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Incident at Summerbrooke

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by swimfamily, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. sharse

    sharse TeamDonzi rocks!!

    May 28, 2005
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    Thanks for the info, Carol. This is a dumb, and a bit off topic question, but are our pools "public" by legal definition? I'm wondering if they're exempt from this regulation?

    And Pats Fan, I feel MUCH better knowing that 911 can be called from payphones. Didn't know that before.
  2. Carol Al-Ajroush

    Carol Al-Ajroush New Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    When I looked at the data for Loudoun County pool regulations, it sounded to me like community/neighborhood pools fall under the classification of "public."

    But rereading, this thread does bring a good issue in regards on views on unattended minors at the pools.
  3. sharse

    sharse TeamDonzi rocks!!

    May 28, 2005
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    So I guess Summerbrooke is not in compliance then, if it is considered public. A phone, therefore, is needed.

    Please go on... what did it say?
  4. Carol Al-Ajroush

    Carol Al-Ajroush New Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Please go on... what did it say?[/QUOTE]

    sorry but my words were misunderstood...that was my own contemplative comment (rules/regulations of unattended minors) rather than what was in the public pool ordinance data!
  5. sharse

    sharse TeamDonzi rocks!!

    May 28, 2005
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    gotcha. my mistake. :)
  6. robzilla

    robzilla outta sushi

    Aug 15, 2003
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    This question is a good one. What is the age restriction for leaving children by themselves?

    And sorry that your son had a bad experience, but why is it the pool's responsibility to provide free phone service?
  7. msflynn

    msflynn New Member

    Jul 15, 2002
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    The county requires that you be able to call 911 from that pool. A pay phone does not require any money to dial 911 and thus fulfills that requirement so yes a phone is required but it does not say it needs to be a residential line. That said even though the life gaurds do allow people to call home at the other 2 pools those phone lines are suppose to be available only for emergency purposes not for kids to call home to get a ride. I am sorry your son was left at the pool with out any way to reach you. But my suggestion is for you and him to figure out a way for him to contact you in the furture either having money on him to make a call or making sure that before you drop him off that the life gaurds know he is there by himself (assuming he is at least 10years old) and if something happens he needs a way to contact you.

    Swimfamily if you would like to discuss this further I would be very happy to talk to you about it you can email me at ssdkapinos@yahoo.com or my number is in the front of the newsletter under board members

  8. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Just because the pools are community owned I don't think we need to be looking at 'perks' in a situation where someone should be CYA anyways.

    Do you drop your kid off at the mall w/o a way of calling you?

    The pools have phones for emergency use, as they are required to. If someone has become 'accustomed' to using (reminds me of a certain Chris Rock skit) the phones for other reasons, then that is an assumption on their part. I certainly sympathize with the parent who's child was in an uncomfortable situation, but I certainly don't think we should be investing in 'free calling' at the pools. There is a line where personal responsibility kicks in.

    When I got dropped off at the arcade or skating rink as a kid.. I learned to keep that extra money at the end to call for my ride home. If I didn't.. and I had to make a collect call.. I had to face my father when I got home on why I had to make a collect call (because I played that last video game..:) )
  9. swimfamily

    swimfamily New Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    For the record my son is 11 and is very capable of being on his own. It kind of bugs me that everyone is expected to have a cell phone these days. Now I realize that my son needs to bring spare change with him to the pool. That brat better not spend it on ice cream!
  10. merky1

    merky1 Member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Wow. I'm surprised that the lifeguards didn't just let the kid use the phone if it was available, unless these kinds of closures are common. Having worked at a private pool as kid, there were always those extreme cases were it was just easier to let someone use the phone than to pull the whole "you need change dude" attitude, which would be appropriate under normal circumstances.

    If it becomes a common occurance, then you deal with it through the HOA.
  11. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Not that everyone expects to have a cell phone.. but you do realize people lived before cheap cell phones? What did you do as a kid when you needed to call someone? You got a dime and made a call! Or placed a call collect.

    Did your son actually approach anyone about his situation or did he sit outside on his own? I highly doubt the guards would have 'left and closed up shop' if a child was abandoned in the pool. But at the same time, the guards can't be responsible for sweeping the parking lot for anyone and making sure they have somewhere to go.

    Leason learned.. educate your son on what to do in such situations.

    Everyone has been stranded at one point waiting for a ride (kid or adult). Part of growing up :)
  12. tyger31

    tyger31 Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    I lived in a small town and walked or rode my bike everywhere....which was nice
  13. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    So the HOA fees pay for the pool but not the phone at the pool? Riiigghhhht. I think the pool should be accomaditing to kids. If a kid needs help, give it to him. Who do you think is gonna get sued after a kid is refused a phone call home and disappears? HINT: Not the parents.
  14. robzilla

    robzilla outta sushi

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Or parents could just be accountable for their own children.
  15. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Donations are accepted at the Nature Center :) Note, you have to have a phone line for all year.. these would be BUSINESS lines not Residential (cost more then you pay at home.. and with less features.. including typically having to pay METERED usage).. and then you have to police its usage.

    What's next, a megaphone to annouce 'Charlie.. your mom wants to talk to you!' every half hour?

    FYI on Verizon business lines for local calling
    The community has to chose where to spend its money. Especially with recurring fees, sometimes 'nice to have' is just that.. 'nice'. Why should we be paying for phones for ad-hoc usage?
  16. clwjl5

    clwjl5 New Member

    Mar 11, 2005
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    If there is not a phone at the pool then no one is swimming safely. Anyone that goes to the pool can drown, have a heart attack, heat exhaustion - how are the lifeguards suppose to call 911 if there is no phone? Saving a little money on having no phone could end up costing the HOA millions if something happens and the HOA is sued.
  17. SarasMom

    SarasMom Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    There is a payphone there and 911 can be called free of charge.
  18. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Please read further back in the thread. There *IS* a phone at every pool. The complaint was that there wasn't a free phone available for anyone to use freely. Summerbrooke has a payphone and 911 can be called from ANY phone for free (including cell phones w/o a service plan)
  19. gator

    gator New Member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Not sure if you have been there and watched the life guards, but every one of them has a cell phone and use them continuously when they are not "on duty". It may not be their responsibility to use their phone to call 911, but they all have them and use them.

  20. jahned33

    jahned33 New Member

    Jul 23, 2006
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    I think the installation of a land line at Summerbrooke would be beneficial. The lifeguards do not just need to make calls in case of an emergency--they have to call the pool company if there are any problems or scheduling questions. Also, calls must be made to other pools if there is defecation, vomit, or thunder is heard. I don't really think it's fair to assume that the lifeguards should use their own cell phone minutes for business calls such as these. Also, it looks unprofessional to the pool patrons when lifeguards are on their cell phones, and many patrons probably don't know that the pool does not have a land line so the guards must use their own phones for things pertaining to the pool.

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