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The Official Blizzard of 2016 Thread

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by Excelsior, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. The Broadlands Community

    The Broadlands Community Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2014
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    Do you mean update when the snow plows consider all of their work complete? I would imagine that will be a few more days.
  2. The Broadlands Community

    The Broadlands Community Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2014
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    Ridgeway Drive is a VDOT road. Please contact them directly with your concerns.
  3. cindyb

    cindyb New Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    http://www.vdotplows.org/ You can watch progress on this website and I think you'll see that no neighborhood in Loudoun or Fairfax has been marked as completed. The plow drivers are doing their absolute best, I know some driver's wives who have not seen their husbands since before the snows started, and those wives are having to take care of their properties alone. Keep in mind that VDOT maintained roads are not required to be plowed curb to curb.
  4. cindyb

    cindyb New Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    This area of Chickacoan looks ok, I do not know if you will be able to park or get into your driveway though.
  5. Winnie

    Winnie New to Broadlands

    Sep 15, 2014
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    Thought I'd add a little entertainment to the people stuck at home. My better half convinced me to make a Time Lapse of the storm. 48 hours over in Overland Park starting Friday around noon.
  6. cparson

    cparson Member

    Oct 28, 2007
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    Yes, that's all I meant - just a final update when the HOA streets are considered complete. We haven't been plowed since a pass I believe late Friday, but I know everyone working this storm is giving 110% (or more) so I don't want to call the line without good reason.
  7. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Why? Because I shovel my sidewalk? In fact, all the sidewalks have been shoveled from the start of Basil Ct to the end.
    Also, to my knowledge, the Broadlands HOA has NEVER brought someone to a hearing about unshoveled sidewalks.
    The HOA does get dozens and dozens of COMPLAINTS from RESIDENTS about other RESIDENTS who refuse to shovel their sidewalks days and weeks after a storm ends.
    The HOA does then send out reminder letters to shovel their walks.
    I usually advise these residents to contact Loudoun County and report it. Loudoun County can impose a fine of $250/day the sidewalks aren't clear.
    It's amazing how fast the walks get cleared when these letters are sent.

    So, if you want to vote for someone else because I shovel my sidewalk? Feel free.
    kevinq and Mr. Linux like this.
  8. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Ridiculous is that you expect that after one of the largest storms ever recorded in Virginia history, that somehow all streets will have been cleared by the end of the next day.
    You are aware this is Virginia and NOT Buffalo or New Hampshire? This state does not have the equipment or personnel resources to handle a storm of this size quickly.
    Nor will they ever invest in them because, in the long run, they will lose money.
    That's a fact. Get used to it.
    Mom23 and Mr. Linux like this.
  9. nnp

    nnp New Member

    May 8, 2015
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    Does anyone see plow truck today or we expect to have them at night again?
  10. jsteye

    jsteye Member

    Oct 1, 2008
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    Typical government body bureaucrat you are vacliff. You brag about how "responsible" you are and instead of helping your neighbors clean their sidewalks, you snitch them out to the state so they can get fined $250. You definitely need to be off the HOA board. You sound like a jerk who doesn't represent the neighborhood or should.
  11. joerig

    joerig New Member

    Jan 23, 2004
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    The plow came to remove the snow at Cloverleaf Court, but stopped when someone told him we were an HOA street. We're not an HOA street. I'm not sure where they're getting their information, but when I called the HOA I was told to call VDOT, which I've been on hold with for close to 2 hours. This is pretty ridiculous, regardless the amount of snow fall. Our street has't been touched since Friday.
  12. kevinq

    kevinq Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    Jsteye, it is amazing that you came to that conclusion after reading vacliff's post. Then again, you were bragging about not shoveling your sidewalk.
  13. Excelsior

    Excelsior Southern Walk||IMPERIUM IN IMPERIO||

    Aug 1, 2014
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    Vacliff, I agree, sidewalks need to be shoveled. Some people are overwhelmed by the amount of snow they need to shovel off of their sidewalk. If you live in one of the houses with a large portion of sidewalk, hopefully you've invested in the right equipment to get it clear. I don't think it's fair though, to criticize the Broadlands HOA members who faithfully pay their dues every month for their concern over when their contracted HOA plow company will get to their street. People pay good money for their monthly dues and have the right to inquire. Logistically, the company who handles our service wasn't prepared with the correct resources. Labor aside, it sounds as if they didn't provision their fuel correctly, they don't own the right equipment, nor work efficiently to get the one lane cleared as they stated. The friendly note we all received from the Broadlands Blast stated that the plow service would plow one passable lane for emergency crews, etc. That is what people were expecting yesterday. I walked up and down Ridgeway to the intersection with Claiborne Parkway and saw VDOT equipment moving around- virtually the entire duration of the storm. Yesterday, there must have been 100 passes from VDOT plows up and down Ridgeway. So, kudos to VDOT.

