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Woman Beware

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by afgm, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    Scary, not sure if everyone saw this Editorial that appeared in several local papers.


    Get Involved in Women's Health Issues
    March 3, 2005

    To the Editor:

    I recently met with Herb Lux, the legislative aide to my delegate, Dick Black (R-Sterling). (Sen. Bill Mims' office did not return my three telephone calls to schedule an appointment with Mims or his aide.) I wanted to speak with my representatives about the Birth Control Protection Act, which simply states that contraception is not abortion and is therefore not subject to Virginia's abortion restrictions. Mr. Lux explained to me that Del. Black believes that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' definition of pregnancy is wrong and that they both believe pregnancy begins at fertilization.

    Mr. Lux stood over me as he asked whether I knew about "the development of a child." I explained that I did and that I have a friend who underwent an In Vitro Fertilization procedure in which fertilized eggs were introduced but would not implant in her "hostile environment," and that she was unable to get pregnant. That the heartbeat starts between 18 and 25 days after implantation. That implantation is necessary to the development of a fetus, and that the longer implantation takes to occur, the less likely it is that the blastocyst will survive. In other words, it is not factually accurate to state that a pregnancy begins at fertilization.

    Mr. Lux responded to my words by sitting down next to me and pulling out the infamous pink plastic fetus I had heard so much about. He asked me if I was a Christian.

    Now, forgive me if I am missing something here, but what does it matter if I am a Christian? The last time I checked, the Constitution specifically stated that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." Is there now a religious test to be a citizen? Or Dick Black's constituent?

    Mr. Black and Mr. Lux apparently feel that I can't be a good Christian since I believe that sex, procreation and birth control are private issues that should remain between a woman, her partner, her doctor and her God.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Virginia women need to wake up and speak up about our own reproductive health. These mostly male lawmakers were able to defeat the Birth Control Protection Act again this session. In addition, at least two other bills were introduced this session that include medically inaccurate language defining pregnancy as beginning at fertilization. These legislators are laying the groundwork to abolish FDA-approved methods of contraception - such as the common birth control pill - by redefining when pregnancy begins.

    We must act before it is too late - before our daughters can no longer make reproductive choices for themselves.

    Cortney Smith
  2. Azsweepay

    Azsweepay New Member

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Wow, and all these years I thought that kissing got a woman pregnant!

    Seriously, that is some pretty crazy stuff, I mean, if your religion says that contraceptives are bad, then don't use them. Why do you need government to monitor whether or not you are being faithful to your beliefs? Maybe I should push to ban pork or insist that women cover themselves from head to toe! Even better, all men MUST be circumcized!

    Jez, everyone needs to mind their own damn business!

  3. upr_dcker

    upr_dcker New Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    I sent Del. Black an e-mail a while back, politely asking him to focus less on proselytizing, and more on supporting the constituents that elected him to office.

    I'm not surprised that I didn't receive an answer.
  4. Brooks5

    Brooks5 New Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    IMHO, Del. Black should be applauded, not derided for his position, which, by the way, is not at all "crazy" (or likely even out of the mainstream). I am not an expert, (although perhaps more of one than "Cortney" is) but I do know something about developmental biology. It is fairly fundamental that individual human beings come into existence upon fertilization. People can argue about when society should place enough value on that individual to protect him or her, but no serious scientist will contend that fertilization does not result in a new individual member of the human species. Del. Black is absolutely correct in asserting that birth control pills are abortifacient. His position based on this fact is the most rational and consistent pro-life position one can take and he is nowhere near alone in taking it. It's fine if people want to argue that we don't gain our human rights until we reach a certain age or stage of development, but don't knock a guy who holds a different view and takes stands on legislation that are consistent with that view.

