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Existing Patch Panel and Verizon FiOS

Discussion in 'Community Broadband & Computers' started by GeorgeSC, Jan 3, 2019.

  1. GeorgeSC

    GeorgeSC Southern Walker

    Aug 11, 2006
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    My House was wired through out the house and I was curious to know if the new Verizon FiOS will be ran to my existing Patch Panel in the Garage.

    I also heard that a Coaxable is used in some cases if we do not ask for the Fibre to the House, I like how the Fibre line for Openband was ran into my garage and used a media converter (fibre to rj45) to plug into my Router/patch panel.

    Any information on this will be helpful.

  2. Zeratul

    Zeratul Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2006
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    During the meeting we had with engineers from Verizon, they indicated that fiber would be connected directly to each home and that they would use the existing panel infrastructure and connections wherever possible. They will also need to install a wireless router as well (I assume).
    I assume you are talking about the new Southern Walk installation.
  3. GeorgeSC

    GeorgeSC Southern Walker

    Aug 11, 2006
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    Yes asking for southern walk and thank you for the information.

  4. krmckee

    krmckee Member

    Feb 9, 2006
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    This may be a dumb question but I'm not a techie..... Do we need to provide anything for the Verizon internet or video installation? My understanding is that they provide the router - is that correct? We have not done anything in terms of upgrading our home setup since openband came in 2006 - are there any improvements we can do in order to ensure that the Verizon internet and video is the best that it can be in our home? I hope my question makes sense.
  5. Weasel

    Weasel Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    I replaced the switch with a gigabet switch, and and am using both my old wireless router and the verizon provided one .... if you just want it to work, you won't have to buy anything. If you want optimal speed, you need to replace your original switch. Here is my setup (pasted from another thread):

    My house setup has the panel in the basement, not in a storage room, but in a very small cabinet in the wall. Since I'm crunched for space in that cabinet, i've gone with the following setup: Wired 8 port gigabit router (non wifi) in the cabinet (i needed something very small to fit) which replaced my old switch which i used to distribute the openband connect to the patch panel. I'm using my old wireless router (which I previously had on the main level) and the verizon provided router to both act as wireless access points connected to wall Ethernet ports - one in the basement and one on the top level of the house. Both wifi access points are setup with the same SSID and are using the main router as the gateway/dhcp server. I've got good coverage throughout the house and am getting similar speeds as when plugged directly into the ONT. There may be a better way to set everything up, but this was easy and seems to be working well for me.
  6. krmckee

    krmckee Member

    Feb 9, 2006
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    Thank you, I wouldn't know what to buy or how to install it but I will look into it.
  7. backtothewoooo

    backtothewoooo Member

    May 8, 2007
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    Hi. Can someone guide me on what I need to buy to prepare for the installation?
    From the SWHOAB advisory letter "For residents who require more than one data (ethernet port) you may be required to pay additional fees and purchase or self-provide additional equipment (gigabit or 1000 mbps cable switch) mbps cable switch) at the time of installation to enable data distribution to more than one ethernet port."
    Does this mean that the current Openband ports (5, I think) will not work anymore?
    My computer upstairs is still connected via ethernet cable to the port. Do I need to buy the gigabit cable switch? Please recommend a make/model.
    I also want to upgrade my current router - please recommend one (<$150 price range).
    Thank you very much.
  8. backtothewoooo

    backtothewoooo Member

    May 8, 2007
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    We will only use the internet for pc, laptops & cellphones. Is the TP-LINK TL-SG108 8-Port Desktop Gigabit Steel Cased Switch a good enough gigabit switch?
  9. Weasel

    Weasel Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    Yes, that will work. You'll just want to swap that out for the original switch that you already have installed. The only issue that you could have is similar to what I encountered. My patch panel is in a small cabinet in the wall of the main room in my basement. Due to the size of the cabinet, i was not able to fit the Verizon provided router in there. A router has to be plugged in between the ONT device that Verizon will install and the switch, since the ONT only provides a single IP address.

    To take care of this, i opted for the more expensive switch that has a router built into it as well, so i had fewer devices to cram into that cabinet. I got this one: https://www.amazon.com/D-Link-Gigab...+router&qid=1559063064&s=gateway&sr=8-3-spell

    Depending on your setup, this may not be an issue for you.
  10. backtothewoooo

    backtothewoooo Member

    May 8, 2007
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    I think I have the same set-up (panel in the wall of the basement).
    Can you share the dimension of the Wired 8 port gigabit router (non wifi) you used? Make & model, if possible. I'm not looking to spend a lot. I just wanted the port upstairs to work, since my pc is connected to an internet port (& not Wi-Fi). Thanks!!
  11. backtothewoooo

    backtothewoooo Member

    May 8, 2007
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    Hi, Weasel. Thanks for your reply.
    I'm not looking to spend a lot, so I need to look for something less expensive.
  12. kevinq

    kevinq Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    Will the Verizon tech install the customer-provided D-link router or will I need to install it prior to the arrival of the Verizon tech? I don't want my wifi in the cabinet and I want all of my hard-wired connections to work.
  13. Weasel

    Weasel Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    I installed it myself after the Verizon install was complete.

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