealing. If you did not pay for the mailing, and your employer did, don't you think that those who received it have a right to know that this is an LHC mailing written by an LHC employee?

    Why are you embarassed to state who paid for the mailing?

  15. Pats_fan

    Pats_fan Former Resident

    Jan 7, 2004
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    I'm also curious about the substantiation for the claim that property values will decrease if BRMC is built on the edge of Broadlands. I have "looked it up" and haven't found a single reference to support such a claim.
  16. marielaveau

    marielaveau Voodoo Queen

    Apr 6, 2004
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    The FACT that you are refusing to disclose that information Donna is in itself very telling. If you want people to take you seriously and not immediatly dissmiss what you say as propaganda, you need to engage in full disclosure.
  17. scottshipm

    scottshipm New Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    You also failed to address my other questions. Besides the desire to know who funded the mailings, I think it is important to know how you obtained the distribution list.

    I would consider it a gross misuse of priveledge to mail on behalf of Loudoun Hospital based on a private list of homeowners maintained by the HOA for which you would have access to.

    You also opened your letter thanking people for voting for you to the board and your intention to keep us updated on issues affecting the community. This clearly suggests a voice of the board, and not that of an individual homeowner.

    Did the board give approval for you to represent them this way?

    scott shipm
  18. tigger

    tigger New Member

    Jan 16, 2003
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    Please tell us where you got the distribution list. This is the second letter we have received from you.
  19. Donna

    Donna New Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    I have been involved in this issue for 3 years and during that time provided all the documention to substantiate each fact or concern. During that time I have received contributions to support the efforts in keeping BRMC out of our neighborhood. I will not discuss with you who the financial supporters have been or currently are. It is none of your business, as supporters and financial contributors for BRMC and Citizens for BRMC are none of our business. My letter never stated that the information sent was from the HOA. I only stated I was a member of the HOA, if I hadn't mentioned it, you would have said that I was hiding something. If you are truly concerned about any facts stated during the last 3 years of this effort I suggest you do your own research and draw your own conclusions, so I am not accused of providing incorrect information. I am not going to spend my time revisitng each issue as it has already been discussed ad nauseum over the past three years. I am working on other issues (not just the hospital) that are affecting our community. As far as a distribution list goes I targeted the households that are in our zip code, apparently you are not familiar with how easily obtainable public information is.

    Stacy and Cliff, it has come to my attention that both of you have very recently appeared (while being on our HOA Board of Directors) in an HCA sponored commercial supporting BRMC and their plans to build here...Is this true, and if it is true did you disclose that you both were active members of the Broadlands HOA Board of Directors? And did you further disclose that not all member of our BOD are in support of HCA. I am now taking a vacation from this topic.
  20. JenCo

    JenCo New Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    So you deflect & then retreat. Nice tactics. [8D]

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