    You want to talk crazy, I'd start looking at those idiots who think a "Choose Life" license plate is unconstitutional.
  5. BelindaTH

    BelindaTH New Member

    Jan 25, 2004
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    As a woman... it is not up to the government to decide what I do with my body.
  6. gammonbabe

    gammonbabe New Member

    May 28, 2004
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    If it was up to Black and other nutcases like him, you would lose the right to decide what you do with your own body.
  7. latka

    latka Active Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Unless you want to use drugs.
  8. Dutchml

    Dutchml Member

    Nov 4, 2002
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  9. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    To all of you holier than tho holy rollers. The Hindus and Muslims have you all outnumbered. How would you like it if Ghandi was elected as your representative and started pushing Vegetarianism b/c his beliefs hold the cow sacred. You wouldn't like it would you?
  10. sj445

    sj445 New Member

    Jun 2, 2004
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    Actually birth control pills if taken properly PREVENT ovulation in the first place so you have no egg to get fertilized. Rarely it is possible you could ovulate and then if you just happened to be intimate in the 24 or so hours the egg lives then you could get fertilization and then the pill would prevent implantation. But the purpose of birth control pills is to prevent ovulation in the first place! I would think anti-abortion groups would be in favor of this. If you want to cut down on abortions than you need effective birth control. If you think people are only going to have sex when they want a baby you are living in a dream world. Somehow the birth control pill is getting a bum rap as some kind of "sin" pill. Many married couples use it to help in family planning. If you think it is wrong than do not use it but don't take away others rights to use it if they do not share your feelings. It is the morning after pill that is more likely to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. This is just a high dose of birth control pills taken after unprotected sex so you may have ovulated and had the egg fertilized. So this would prevent implantation. Modern medicine does not define pregnancy until implantation but if you feel that it begins at fertilization than do not use the morning after pill. The government should have no role in this. We can all decide for ourselves if the birth control pill is right for us or goes against our beliefs. Maybe the government should outlaw Viagra after all why should older men be having sex since they shouldn't be making babies at their age anyway!?! (This is a joke!)

    Just my opinion but the war on drugs is a failure. Plenty of drugs and now lots of crime. I don't drink or use drugs so I do not understand the allure of it. I don't know what the answer is, I wish I did. But if people really want something it seems the government can't stop it anyway. A criminal element will just step in and provide it anyway.
  11. gammonbabe

    gammonbabe New Member

    May 28, 2004
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    Let us look at some of the numbers. At a conference in 1997, Dr. Floyd Shoemaker, University of Denver, shared these interesting statistics:

    If we could shrink the population of the earth to a village of precisely 100 people, with all of the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look like this:

    - There would be 57 Asians,

    - 21 Europeans,

    - 14 Western Hemisphere people (both North and South Americans), and 8 Africans.

    - Seventy (70) persons would be non-Christian, and 30 would be Christian.

    - Fifty percent (50%) of the entire world's wealth would be in the hands of only 6 people, and these six would all be citizens of the United States.

    - Fifty (50) would suffer from malnutrition,

    - 80 would live in substandard housing,

    - Only one (1) would have a university education.

    To see these ratios in a brief film clip, visit this URL: http://www.luccaco.com/terra/terra.htm
  12. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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  13. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    Another inexplicable Black quote.

    Other remarks made by Black .... Speaking about the "problem" of declining birth rates due to women exercising control over their reproduction, Black warned of "profound implications" of those losses, "not the least of which is the gradual collapse of our southern borders. We have lost the youthful vigor from the native population, and replacements have to come from somewhere," Black said. "It makes immigration on a massive scale inevitable because there are some things only young people can do."
  14. sunnydog

    sunnydog New Member

    Dec 16, 2002
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    Bring on the next election already.

  15. Azsweepay

    Azsweepay New Member

    Mar 5, 2002
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    More baby machines! Barefoot and pregnant forever!! Wahoo!!! If we try real hard people, we can beat China and India in the population overload race!

    What an ass..

  16. upr_dcker

    upr_dcker New Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    Apparently, there is a rather significant number of people who support Del. Black, since he won in 2003 with 52% of the vote. If people in his district are fed up with him, they'll have to get out and vote in numbers greater than 28.53%.
  17. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    Apparently a large percentage of the population is stupid as well.
  18. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Now, now Homer, just because others do not see your point of view does not make them stupid.
  19. greggbroadlands

    greggbroadlands New Member

    Jun 24, 2002
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    I agree with Homer, apparently so...
  20. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Oh, I agree with Homer's viewpoint on this but not his assesment of stupidity.

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