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House sold in 3 days

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by docsaba, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. docsaba

    docsaba New Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Housing slowdown?

    We went through a lot of work to properly stage and prepare our house. Greg Wells, our agent, looked at the comps and we listed for just over where the appraisal should come in. Since there were so many recent comps and since appraisals are really driving mortage ability, we didn't have a lot of leeway.

    We listed on Friday morning and had 12 people through the house this past weekend and three full price offers on Monday. Sold.

    There are not a lot of places for sale right now - which meant the perfect timing for us. We are moving to a buyers market from a sellers market.
  2. Villager

    Villager Ashburn Village Resident

    Nov 1, 2006
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    Awesome! Congratulations. And I told you so :p

    I'm sure you're looking forward to those hot Texas summers! Good luck with the move.
  3. swatimutyam

    swatimutyam New Member

    Dec 22, 2003
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    Did you use any staging expert help ? Planning to put our house on sale in coming months so wondering what the prep would be and if it is helpful to use some help.
  4. HappyinVA

    HappyinVA Proud Broadlands resident

    Oct 9, 2009
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  5. tyger31

    tyger31 Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    WOW - that's great - there are two houses in our neighborhood that have been on the market since October and not sold yet!
  6. docsaba

    docsaba New Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    No help - wife is good with decorations and real estate agent Greg Wells helped with all of it. JK Moving helped with a 2 stage move - half the crap out prior to the sale and stored - then coming to get the other stuff later in March

    PDILLM Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    I know when we were looking there were no less than 8 homes that were a total disaster. I'm not talking a lack of staging but a lack of picking up dirty underwear off the floor, dirty dishes in the sink, bowls of cereal next to beds, clumps of hair in the shower.

    I think if anyone prices their homes competitively and makes an effort there is no reason it shouldn't sell. For me, once I saw they made no effort to clean I made no effort to look any further.....
  8. KTdid

    KTdid Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    Agreed. What seems obvious to some...

    When my sister and her husband were shopping for houses they attended several open houses and can recant similar storys to yours. In one grossly filthy house they found a doorknob caked with food and some kind of mucus :scaredeyes:
  9. Villager

    Villager Ashburn Village Resident

    Nov 1, 2006
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    And if that's how the owner takes care of the cleanliness factor you can imagine the state of the more major items.

    And Docsaba mentioned that they put some things in storage before putting their home on the market. We did the same thing to declutter our house and I think it made a big difference. We emptied stuff from storage closets, put away a lot of knick-knacks, our CD tower (it just made things look "busy"), and things like that. That way when people walk into a house for sale it doesn't look cluttered and the closets look more spacious. You're going to have to pack them up when you move anyway. You might think people can look past those things and maybe some can, but it can make a difference between a quick sale and a house lingering on the market for many months. We used a company called Boxcart for the storage and they also handled the move. When we got to the new place they brought the storage cube (like PODS) along with the truck of our other stuff. Oh, and the townhouse we were selling sold in 3 weeks.

    Never underestimate the selling power of a clean, uncluttered house!
  10. boomertsfx

    boomertsfx Booyakasha!

    Feb 14, 2002
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    If my house sold super quick in this market, I would be worried that is was priced too low, but that's just me
  11. Brassy

    Brassy Hiyah

    May 25, 2004
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    We also stored with "Store to Door" items such as out of season clothes, personal pictures, some of the art work, most of our books (the ones we decided to keep), kept only what we needed in the linen closet - i aready keep bins for first Aid, etc. to corral everything. We even put our cats with grandma...of course, since they were neutered before they spray, the house didn't smell.
    Carpets were cleaned and wood was fixed or shined back up.

    We were amazed this past fall after we had just had the entire house repainted inside and out - after almost 7 years - a house a few doors down put their house up for sale, had an open house - and then brought in the painters, and repaved the driveway. You have to have a streamlined interior so peeps can imagine living there, and curb appeal is also a big deal. People like to move in and not have too mcuh work to do to fix things up.

    Realtors have said that buyers now watch shows such as Curb Appeal, Divine Design, etc., and have come to expect things to look like that! I don't like clutter in my house anyway, so it is never too much to clear out.
  12. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Limited supply = quick sales

    Houses that don't have a skeleton in the closet and are priced right will sell quickly (said priced right, not necessarily under). Most of the houses that stick around for a long time are because they are OVER priced and or niche market.

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