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Broadlands Hospital

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by joy, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. GCyr

    GCyr New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    Look up the registration info for the new anti-hospital web site. The Registrant is "The Anti-Hospital Minority." So, guess they must be conceding the majority of the community is for the hospital or pro-hospital...
  2. Donna

    Donna New Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    Greg, that was a joke. We were only quoting what the HCA supporters have been saying. We are very comfortable knowing we are the majority.
  3. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Regarding the parcel for "mental health services":
    To correct SK8R, this parcel has always been part of Broadlands. It is located to the east of the Safeway center, north of Broadlands Blvd. The best place to find information about various proffers is at the county office.
    There is a 5 acre parcel slated for library/mental health services.
    There is also a senior center slated for this section, as well as a fire and rescue station.
    Terrabrook currently has a rezoning application that would eliminate these proffers and convert the parcel to patio homes on private streets. They have requested moving the fire and rescue station to a parcel east of the Southern Walk pool. The mental health/library/senior center proffers would disappear.

    Regarding "polling the community":
    The HOA had planned to do so prior to any county hearings on the hospital issue. Since HCA's application was denied at the state level, we did not pursue it. If the "new" hospital application receives state approval, we will conduct a poll of the residents.
    We will probably send out a mailer, with a postpaid reply card, asking residents their opinion on the hospital proposal. It will cost a few thousand dollars to do.

    Regarding vandalism:
    Yes, it's a problem now and will most likely continue to get worse, hospital or not. Terrabrook has no "responsibilty" for it and neither does the HOA. I've spoken to the Sheriff Simpson about the issue and he does not have the manpower to provide more protection to our area. The HOA is considering hiring private security to patrol the community. For two armed officers with arrest authority the cost is $70/hour. This would equate to $9 a month per resident increase in the HOA dues. This would help, but not eliminate vandalism.

    As far as vandalism around mental health facilities, I have done the following: contacted the Loudoun County sheriff's office to determine if there is any type of increased criminal activity around current hospital/mental health facilities. Their response was "No".
    I have spoken to a Broadlands resident who, as a Fairfax county sheriff's deputy, patrolled the community where Dominion Hospital is located in Falls Church. He also stated that they did not have criminal activity issues with that facility.
    I don't know if this is what would satisfy Killer Bee as scientific, but it is far more than anybody, either for or against the hospital, has done to try to get to the facts and truth on this issue.
  4. Donna

    Donna New Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    Cliff, I'm sorry to have to correct you however I too have made phone calls to the police and went and spoke to previous employees of Dominion hospital. I have talked with other law enforcement agencies concerning increased criminal activity around mental health facilities. The answers I received are obviously different from yours. I guess it depends how you phrase the question, and how much you really want to know and how far you're willing to follow up. I also found out through my investigations that there is an increase when it comes to escapes, resident uproars ( or in house fights, arson, stealing, etc) neighborhood break-ins/peepings etc. Of course current employees are not going to be the ones to tell you what really goes on, they have a lot to lose, past employees have nothing to lose and tell you a great deal. I don't think its fair for you to assume you have done more research than anyone else on this issue for or against the hospital. You have no idea how much time, energy, meetings and phone calls I and other people opposed to the hopsital have made during the first go around. If you do a "Google" search I think you'll find that the facts speak for themselves.
  5. sunnydog

    sunnydog New Member

    Dec 16, 2002
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    "If you do a "Google" search I think you'll find that the facts speak for themselves."

    You get more than facts on a web search. You get a lot of propaganda and disinformation on any topic that you search on. And, as you suggest, it also depends on how you phrase your inquiries and how much you really want to know.

    I don't have an opinion on the hospital either way at this point, but am suspicious of what I consider specious "investigations" by both sides representing their issues.
  6. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Donna, if you have information that differs from mine, I would appreciate your sharing it. I initially opposed this application. Early on, I received a lot of information from you regarding your opposition to this project. As I looked into the "facts" you supplied, I found many that appeared to be untrue.
    You, and others, have every right to oppose this hospital and support LHC. If reasons are going to be given to try and get others to support your position, these reasons should have some basis of fact and not just be inflammatory. It's easy to get people to "fear the unknown" rather than present the reality.
    I'll give a few quick examples:

    Helicopter noise: Arguments were given that we would have helicopters buzzing the neighborhood causing a lot of noise.
    Myself, and another resident HOA Board member tried to get the "facts" on this issue. We spoke to Reston and Loudoun hospitals, a helicopter pilot, and the MedEvac servie that operates the helicopters in this area. The hospitals average 1-2 trips per week, piots tend to follow major roadways, and the helipad wil be located behind the building in the corner of the Greenway and Rte 659. After presenting these facts, few people still cite this as a concern.
    I wonder how many residents are aware a helicopter landed in Broadlands a few weeks ago when a child was hit by a car? The HOA did not receive any complaints that I'm aware of.