    If you are in fact a Broadlands HOA Board member, I would encourage you to take a critical look at the plow contractor and their logistical operation before you elect to renew the contract any further.
  14. jwf

    jwf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Don't know why we bother. People walk in the streets here in the summer.
  15. jwf

    jwf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    And worse. When they block you it isn't nice fluffy snow. It is 3 feet of ice at that point. And Awbrey is a mess. The plows stopped Friday night. Judging from the snow dam they created on Tithables and Awbrey it will require a front loader to get us out.
  16. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    ... and people were given the DIRECT way to inquire with the most accurate information possible. The reality is... we had residents raising concerns about streets not being clear IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STORM. The problem is unrealistic expectations.

    As for those so faithfully paying - just how much are they willing to pay to have a contractor on duty staffed to clear a once a decade storm... every year? Just paying your dues doesn't entitle you to Cadillac service. The HOA have to balance need with cost... and when one faces a storm that is almost the single largest event in the area's history... you shouldn't expect clearing in times SHORTER than normal.

    It sounds like you should be in the snow plow business... as you've gotten it all worked out. This was a storm of EXTREMES.. like gas stations running out of fuel (which never happens around here...).

    Have you done the diligence to know what it costs to hire a contractor staffed to clear a property of this size with 34" of snow within 12hrs? Are you willing to faithfully pay what that will cost?
  17. Habitat

    Habitat Member

    Jan 5, 2010
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    I don't know the truth in this but if it's found to be true, I'll be adding my complaint....I heard from a reliable source that I believe Autumn wood was plowed ahead of others because a boardmember lives there. We have high ranking govt and private sector folks on my street that are just as, if not more important then a boardmember. The plow company is amazing. They work hard and try their best to help all residents. Let them do their job and boardmembers.....get in line with the rest of us dues paying residents. You work for us and frankly, don't deserve special treatment.
    snerz and chris67 like this.
  18. SarasMom

    SarasMom Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    Autumnwood was not plowed until today. I know, I live there. The plows just left about an hour ago. So NO, there is no special treatment for boardmembers. We saw a plow Friday night, once early on Saturday morning that made maybe one pass and that was IT until today. So your "reliable source" ain't that reliable.
  19. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Never bragged. Just said what I do. Oh, and I also unburied a fire hydrant and the two drains along the road in front of my house.
    Several of us on the street have been helping each other shovel out driveways, the street, etc. for the past two days. That's what neighbors do. Sorry you continue to make a jerk of yourself in these immature posts.
    Sorry, I cannot shovel over 3000 houses in Broadlands. Kind of sad that you think "government" should.
    Have you gone out and done anything to help anybody? I hope so. It's what neighbors should do.
    You have chosen not to shovel your walk under the false assumption no one should be out alking about. Well, you're wrong. There are lots of people out walking around. Maybe you should be a neighbor and shovel your walk.
    And I have NEVER snitched anyone out to the state. I have told some residents who were upset that other residents did not clear their walks to contact the county. If you are going to attempt to respond to my posts, please read them.
  20. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Sunstoner. I have a fairly typical length of sidewalk across the front of my house. I just bust my butt shoveling it. And my driveway. And the fire hydrants. And the street drains. Several neighbors with snowblowers came down the sidewalk, but after I had mostly shovelled it.
    As I posted earlier, the amount of snow we had exceeds the capacity of the state and all the private contractors out there. It is simply not financially feasable to be equipped and staffed for this magnitude of an event every year.
    I did not criticize ANYONE for not shoveling their sidewalk. There were a few snarky comments made by an individual like HOA going after people and they see no need to shovel theirs because people shouldn't be out. I simply posted that I have shovelled mine, which was met by another snarky comment. Seems this individual simply doesn't like that other people get done what he has chosen not to. That's his choice.
    THE HOA crews have been out working virtually nonstop since this storm began. Sorry, but it is a lot to do. We have had this experienced crew for many years.

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