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See ya later, Dick!

Discussion in 'General Chat Forum' started by robzilla, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Let me tell you all about immigration!! I am sick and tired of hearing how stopping illegal immigrants will solve the big problems in the US.

    Your home was built by many many illegal immigrants, so are many jobs you all take for granted everyday the landscaping and lawns you have taken care of. Many of the places you eat at, your car repaired, your home cleaned, and on and on. Most of these people are helping america not hurting us. A better solution would be to help them become citizens. How many people have not run for office or those that have been shot down for an appointment because they have hired illegals. They are people and need to have a right to a decent life. Some of the same idiots that want abortion banned also want the ilegals sent back. Whats the difference if you believe in life then all people of the world have a right to have a decent life and if they can find a better life here who are you to say they must be deported. Help these people don't send them back to a life of hopelessness. This really burns me up the ignorance of some people about this subject, yet will go to church or whatever and pray to whatever God you believe in, and say ignorant things such as I have heard about this topic.

    Wake up some of you, this is not going to go away or will our borders ever be sealed to a point to stop it. By the way some of these people work harder then a lot of you and some are becoming very wealthy doing the jobs some of you frown upon.

    Lee J Buividas
  2. neilz

    neilz New Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    Having better funding for roads is a state and local government resposibility ... "stopping and reversing" illegal immigration isnt and never will be a state or local responsibility. So no matter how much posturing someone at the state or local level will do, thats all it will be, posturing.

    Perhaps it should be skewed by the Republicans who are no longer going to the committee meetings because their views were being ignored.

    Neil Z.
    Resident since 1999
  3. MD_boy

    MD_boy New Member

    Oct 10, 2003
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    Here’s the way I see it. First and foremost, illegal immigration is ILLEGAL. Just because one doesn’t happen to agree with a law doesn’t mean it’s ok to look the other way. If you feel a law is unjust or wrong, get it changed. Secondly, if we look the other way what does that say to someone who did the right thing, obeyed the law and struggled to get here legally? By the grace of God I was born here but if I were someone who obeyed the laws, went through the proper channels and struggled to come to this country legally I would be pretty P.O.’d that others were allowed to just waltz on in. Looking the other way at illegal immigration is a slap in the face to every legal immigrant. You make the case that illegal immigrants do the jobs that no one else wants. This is true. The reason no one wants these jobs is because they pay so little. You know why they pay so little? It’s because those who hire know they can pull into a 7-11 in the morning and hire a group of illegal immigrants for the day, rip them off, pay them next to nothing and get away with it. If those businesses had no illegal immigrants to hire they would be forced to pay higher wages. So, in that light, the illegal immigrant is his own worst enemy. That argument also holds true for those who were “shot down for appointment”. They were “shot down” not only because they hired and illegal immigrants but because by doing so they also broke tax, wage and labor laws. They ripped off those they hired by taking advantage of their residency status, which is about half a step above slavery.
  4. Brooks5

    Brooks5 New Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Except that when the Federal government refuses to step up and take responsibility, the state and local governments have to deal with the costs. Which means we have to. I think it matters where a candidate for local or state office stands on issues like in-state tuition, day laborer centers, and other publicly funded services for illegals. Doesn't seem right to divert costs to provide for cheats. And Kilgore tried to make the point, which I believe is probably correct, that illegal immigration has contributed to the rise of certain gangs in Northern VA. All state/local issues. And there are the valid points OP makes as well.

    But I agree that the states can't stop it, they just have to deal with it. The real problem though is that a country at war with radical terrorists cannot afford to have borders like a sieve. And you are correct, not much a governor or state delegate can do about that. But maybe if local voters took the issue more seriously as a whole, by properly dealing with the state-related aspects, the federal government would start to listen.
  5. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    No one is going to close the borders tight enough to stop the immigration. Again a better solution is try to help these people.

    Second the Iraq war does not have popular support anymore and Bush will go down as an idiot in the next three years if he does not change his policy there. His ratings are the lowest ever, his speech on Friday has gone to death ears on the population as a whole.

    Terrorism is everywhere, and the iraq war has diverted resources to fighting it more effectively. If you all think closing our borders tight as a drum is going to prevent terrorism in this country think again it is not just the islamic extremist, we have home grown problems as well. Oaklahoma, Columbine to just name a few.

    I can see from these forums we have many right wing extremist in Loudoun, thank god that is changing as the county matures as we have seen from the last election. I would not be surprised some here are making a very large income from the Iraq war so why would they want it to end?????

    Lee J Buividas
  6. jwhite1347

    jwhite1347 New Member

    Apr 3, 2005
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    "No one is going to close the borders tight enough to stop the immigration. Again a better solution is try to help these people. "

    -- Yep, reward them for breaking the law.. Good idea.

    "Second the Iraq war does not have popular support anymore and Bush will go down as an idiot in the next three years if he does not change his policy there."

    -- What policy is that? What should he change in the next 3 years?

    "Terrorism is everywhere, and the iraq war has diverted resources to fighting it more effectively."

    -- What are you talking about? What programs have been cut? Where have we skimped? You have any facts or just like to throw out things and hope it sticks?

    "I can see from these forums we have many right wing extremist in Loudoun, thank god that is changing as the county matures as we have seen from the last election."

    -- That is wrong on its face but just to be clear you see liberalism as a more mature state of being huh... Interesting..
  7. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    -- What are you talking about? What programs have been cut? Where have we skimped? You have any facts or just like to throw out things and hope it sticks?

    Who says things have been cut? We simply spent more. Anyone who does business with the DoD saw huge 'now' demands once the ware built up. Within the DoD itself funds have shifted, and congress allocated alot more funds over the normal DoD budget as well.

    I don't know where congress got the money, but my guess is mostly deficit spending.

    Then you can throw all of HLS in there as well. To think the war hasn't diverted resources into the DoD or HLS would be.. I dunno.. blind?


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