    Traffic: The hospital will cause increaed traffic and congestion.
    An independent traffic study has already been conducted. It clearly indicated that the hospital will generate less traffic than an office park on that site. The results of this study are available if anyone else would like to see it.
    You were at the Broadlands Hospital Task Force meeting where this information was presented, yet still cited "traffic" as one of your main concerns for opposing the hospital. The argument that the traffic generated by the hospital is more traffic than the undeveloped site now generates is, in my opinion, disingenuous at best.
    I imagine you and I simply won't view "facts" the same way.
  7. Donna

    Donna New Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    Cliff, a fact is a fact, it's interpretation is what varies.

    Regardless of what our reasons are for not supporting this hospital it will significantly change the atmosphere of our community. I know that what I have shared over the past year was accurate and based on information I either received from reliable sources or on research I did myself. HCA knows, during several conversations I have personnally had with them, that we would support their efforts to build in Loudon if they located themselves somewhere that makes sense. If they need to be in planning district 8 then they need to serve people that do not have the same choices (within close proximity to Reston, Fairfax, Loudon, Fair OAks) that we in Ashburn/Broadlands do.

    It has been brought up several times that many of the posters who support this proposal currently do not live here, or live far enough away not to be directly impacted. You and others can try to discredit our efforts however you feel neccessary but it will not stop our opposition.

    As far as the traffic issue goes, HCA should think about relocating because if "the busiest ER" in Northern Virginia generates less traffic than an office park which is only open 9-5 Mon -Fri (not 24/7)then they will probably end up losing money because their patient load will be too small and their stock holders will not be happy. Indication of this is M.F.S a once major stock holder no longer holds any of HCA stock.

    If, when all the phases HCA is proposing are done (and I believe there are 3), and this is to be the "busiest ER" I can not imagine that the helicopters are always going to be able to follow major roads, and even if they do aren't Clairborne Pakway, Broadlands Blvd, Rt 659, etc. major roads? They certainly are considered major by the ADC map company. What do you consider a major road...The toll road?

    If you recall, you have said that ambulance protocol was to turn off lights and sirens when riding thru a neighborhood, that wasn't the cause a couple of weeks ago when the house in our neighborhood was struck by lightening.

    If you are going to state any contradictary comments to what I and others believe then I do insist that the information you are attempting to provide in contradiction be true and accurate.

    If HCA is so secure in the knowledge of the support they have here I cant believe they wouldn't fund an independant community survey.

    I am still waiting for an answer pertaining to the HCA proposal to "assist" the broadlands committees in purchasing they're "wish list" items. I guess purchasing items is a great way to gain support for thier side. I believe HCA requested this "wish list" by October. Can I add something to the HCA "wish list"...GO AWAY.(And that won't cost a thing).
  8. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    Well I can't speak for the other committees, but the Tech Committee (formerly web committee) declined the HCA offer due to conflicts in interest (as a committee we will not choose a side so to speak).

    Got Broadband?
  9. shamrox

    shamrox New Member

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I heard it.
    Cliff, why would anyone complain to the HOA that a helicopter responded to an accident?? I guess you are insinuating that all of the HCA opposition would complain about any and everything now???

    You are confusing this issue. I personally don't want helicopters routinely landing in close proximity to my house (the HCA helipad). Landing choppers make plenty of noise. The one your are referring to landed on Belmont Ridge, much further away than the planned helipad. I had no problems hearing the chopper. Do I want this on a daily basis? NO.
    Let's stick to the real issues here.
  10. vweisenburg

    vweisenburg New Member

    Feb 15, 2002
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    Ok. Maybe I a missing something here. Do we not live near Dulles airport? Am I the only one who hears at least 4 or 5 planes a day? So you are going to be bothered by the noise of one or two helicopter landings? Whatever, you all will think of anything to stop this hospital. Next someone will come up with a statistic that shows the xray equipment in the hospital will decrease the SAT scores of all the children in Broadlands by 25 points.

    For those of you who are against the hospital based on legitimate facts, though I may diasgree with you at least I can respect your position. The rest of you who continue to use ridiculous excuses like helicopter noise, ambulance noise, or all of the other petty reasons you put forth to stop the hospital, not only do I disagree with you, but I have no respect for your position.

    For those of you who are reading this and are still undecided, just take a look back through this forum and see which side has been open and honest in the debate. Maybe that will help you figure out which direction to go.
  11. shamrox

    shamrox New Member

    Apr 16, 2003
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    Yeah, you are missing something alright. Those planes from Dulles are up about 2000+ feet or more. Helicopters landing in Broadlands are at 300ft and less and make plenty more noise. So don't tell me I have a ridiculus excuse. I'm sick and tired of your rebutals and care even less what you think of my reasons for not wanting this hospital.

