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Briar Woods/Eagle Ridge

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by sandaddy, May 11, 2012.

  1. jwf

    jwf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Don't get me started about BW. What I saw when I went there for my son's open house night just floored me. For one, the signs for the restrooms were marked "Boy's". I mean really!?!!? Seriously?!?!? Singular possessive??? Let me tell you that boy sure has a great bathroom. He had 6 stalls and 3 sinks all to him self. I would love to meet this boy. He must be very special.

    Then there was the English teacher that referred to her students as her babies. Or maybe was it baby's. All the math teacher could talk about was his electronic whiteboard app. The female VP said that she had to talk to the girls that wore inappropriate outfits because the male VPs wouldn't do it because they liked the way they dressed.

    Oh then there was an empty bottle of alcohol on the school grounds that when I took it to the office all they were interested in is that I didn't find it inside the school. I said I found it on the sidewalk in front of the school. They said that was ok. OK!!!!!!!! Come on.

    No wonder our kids are failing when the school system is failing to provide a proper education for our kids.

    Oh and I did bring all these concerns to the Principal, the Supt and the head of the departments at the schools. Not one of them responded to me. Thanks BW. I came home after that night and I told my son I know why you skip school so much. I would to if I was forced to go there and sit for that kind of crap.
  2. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    Thank you, I was getting tired of reading all these negative comments.I know American education needs an overhaul, but our schools here are pretty good compared with the rest.My bottom line is if my kids are prepared for college.I have two that graduated BW and were well prepared for the Universities they went to , which are the top schools in VA.My oldest already graduated college and is now in law school.Yes, BW isn't perfect.Yes, some teachers suck.I have another child going to BW and he reports back to me....But he is definitely learning and retaining.
    Watch the documentary "Waiting for superman", it's a very good piece on US education.
  3. fidothedog

    fidothedog Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    My kid at BW had the pleasure of watching a boot legged copy of the Avengers in class the other day. I am pretty sure that is a felony.
  4. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Yes, it is. I've seen people arrested for selling bootleg DVD's.
    Can't believe this is happening in school!
    This was actually done by the teacher?
  5. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    and to think all the arguments about when school starts so they can have that required # of days.. and then they totally 'shutdown' after the SOL tests. The way our schools are ran is a tragedy when you consider this is one of our most important investments, and our most expensive locally.. and we're paying people to watch movies because they can't teach things that aren't explicitly on a SOL test?
  6. cobymom

    cobymom Sheila Ryan

    Sep 11, 2008
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    I'm glad I'm not a teacher; either you give the kids too much classwork/homework, or you don't make them work hard enough. I know that when I went through school (of course that was the 80's!), the last few weeks were a lot more relaxed after exams were over, and that doesn't seem to have changed. We had a lot of hours padded into our year (Ohio), so if it was a mild year the instruction was really stretched out.

    I'm not sure what the teachers should do once SOLs are over; start teaching next years' curriculum, make the kids do busywork, give them pop quizzes? The teachers don't schedule the test dates, do they?
  7. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    I don't think anyone is blaming the teachers. It is the planned educational programming that allows for this.
    No, the dates of the SOL's can't be controlled, but how about having some educational programming planned for the last few weeks? Or how about ending earlier so the kids can do something useful, like work, rather than be babysat watching movies.
  8. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Or simply teach other useful topics.. or even an educational experience. You don't need a 'test' to teach material.
  9. VoiceGuy07

    VoiceGuy07 Member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    I'd be content with both ERMS and BWHS teaching the correct use of "to" and "too" as well as the infamous "your" and "you're"! That alone would be worth a few movie days to me.
  10. jwf

    jwf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    :bow:Heck, if they can't tell the difference between boy's and boys what makes you think they know the difference between to, too or two?
  11. LoriC

    LoriC New Member

    Oct 20, 2009
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    Perhaps thinking about being part of the solution would be more productive. I don't expect to send my daughter off to school and expect her to come back with the specific type of education that I think is important. I do expect a good foundation. This is why I augment her formal schooling with our own discussions and activities (critical thinking, decision making and logical consequences, cultural, science and historical references)
  12. latka

    latka Active Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Thank you to the big government solution.... No Child Left behind.
  13. TeamDonzi

    TeamDonzi ShowMeTheMoney!

    Jan 27, 2005
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    sort of an add-on to this.... I was shocked to find out that they never have homework! My child is in all honors and I think twice this whole year there's been homework. To me, that doesn't seem right. I guess most kids have lots of outside activities, we don't, but that's what I've been told about the no homework policy - kids have no time for homework because of all the sports and extracurricular activities. I think there should be some homework![/QUOTE]

    DITTO! I think it's a disservice, in 6th with no homework, you lose your momentum. What happens the next few years? Do they pummel them with homework or wait until 9th grade? At some point, it's on like Donkey Kong, and many tears will be shed!

    Luke warm about the quality of ED from ERMS. Agree that they are teaching the test and not the theory or the method to think it through.
  14. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    DITTO! I think it's a disservice, in 6th with no homework, you lose your momentum. What happens the next few years? Do they pummel them with homework or wait until 9th grade? At some point, it's on like Donkey Kong, and many tears will be shed!

    Luke warm about the quality of ED from ERMS. Agree that they are teaching the test and not the theory or the method to think it through.[/QUOTE]

    i am also concerned about no homeworkthis year. the boy has developed ZERO work ethic- he had homework 3 times this year and was on honor roll every quarter- how am i supposed to tell him to crack a book at home?? :conf2:

    he starts 9th grade in the fall, soooo..... we will create homework over the summer- a few essays, some math drills, some spanish, some history. nothing difficult, it's not about what he studies it's about him having to meet a deadline, complete a project and get with a program of budgeting time.

    not gonna be nominated as mom of the :angel:year by HIM this summer... think i'll get some of THIS::rant:
  15. PDILLM

    PDILLM Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    If you're interested, by kids are using www.IXL.com over the summer. Unfortunately, its only for math but its better than nothing..........
  16. sandaddy

    sandaddy New Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Thank you. We'll check it out.
  17. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    thanks! this will definitely be helpful!
  18. jwf

    jwf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    I thought my son wasn't given any homework because the teacher said it is unfair to expect the students to carry around all those books.
  19. SpencerJ

    SpencerJ New Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Teaching is funny. It is one of the only careers were people tell you (the teacher) how best to do your job.

    People feel that because they were educated in public school that they know the best way to teach students. I have flown on an airplane before but I would not attempt to tell the pilot how to fly the plane.

  20. TeamDonzi

    TeamDonzi ShowMeTheMoney!

    Jan 27, 2005
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    You'd hear that from mortgage brokers, real estate agents, servers, the list goes on.

    All I'm saying is I wish they would give homework! Oh, and how does a boy get an A in math and fail an SOL? Something is wrong with that picture.

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