    I don't give an damn if I have your respect or not. And I'm done with this forum as a whole, because instead of arguing with you, whose opinion on the matter I care not about, I will focus my efforts on beating HCA.

    One last comment, you tell people to look back and see which side is being open and honest. 1. You haven't heard a dishonest word from my mouth, and I'm fully open about how I feel. and 2. HCA backers like yourself only want to cut down and mock any and all reasons opposing the hospital. <<comment removed by moderator>>

  12. vweisenburg

    vweisenburg New Member

    Feb 15, 2002
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    Nice. Not once did I say I had no respect for you only for your arguement, nor have I ever attacked anyone here personally. I don't appreciate the tone or language in your message.
  13. vweisenburg

    vweisenburg New Member

    Feb 15, 2002
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    As far as helicopter noise - I work on a military base and we have helicopters that are far larger and louder than any that would be flying into the hospital and they fly overhead at about 100ft and land no more than 400 yards away. The planes that take off and fly over my house some evenings are louder than the helicopters at my work, so they are absolutely louder than the helicopters that will be flying into the hospital.
  14. joy

    joy New Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    Since the most recent posts here seem mostly to be from people on one extreme or the other on this issue, I thought it might be helpful if a "neutral - leaning toward no" opinion chimed in.

    My only reason for being at all pro-hospital are:
    1) my personal not-great experiences with Loudoun HC.
    2) nice to have emergency medical care as close as possible.

    My reasons for being against are:
    1) HCA's main reason for locating in the Broadlands is that we are an affluent community. They want to move to an area where they don't have to worry about uninsured patients so they can MAKE LOTS OF MONEY. I felt this way from my first hearing about their desire to move to ASHBURN -- not even knowing it was Broadlands they were looking at.
    2) Somewhat tied to number one, the proposed site is located ridiculously close to an existing hospital. If HCA really wanted to serve Loudoun County, they would be looking to locate further south and/or west.
    3) Hospitals bring in a bad element. This one is often ridiculed by the pro-hospital side. Anyone hear about the guy accidentally shot by his roommate, who while being driven to the hospital by his roommate, crashed and then walked (gunshot wound and all) the rest of the way to LHC? See the Sheriff's Press Release at: http://inetdocs.loudoun.gov/sheriff/docs/newsreleases_/081803sterlingm/office2k/office2k.htm. Everyone who's ever been to an ER has seen people you wouldn't want to be around normally. When they arrive, they will be arriving through Broadlands. When they leave, they leave through Broadlands. Of course we have our own bad element already, as seen through vandalism and other crime. But why purposely attract more?

  15. vweisenburg

    vweisenburg New Member

    Feb 15, 2002
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    Thanks you for at least posting reasons. I am done here with this forum. Yes I am pro-hospital and have spent my efforts to rebut many of the anti-hospital positions, but that is not to say I don't have concerns about portions of the hospital either. I have just grown tired of the constant arguing and bickering back and forth. At this point I could care less what happens. This issue has polarized what used to be a nice neighborhood.
  16. chattycat

    chattycat Member

    Jun 29, 2003
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    ...only in America
  17. SK8R

    SK8R On the Clover Meadow

    Sep 3, 2002
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    I am pleased that you are tired of it, VW. If you read over your responses in this forum... you have been quite the crabby one.
    We all have our opinions and you have a grumpy response for each person that has anything negative against this hospital.
    This IS a nice neighborhood. Let's work to keep it this way.
    We do not need HCA in here breaking up our community.
    I truely hope this hospital does not happen.
  18. killer_bee

    killer_bee New Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    Thank you for the information, Joy. I had not seen the hospital-related crime report that you posted. That happened right here in Loudoun!!! Needless to say, I found it very informative.

    VACLIFF, can I ask you a question? How can people like you want to even RISK bringing a bad element into our community? My opinion is that it is morally irresponsible and reprehensible. If you win and something horrible happens (like a defenseless child or wife is attacked, hurt, or worse...), are you prepared to live with that burden weighing on your soul?

    killer_bee in broadands, ashburn, virginia
  19. Donna

    Donna New Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    Hi, please let me kow if you are available to help with this round of signature/petition gathering. I know many of you have asked how you can help...this is one way you can. Thanks, Donna
  20. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Killer Bee-
    To answer your question, I do not view a hospital as a "bad element" to the community. Neither do the residents near Lansdowne, Reston, And Fair Oaks hospitals that I have spoken to. My soul will be at peace with the potential for many lives to be saved or improved because a state of the art hospital is a few minutes closer.

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